Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

O Maria!

The latest art exhibition in town featured a famous artist whose name was familiar to Maria.

He had been her classmate in junior school! 

Then, he was transferred elsewhere.

Later, Maria found him featured in the media.

She started following his work.

She always felt proud of his achievements.

Photo Prompt- Roger Bultot

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Prints Being Sold As Pattachitra Art Paintings

In our previous post, we shared how the eyes of the deities are now being misrepresented- in printed photographs/images that are used even in temples and at homes in Puja rooms, and also on diaries, calendars etc.

Misrepresentation of Eyes of Deities- Shree Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra and Shree Jagannatha-

Even in the new art- paintings created by hand- artists are shaping the eyes incorrectly & not presenting the original eyes.

What is the shape of the eyes of Shree Balabhadra & Devi Subhadra in the "Pattachitra Art Painting" image given below?
This image depicts the eyes better (without squint)-

What is the name of the art that you can see in the above images?

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

The Real Art And The Artist

The view was very beautiful.

The artist in Lizy was ecstatic.

Lizy had to express it on her canvas.

Photo Prompt- Rochelle Wisoff Fields

She returned with her painting materials.

She took pains to ensure that her sketch was a replica.

Monday, 15 January 2024

Sohrai-Khovar Painting - Justin Imam

It was wonderful to meet & interact with Justin Imam ji 6 weeks ago at the Odi Art Museum at the Chilika Shelduck Folk Carnival 2023 held at Barkul, Odisha where he was a speaker.

He had also displayed Sohrai & Khovar at the stall. He was so enthusiastic about this GI craft's promotion and explained to all visitors continuously and proudly shared information with all. 

"Which way to hold the painting? Horizontally or vertically?" I asked while being sure that it was to be vertically.
"Am I holding it right?" I showed him by turning back as he was standing inside the stall while I was outside (Pics 1 & 2)
That's when he corrected me. You can see the image that has the correct depiction.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

The Art Project

The teacher announced "The Art Project".  

Students were free to choose any medium and topic.

Every student was to present their creation after a week.

Ira knew that her canvas and creation would be unique and special.

She started preparing.


It was "Art Project Day" at school.

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

The Palace Rose Garden

The travellers went to the palace.

"Photography is not allowed inside", their Guide warned.


When Dia saw the palace, she walked as though she knew the place. 

Photo Prompt- David Stewart

"A beautiful Princess once lived here", the Guide informed.

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Patachitra - Traditional Art of Odisha

 "Patachitra is the cloth scroll painting tradition from Odisha, dedicated to mythological and religious themes in Indian art. Bold, strong outlines, vibrant colours like white, red, yellow and black with decorative borders."

Apart from cloth & other materials, a locally-prepared canvas called Pata/Patta is also used for this amazing art style.

It is great to find correct information regarding the various arts of India in the report by India Today-
10 Distinct & Ethnic Paintings of India.

Monday, 6 December 2021

Pattachitra- Copy And Misrepresentation #StopPattachitraMisuse

We start with a quiz question- Identify this art.

After taking a look at the above image, the name of which art comes to your mind? 

At first glance, seeing the borders and style, one knows that it is Pattachitra, that is also being spelled as Patachitra. It is an ancient art of Odisha that is linked with the Shree Jagannatha Temple, Puri.

However, the name of Odisha's exquisite Pattachitra art is being copied and presently, different art is being passed off as "Pattachitra/Patachitra". 

Why is the name of West Bengal clubbed with Odisha too when the similar art of their place is called "Pot"/Patua/Potua?

Friday, 27 November 2020

Awareness About The Art of Odisha

 Last year, OdiArt Museum of Odisha, India, had invited me as a judge of the fashion-cum-personality contest- Ms. Chilika and Mr. Chilika, held during the Shelduck Festival 2019. 

There were some Q&A rounds where the judges asked questions and the participants had to answer. 
The age of all the participants was less than 30 years.

I asked some questions, one of which was- "Name at least one art or handicraft of Odisha."

I was surprised to find that my question could not be answered by the contestant to whom it was directed. I tried giving hints, but still the young participant, who had completed high school, could not answer.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

The Balancing Act

"This newly excavated city was built 5000 years ago," the senior researcher announced.

As Deena's eyes were fixed at the creative expression on stone, she looked like a woman possessed.

"Does this remind you of something?" her friend Rosy inquired.

"That's me!" replied Deena.

