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Memaparkan catatan dengan label PUTERA-AMCJA. Papar semua catatan

Ahad, Mac 09, 2008

Senarai Jemputan PMCJA

Berikut merupakan senarai badan² politik, kesatuan² buruh dan persatuan² sosial yang dijemput untuk menghadiri mesyuarat penubuhan PMCJA pada 22 Dis 1946. Nampaknya UMNO dan Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) tidak dijemput sekali.

Klik pada imej untuk besarkan.

Sumber: Koleksi Tan Cheng Lock Papers, Arkib Negara Malaysia

Jumaat, Mac 07, 2008

Agenda Mesyuarat Penubuhan PMCJA (1946)

Klik pada imej untuk besarkan.

Sumber: Koleksi Tan Cheng Lock Papers, Arkib Negara Malaysia

Rabu, Mac 05, 2008

Penubuhan Pan-Malayan Council of Joint Action (22 Dis 1946)

Berikut merupakan laporan penubuhan Pan-Malayan Council of Joint Action (PMCJA) dalam akhbar The Malaya Tribune bertarikh 23 Dis 1946, sehari sebelum isi kandungan cadangan Perlembagaan Federation yang disusun secara tertutup dan rahsia oleh Kerajaan Kolonial British, Raja2 Melayu dan UMNO diumumkan kepada rakyat.


Kuala Lumpur, Sunday - A joint organization was formed here today representing all shades of political opinion in the country outside the Malay Rulers and the United Malay National Organization who alone were consulted in the drafting of the new constitutional proposals for Malaya scheduled to be published on Tuesday.

The task of the new body is to crystallize the views of all communities in regard to the new constitution, and then make recommendations to the Government as regards any additions, or deletions or amendments which may be thought necessary to safeguard the interests of those bodies represented on the council.

The council is to be known as the Pan-Malayan Council of Joint Action. It was formed at a conference of various organizations held at the headquarters of the Malay Nationalist Party here today. Its membership for the present includes Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, the Malay Nationalist Party, the Malayan Democratic Union, the Pan Malayan Federation of Trade Unions, the Clerical Unions of Singapore, Penang, Malacca, Selangor and Perak, the Indian Chambers of Commerce of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, the Singapore Tamils Association, the Women’s Federation of Singapore and Selangor, and the Singapore Chinese Association.

At today’s conference, Mr Tan Cheng Lock was elected Chairman of the Council.

The Conference resolved to cable the Secretary of State for Colonies and the Acting Governor-General informing of the formation of the new Council and urging them to recognize as the only representative body with which H.M. Government may negotiate with a view to amending the constitution in accordance with the wishes of that part of the populace that has not been consulted so far.

It was also decided to request such bodies as are not members of the Council now to register themselves as members without delay so that its voice will be more effectively heard in the higher councils.

Meanwhile the Department of Public Relations is busy finalizing arrangements for the simultaneous publications of the new constitutional proposals throughout the country on Tuesday morning. Translations of the document in the various vernaculars are also said to be ready for distribution. The police have taken elaborate precautions to prevent any premature leakage of the document. Both at the Government Press where it was printed and at the office of the Public Relations Department stringent measures have been taken to keep the document a closely guarded secret until the date of publication.

It is generally expected here that in the coming weeks of intense political activity and negotiations with Government, the Council of Action formed at today’s conference will play a very vital role as the mouthpiece of a large part of the Malayan population.

Sumber: Akhbar The Malayan Tribune, 23 Dis 1946

Isnin, Mac 03, 2008

Pidato Tan Cheng Lock (23 Dis 1946)

Selaku Pengerusi AMCJA dan Naib-Pengerusi PUTERA-AMCJA, Tan Cheng Lock telah banyak menghadiri mesyuarat, demonstrasi dan rapat² umum di seluruh Malaya bagi membantah cadangan Perlembagaan Federation. Teks di bawah dipetik dari pidato beliau sehari selepas mesyuarat penubuhan Pan-Malayan Council of Joint Action (yang kemudian menukar nama kepada All-Malaya Council of Joint Action) di markas besar PKMM di Kuala Lumpur pada 23 Disember 1946.

