The moldings throughout the main floor were fantastic - LOVE the greek key motif found throughout.
The painted ceiling in this small sitting room right off the entrance was beautiful. It's not often you walk into a room with a rich painted ceiling in an Egyptian motif. I'm wondering if the designer (Nestor Santa-Cruz) will keep it? I couldn't tell from the design board and Mr. S-C was not there.
The Bare Bones tour gives the public an opportunity to walk through the empty house and meet some of the designers and see what their concepts will be for each room. Not all designers were there, but most rooms had a concept board on display so we were able to gauge the overal look of each room.
I think my favorite part was meeting the designers - it was great to hear them talk about their rooms or just chat with them for a little while. I also met Jennifer Sergent of the blog DC by Design, which was great! It was fun talking blog shop with her.
As I walked through the enormous house, I definitely had some favorite concepts, so I thought this week I'd show you the boards that I liked the most.
As we (p.s. Did I tell you Carter came with me? Good man...) walked into the house, the first room we saw was the entrance hall which will be designed by SCW Interiors. The Alexandria-based firm is led by Shazalynn Cavin Winfrey, who I met standing by her lovely board.
As you can see, the room will be done in beautiful grey-toned neutrals with stunning light fixtures and wallpapers. This board set the tone for the rest of the house, as many designers were going toward more subtle color palettes and incorporating classical elements that worked well with the style of the home.
(Click on the board to see a larger image)
It was great talking with Shazalynn and hearing her vision for the space. Check out some more GORGEOUS work by her firm:
All images via
Shazalynn's board is a study in soothing tones, but as you can see from her portfolio the woman knows color! After I saw her DCDH concept, I wasn't expecting such bright hues in her portfolio. She also had many neutral spaces in her work, but of course I picked the ones with the most color to show here. Lovely work...and much of it done where I live in Alexandria.
Can't wait to walk into the house in April and see what SCW has done with the space.