"You in your past birth 5000 years ago!" Rosy joked.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Toshali Crafts Mela

Odisha, a state in eastern India, has amazing art, crafts and handlooms. All are very bright, colorful and beautiful.

There are many handicrafts and handlooms fairs and exhibitions that are held like the popular and famous Toshali Crafts Mela. It is held annually in December each year in the Janata Maidan ground in Bhubaneswar.

Monday, 29 October 2018

#RasagolaDibasa Doodle And Pattachitra

For this year's Niladri Bije, the last day of the Ratha Jatra, I planned to wear something special.
Niladri Bije is celebrated as Rasagola Day i.e. #RasagolaDibasa.
As per the centuries-old tradition of Puri Temple, Lord Jagannath offers Rasagolas to appease His wife, Devi Laxmi. Also, devotees offer Rasagolas to Lord Jagannath on this day.
I had handed over a gamuchha (a multi-purpose cloth used in Odisha) to our Pattachitra artist.

Pattachitra is an ancient art of Odisha that is found on the walls of the Shree Jagannath Temple, Puri, and also on the chariots (Rathas) of the Ratha Jatra.
I had discussed that I want the story of Niladri Bije depicted by Pattachitra on my kurta.
I sent my idea as a doodle to our artist. 
It was just a quick sketch to put him on the same track as my thoughts.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

The Master Artist

“Hello,” said the voice on the phone. “My name is  Peter Taichovhaz. I know you never expected a call from me, as famous as I am, but I’ve been given your name as someone who can help me.”

Peter Taichovhaz was an internationally-famous artist, who had won many awards. 
Regaining her composure, Anna replied, "Great privilege to receive your call, Mr.Taichovhaz. How can I help you?"

"Can you come over to my office today at 5 PM ?"

"Sure. I'll be there!"

Anna, a young student artist, had been striving for a couple of months to ensure that Peter Taichovhaz noticed her work. She had sincerely submitted two of her creations for the Annual Art Awards competition just because he was the judge! Her efforts had borne fruit!

Anna found herself at the Peter Taichovhaz office where she found two of her art-works displayed on the elegant wooden-table in the centre.

One was her sculpture of the buried chairs that she had titled 'CONFUSION'.
#MidWeekFlash Week 61 Challenge - Sculpture by Ivan Puig

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

A Hero In Real Life

Indian Bloggers
Chosen as a Spicy Saturday Pick by BlogAdda here.
Heroes are not just the ones we see on the big or small screens in reel-life.
We get to meet heroes in real life too. 
They religiously do their works & duties. They are down-to-earth, sincere, and humble. Heroes do not consider their daily lives to be spectacular though their efforts make the world better & more beautiful. 

I got to meet a hero recently in a village near Pipili in Puri district, Odisha, India.

I found women of all ages at work. Using paints, paint-brushes, and eco-friendly & recycled materials like old newspapers, everyday they are creating awesome works of art that are bright, colourful and environment-friendly. Birds & Fish Hangings, Pen-Stands, Flower-Vases, File-Folders with Saura art (Tribal art), Head-shaking Turtles, Key-chain hangers, Painted bottles, Cardboard Dancing Toys shaped as Spiderman etc- their creative work is much loved & much in demand in India & abroad. 

The credit goes to a hero- Mr. Surjyo Narayan Sahoo, who has been imparting them training and ensuring them a good source of income. 

Watch this video for sustainable Odisha art and artists-

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Durga Puja - Old Station Square, Bhubaneswar

Not many know that Durga Puja has been celebrated for centuries in Odisha, a state of India.

Durga Puja is celebrated with great grandeur & style here.

This year, I was particularly touched by the Durga Puja Pandal at Old Station Square, Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha, is called the Temple City of India. One time it had more than 100,000 temples; now there are hundreds...

Note- The following photos and images shared in this post are from the Old Station Square Durga Puja Pandal of Bhubaneswar. The Pandal  presented a glimpse of history with relevant social messages that set me thinking.


Saturday, 30 August 2014

Happy Creativity!

I was amazed to see my daughter's e-art & collage-making skills.

Sharing them here!

Some pictures created by her & photographs of me & my daughter that my little one has put together using my dad's smartphone!

My Daughter & I - Created by my Daughter using Smartphone

Monday, 30 June 2014

My Mermaid

There was a sparkle in his eyes.

I sensed my creation’s cries.

Beautiful fashionable mermaid sitting on a rock by the sea - stock photo

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