Klik pada imej untuk besarkan.

Sumber: Buku Malayan Problems From A Chinese Point of View by Tan Cheng Lock, Edited by C.Q. Lee, TANNSCO, 1947

Jumaat, Februari 22, 2008

Hari ini dalam tahun 1947: 22 Februari


Pusat Tenaga Ra'ayat (PUTERA) Lahir

Hari ini dalam tahun 1947, Pusat Tenaga Ra'ayat atau PUTERA telah ditubuhkan semasa persidangan besar badan² politik kiri Melayu di Markas Besar PKMM di Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur. Lebih dari 100 badan² politik dan persatuan² dari seluruh Malaya dan Singapura telah menghantar wakil dalam persidangan itu, termasuklah Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM), Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API), Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS), Barisan Tani Se-Malaya (BATAS), Gerakan Angkatan Muda (GERAM), Lembaga Persatuan Melayu Johor, serta lain-lain persatuan² yang kecil. PUTERA telah dipengerusikan oleh Naib Yang Dipertua PKMM, Ishak Hj Muhammad.

Terdapat 14 dasar yang menjadi prinsip perjuangan PUTERA:

  1. Malaya Bersekutu termasok Singapore dan lain² pulau sakelilingnya
  2. MELAYU ialah Kebangsaan Malaya
  3. Bahasa Melayu ialah bahasa resmi Malaya
  4. Bendera Kebangsaan dan lagu Kebangsaan untok Sa-Malaya ditetapkan bagi mendapat Malaya Bersekutu dan Malaya Merdeka
  5. Kerajaan Pusat Malaya dan Kerajaan negeri yg sapenoh²nya dilantek oleh Raayat jelata
  6. Raja² Melayu sabenar-nya Raja yang berdaulat yang berketanggongan kepada raayat menerusi Majlis Mashuarat yang dilantek raayat
  7. Perlembagaan Melayu Baharu mestilah mempunyai sharat² yang khas untok kemajuan Politic, Economy, Pelajaran Bangsa Melayu yang mempunyai hak Pertuanan Malaya
  8. Ugama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu sapenohnya dikuasai oleh raayat jelata bangsa Melayu menerusi Majlis Mashuarat yang istimewa
  9. Hak² kerakyatan yang sama rata bagi orang² yang mahu tinggal tetap di-Tanah Melayu ini dan yang mengaku dengan sumpah tidak taat setia kepada mana² negeri selain daripada Malaya ialah mengikut sharat yang ditetapkan
  10. Soal pertahanan dalam serta perkara² luar terserah kepada pusat pemerintahan bersama dgn Kerajaan British buat sementara
  11. Menolak bulat² chadangan Perlembagaan Malaya Federation
  12. Menuntut Jawatan Kuasa Perundingan dimansokhkan
  13. Menuntut Kerajaan mengadakan perundingan baharu dengan badan Politik berhubong dengan Perlembagaan Malaya
  14. Mendesak Sultan² dan Pekembar jangan menerima chadangan Perlembagaan Malaya 

Nama PUTERA diilhamkan dari nama pertubuhan yang dipimpin oleh Sukarno semasa zaman pemerintahan Jepun di Indonesia.

Klik pada imej untuk besarkan.

Sumber: Akhbar The Malaya Tribune, 23 Feb 1947 dan Majalah Kenchana, bilangan 3, Mac 1947

Ahad, Februari 17, 2008

Bendera Rakyat (1947)

Bendera Rakyat telah dikibarkan secara rasmi di seluruh Malaya pada 10 Dis 1947. Menurut akhbar Utusan Melayu, hampir semua bandar² dan pekan² termasuk Melaka, Johor Bahru, Kuantan, Sungai Siput, Alor Setar dan Singapura telah mengadakan istiadat menaikkan bendera tersebut.

Semasa istiadat mengibarkan Bendera Rakyat di bangunan Malayan Democratic Union (MDU) di Singapura pada pagi 10 Dis 1947, Taha Kalu, Setiausaha Agung Pusat Tenaga Rakyat (PUTERA) telah menerangkan:

Bendera Rakyat yang baru kita naikkan ini ialah sebagai cogan persatuan rakyat yang berjiwa maju progresif. Bendera ini telah sama² diukir dan diputuskan oleh dua badan gabungan yang besar di Malaya, iaitu Pusat Tenaga Rakyat dan Majlis Bergerak Serentak Se-Malaya. Bendera ini kita namakan Bendera Rakyat, kerana ia adalah satu gambaran atau satu tanda, tegasnya satu cogan merupakan persatuan rakyat seluruh Malaya. Persatuan yang kita yakini akan bertahan kuat perdiriannya tiap² hari.

Maksud disebalik simbol² dalam Bendera Rakyat:

12 biji bintang

  • 12 negeri yang bergabung di Malaya
  • 9 Negeri Melayu (Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Terengganu, Perlis, Kelantan, Kedah, Johor)
  • 3 Negeri Selat (Pulau Pinang, Melaka, Singapura)
Warna kuning bintang
  • Keadilan dan kedaulatan rakyat
  • Perlembagaan Rakyat diiktiraf
  • Membayangkan semua negeri dalam keadaan aman dan makmur

Bintang berbucu lima

  • Ketuhanan
  • Kedaulatan rakyat
  • Keadilan sosial
  • Kebajikan
  • Kebangsaan

Warna merah

  • Keberanian dan kuasa kemahuan rakyat untuk menentang semua rintangan² supaya tercipta keadilan dan demokrasi di Malaya
Warna putih
  • Perjuangan yang didasarkan kepada kejujuran dan kesucian untuk mencapai kebebasan yang teratur dan tidak berdasarkan kepada haloba dan tamak, tetapi hanya dengan membawa cita² yang satu iaitu pemerintahan sendiri yang berdasarkan kepada kedaulatan rakyat

Warna Merah Putih mempunyai riwayat yang tertentu bagi penduduk² di Malaya dan telah dipilih dengan persetujuan PUTERA dan AMCJA kerana ia merupakan warna bendera kebangsaan Melayu di zaman Kerajaan Majapahit semasa abad yang keempat belas dahulu.

Sumber: Akhbar Utusan Melayu, 11 Dis 1947 dan akhbar The Straits Times, 11 Nov 1947

Isnin, Februari 11, 2008

Seruan Hartal Se-Malaya oleh ACCC bertarikh 5 Okt 1947

Klik pada imej untuk besarkan.

Poster/selebaran di atas telah dikeluarkan oleh Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Malaya (Dewan Perniagaan Cina Se-Malaya) pada 5 Okt 1947 bagi menyokong tindakan protes Hartal Seluruh Malaya anjuran PUTERA-AMCJA.

Klik sini untuk dengar dan baca seruan Hartal yang dikeluarkan oleh PUTERA-AMCJA.

Jumaat, Januari 11, 2008

Struktur organisasi PUTERA-AMCJA

Klik pada imej untuk besarkan.

Nota yang penuh dengan akronim ni aku temui di Arkib Negara dalam koleksi Tan Cheng Lock Papers. Nota ni tak bertarikh, kebarangkalian besar ditulis selepas Hartal, semasa persidangan Conference of Delegates PUTERA-AMCJA yang pertama di Kuala Lumpur pada 3 November 1947. Berdasarkan tulisan tangannya, yang pasti, ia ditulis oleh Tan Cheng Lock sendiri. Nota ini mendedahkan secara ringkas struktur organisasi PUTERA-AMCJA. Di sini biar aku cuba terangkan isi kandungan nota kecil ni.

Dua badan politik utama yang membentuk PUTERA-AMCJA ialah Pusat Tenaga Ra'ayat (PUTERA) dan All-Malaya Council of Joint Action (AMCJA).

PUTERA dianggotai oleh:
1. Malay Nationalist Party (MNP) atau Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM)
2. Peasants Union atau Barisan Tani Se-Malaya (BATAS)
3. Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS)
4. Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API)
dan 70 pertubuhan2 kecil.

AMCJA pula dianggotai oleh:
1. Pan-Malayan Federation of Trade Unions (PMFTU)
2. Malayan Indian Congress (MIC)
3. Malayan Democratic Union (MDU)
4. Malayan New Democratic Youth League (MNDYL)
5. Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army Ex-Service Comrades Association (MPAJA)
6. Women's Federation (W's Fed)
bersama Tan Cheng Lock (TCL) sebagai Pengerusi.

Kedua² badan ini akan bersidang dalam satu Persidangan Wakil² Delegasi (Conference of Delegates), enam bulan sekali. Setiap tahun Conference of Delegates ini akan melantik satu Jawatankuasa Kerja Bersama (Joint Working Committee) yang bertanggungjawab untuk melaksanakan polisi yang ditetapkan semasa persidangan. Jawatankuasa ini akan bermesyuarat dua bulan sekali.

Joint Working Committee ini dianggotai oleh:
1. PUTERA sebagai Pengerusi (Chairperson) - diwakili oleh Ishak Hj. Muhammad
2. AMCJA sebagai Timbalan Pengerusi (Vice-Chairperson) - diwakili oleh Tan Cheng Lock
3. Ahli Lembaga Setiausaha (Board of Secretaries):
a. MNP sebagai Setiausaha Persidangan (Presiding Secretary)
b. MDU sebagai Setiausaha Umum (General Secretary) dan Bendahari (Treasurer)
c. MIC, BATAS dan MPAJA sebagai Setiausaha Propaganda (Propaganda Secretary)
4. Ahli² Jawatankuasa: AWAS, API, Lembaga Kesatuan Melayu Johor, PMFTU, MNDYL dan Women's Federation

Barisan akhir dalam nota tu, Tan Cheng Lock tulis "Monthly financial statement". 

Bahan² sejarah menarik macam ni lah yang buat aku minat menyelidik tentang sejarah.

Sumber: Koleksi Tan Cheng Lock Papers, Arkib Negara Malaysia

Khamis, Januari 10, 2008

Perlembagaan Rakyat vs. Perlembagaan Federation


Malaya, 1947, sepuluh tahun sebelum merdeka.

Di sebelah kiri ada Perlembagaan Rakyat yang disusun oleh Pusat Tenaga Ra'ayat dan All-Malaya Council of Joint Action (PUTERA-AMCJA).

Di sebelah kanan pula ada Perlembagaan Federation yang disusun oleh Kerajaan Kolonial British, Raja2 Melayu dan United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).

Sekarang kamu boleh baca dan bandingkan sendiri kedua2 cadangan Perlembagaan baru untuk Malaya pada tahun 1947 ni.

Kalau kamu hidup pada zaman tu, Perlembagaan mana yang menjadi pilihan kamu?

Download dokumen PDF Perlembagaan Rakyat (3.6MB):
Peoples Constitution (1947)

Download dokumen PDF Perlembagaan Federation (0.6MB):
Federation Proposals (1946)

Khamis, November 15, 2007

"Demonstrasi bukan amalan demokrasi rakyat negara ini?" (10)

Berikut merupakan laporan demonstrasi anti-Federation yang keluar dalam akhbar Sunday Tribune bertarikh 23 Februari 1947. Demonstrasi tersebut telah dijalankan serentak dengan majlis penubuhan Pusat Tenaga Ra'ayat (PUTERA) pada 22 Februari 1947.

Sumber: Akhbar Sunday Tribune, 23 Feb 1947

"Demonstrasi bukan amalan demokrasi rakyat negara ini?" (9)

Berikut merupakan laporan demonstrasi anti-Federation yang keluar dalam akhbar The Malaya Tribune bertarikh 28 Disember 1946.


When the leftwing Malay Nationalist Party held their second Congress in Malacca this week, they protested against the federation plan, and over a hundred delegates from all over Malaya, staged a demonstration by conducting a mammoth procession through the town.

This picture taken during the protest-march shows men and women carrying banners one of which reads: "Zalim itu binasa" (Injustice is ruination).

Another picture of the Malay demonstration in Malacca against the Federation plan

Sumber: Akhbar The Malaya Tribune, 28 Dis 1946

Isnin, November 12, 2007

"Demonstrasi bukan amalan demokrasi rakyat negara ini?" (8)

Rapat umum PUTERA-AMCJA dari tahun 1947 atau 1948. Aku masih mencari tarikh, tempat dan tujuan rapat umum ini dijalankan. Buku From Malayan Union to Singapore Separation, dari mana aku ambil gambar ini tak beri apa-apa penerangan selain kapsyen pendek di bawah gambar. Yang pasti, rapat umum ini berlaku selepas 9 Disember 1947, tarikh Bendera Rakyat (bendera depan rostrum dalam gambar) dikibarkan buat pertama kali di luar ibu pejabat Malayan Democratic Union (MDU). Tentang Bendera Rakyat aku cerita lain kali.

Sumber: Buku From Malayan Union to Singapore Separation, Mohamed Noordin Sopiee, University Malaya Press, 1979

"Demonstrasi bukan amalan demokrasi rakyat negara ini?" (7)

Berikut merupakan laporan demonstrasi anti-Federation yang keluar dalam akhbar The Malaya Tribune bertarikh 22 September 1947.

A section of the crowd which yesterday attended the mass meeting at Farrer Park, Singapore, to support the constitutional proposals drafted by the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action and Pusat Tenaga Ra'ayat.

Federation Plan Condemned

A mass meeting in Farrer Park yesterday unanimously supported the People’s Constitutional Proposals drafted by PUTERA and the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action.

The meeting, sponsored by PUTERA and the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action, was largely attended.

A resolution was passed protesting against the holding of the Singapore elections and rejecting the British Government’s latest White Paper on Malaya’s future constitution.

This, and other resolutions passed by the meeting, are to be sent to the Secretary for the Colonies, the Governor-General and the Governors of the Malayan Union and Singapore.

Representatives of nearly 90 unions, associations, and youth and women’s movements attended the meeting. Banners opposed the separation of Singapore from Malaya and condemning the White Paper.

Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, Chairman of the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action, in a speech to the crowd said:

“Broken Promise”

“The Government has broken its promise and acted in defiance of public opinion.

“The Government pledged itself to give the people a constitution based upon the consent of the governed, which would provide a good beginning from which the country might advanced towards self-government.

“Instead it appears to be persisting in imposing upon the country a constitution to which the bulk of the people are definitely and strongly opposed, thus creating a widespread feeling of dissatisfaction, frustration and resentment throughout Malaya.

“We asked for bread and to our great dismay we have been given stone.”

Mr. Tan Cheng Lock added that one of the worst features of the revised constitutional scheme was that it aimed at dividing the Malayan population into antagonistic and irreconcilable groups – thus giving Government ample scope to play one group or community against another.

PUTERA and the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action represented the most progressive public-spirited and dynamic elements of the different communities in the Malayan population and they took their stand on the solid rock of the national cause of Malaya as an united whole, he said.

“New Guise”

Mr. Philip Hoalim, chairman of the Malayan Democratic Union, said that the Constitutional Proposals drafted by PUTERA and the AMCJA directly reflected the will and desires of the most progressive and politically-conscious sections of the people of Malaya.

The proposals constituted the immediate goal of the democratic movement of Malaya.

The revised White Paper represented the views of the ruling class and the small group of privileged persons who sought to prolong their exploitation of the common people under a new guise.

“The White Paper very thoroughly reveals the author’s plan to ‘divide and rule’ the people of Malaya under the pretence of giving special privileges to the Malay community,” said Mr. Hoalim.

He added that the citizenship proposals in the White Paper were particularly revealing in this connection.

A study in faces and races was taken by a Straits Times photographer at the mass meeting at Farrer Park on Sunday, called to protest against the new constitution for the Federation of Malaya excluding Singapore.

Sumber: Akhbar The Straits Times, 22 Sept 1947

Jumaat, November 09, 2007

Hari ini dalam tahun 1947: 9 November

PUTERA-AMCJA tubuhkan biro berita di London

Hari ini dalam tahun 1947, Pusat Tenaga Rakyat dan All-Malaya Council of Joint Action (PUTERA-AMCJA) telah menubuhkan sebuah biro berita di London di bawah pentadbiran wakil mereka di sana, Lim Hong Bee. Berikut merupakan artikel dari akhbar The Straits Echo bertarikh 10 November 1947 yang melaporkan penubuhan biro tersebut.

Queen's Scholar is Director

Kuala Lumpur, Nov 9 – Putera and the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action, in a press statement, yesterday announced that a News and Information Bureau on Malayan Affairs has been set up in London under the direction of a representative of Putera and AMCJA in London, Mr. Lim Hong Bee.

The statement goes on to say: Mr. Lim Hong Bee, a Queen’s Scholar, who is now in London completing his law studies, is well known to the democratic movement in Malaya as one of the founders and first general secretary of the Malayan Democratic Union. He recently represented the people of Malaya at the International Human Rights Conference in London.

The News and Information Bureau has already set up news and information service on Malayan Affairs and is producing a regular Malayan newsletter, the first issue of which was scheduled to appear last week.

The Bureau has also distributed a large number of copies of the People’s Constitutional Proposals drafted by Putera and AMCJA to M.P.’s, progressive associations, leading English newspapers, the Colonial Office and others.

In his lates report to Putera and AMCJA, Mr. Lim Hong Bee states that letters requesting copies of the People’s Constitutional Proposals are pouring in on every hand, while those to whom copies have been given are asking for more.

Powerful Impression

Request for copies of the People’s Constitution, writes Mr. Lim Hong Bee, have also been received from European countries and from the United States.

Mr. Lim Hong Bee also says in his latest report that the success of the hartal created a powerful impression in London.

The London Times, he says, described the city of Singapore on Hartal Day as an impressive spectacle of miles of shuttered shops and empty streets.

The statement went on to say that it will be of interest to the people of Malaya as an exposure of anti-British propaganda, which is being used against Putera and AMCJA, that among those working in London are several Englishmen. They include Mr. Neill Steward, author, Major John Eyre, and his wife, Joan Eyre, Mr. S. H. Cox, Mr. John Dowding and Dr. E. Montussohi, M.D.

All of them, except Mr. Neill Steward, are well known to democrats in Malaya; as they were stationed here with the British armed services for lengthy periods during the past two years.

These British democrats studies Malayan conditions at first hand and their readiness to participate in establishing of the News and Information Bureau on Malayan Affairs in London under the direction of the Putera and AMCJA representative is very significant.

It proves that these British democrats agree that the policy of Putera and AMCJA on the Malayan constitutional issue is in the best interests not only of the people of Malaya but also of the people of Britain. It also shows that there are many Britishers who wholeheartedly support the campaign on the constitutional issue which is being directed by Putera and AMCJA as being in the best traditions of British militant democracy.

Other Functions

Another function of the London News and Information Bureau will be to maintain constant and close contact with M.P.’s, progressive associations, trade unions and newspapers in England in order that they may keep the truth about Malaya and Malayan condition always before the eyes of the British people.

“We, therefore request all political and other organisations, all trade unions, etc., to send us information about their activities and other relevant news in order that we may relay this information to our London representative, Mr. Lim Hong Bee, who would in particular, like to have journals statements and other publications of Malayan associations,” the statement concluded.

All documentary and other material intended for London should be addressed to the General Secretary, Putera and All-Malaya Council of Joint Action, 59 Klyne Street, Kuala Lumpur.

Sumber: Akhbar The Straits Echo, 10 Nov 1947

Jumaat, Oktober 26, 2007

Pengisytiharan Hartal dibaca oleh Lim Kean Chye

Laporan pengisytiharan hartal se-Malaya PUTERA-AMCJA dalam akhbar The Straits Echo 6 Okt 1947 dibaca oleh Lim Kean Chye.

Klip video ini juga memberi jawapan kepada siapa sebenarnya yang bertanggungjawab mencadangkan aksi hartal kepada PUTERA-AMCJA! Seorang tokoh yang sangat progresif pemikirannya pada waktu itu.

Keratan akhbar The Straits Echo bertarikh 6 Oktober 1947.

Khamis, Oktober 25, 2007

Pengisytiharan Hartal dibaca oleh Zainuddin Andika

Laporan pengisytiharan hartal se-Malaya PUTERA-AMCJA dalam akhbar Utusan Melayu 6 Okt 1947 dibaca oleh Zainuddin Andika.

Pengisytiharan Hartal dibaca oleh Hashim Said

Laporan pengisytiharan hartal se-Malaya PUTERA-AMCJA dalam akhbar Utusan Melayu 6 Okt 1947 dibaca oleh Hashim Said.

Pengisytiharan Hartal dibaca oleh Yahya Nassim

Laporan pengisytiharan hartal se-Malaya PUTERA-AMCJA dalam akhbar Utusan Melayu 6 Okt 1947 dibaca oleh Yahya Nassim.

Pengisytiharan Hartal, 6 Okt 1947

Akhbar Utusan Melayu bertarikh 6 Okt 1947 telah menyiarkan kenyataan pengisytiharan hartal se-Malaya yang dikeluarkan oleh PUTERA-AMCJA di dalam laporan yang bertajuk "Hartal Seluruh Malaya 20 Oktober - PUTERA dan Majlis Bergerak Serentak Jawab MacDonald"

Ahad, Oktober 21, 2007

Slogan Hartal PUTERA-AMCJA

Pada 15 Oktober 1947, PUTERA-AMCJA telah mengeluarkan 12 Slogan/Cogankata Hartal kepada pihak media, merumuskan sebab-sebab utama hari hartal dijalankan untuk digunakan oleh rakyat dalam poster serta sepanduk menjelang hari hartal nanti. Berikut merupakan 12 slogan/cogankata hartal yang disiarkan menerusi akhbar Malaya Tribune bertarikh 16 Oktober 1947 dan akhbar Utusan Melayu bertarikh 17 Oktober 1947.

1. October 20 is hartal day!
2. On October 20 you must support the People’s Constitutional Proposals of PUTERA-AMCJA!
3. All communities unite against the revised constitutional proposals on October 20!
4. The Revised Constitutional Proposals are against the interest of all communities!
5. All communities must make the hartal a success on October 20!
6. Defeat the divide and rule policy by complete unity on October 20!
7. Join the hartal for your own benefit on October 20!
8. The People’s Constitutional Proposals are democratically drawn up by the people’s representative!
9. The People’s Constitutional Proposals fight for the interests of all who regard Malaya as their home!
10. The Revised Constitutional Proposals were undemocratically drawn up by the 12 Man Committee!
11. The Revised Constitutional Proposals will only benefit the British imperial government!
12. Victory to the PUTERA-AMCJA action on October 20!

1. 20 Oktober ialah hari hartal!
2. Pada 20 Oktober kamu harus sokong cadangan-cadangan Perlembagaan Rakyat yang disusun oleh Majlis Bergerak Serentak dan Pusat Tenaga Rakyat!
3. Segala bangsa bersatulah menentang cadangan-cadangan Perlembagaan yang dipinda oleh pemerintah pada 20 Oktober ini!
4. Cadangan-cadangan Perlembagaan yang dipinda itu menentang kepentingan rakyat jelata!
5. Tiap-tiap bangsa harus menjayakan hari hartal 20 Oktober!
6. Leburkan dasar pecah-belah kemudian memerintah dengan satu-padu pada 20 Oktober!
7. Bersama-samalah menjayakan hartal untuk kepentingan kamu pada 20 Oktober ini!
8. Cadangan-cadangan yang disusun oleh rakyat sendiri adalah berdasarkan demokrasi!
9. Cadangan-cadangan Perlembagaan Rakyat memperjuangkan hak tiap-tiap seorang yang mensifatkan Malaya sebagai tanahairnya!
10. Cadangan-cadangan Perlembagaan yang dipinda oleh Jawatankuasa 12 Orang itu mencabul kedaulatan rakyat!
11. Cadangan-cadangan Perlembagaan yang dipinda oleh pemerintah hanya menguntungkan penjajahan British!
12. Berjayalah PUTERA dan Majlis Bergerak Serentak Se-Malaya pada 20 Oktober!

Sumber: Akhbar Malaya Tribune, 16 Oktober 1947 dan akhbar Utusan Melayu, 17 Oktober 1947