
Tabletop RPG: Monster World Event [16 May - 23 May 2019]

update 21/05/2019
Tabletop RPG Event Pages
Tabletop RPG: Monster World Event
Tristan Taylor
Tristan Taylor

Updated Information

  • Event Decklists Updated
  • Area Infinity Map after 50th Floor Added

Event Details

Date16 May 2019 - 23 May 2019

【予告】 冒険盤RPG モンスター・ワールド開催! ダイスバトルとイベント専用デッキでエリア攻略を目指せ! さらに今回は「あの男」ゲットのチャンス! 「魔法の銃を持つ魔銃士ってのも悪くねーな!!」 #デュエルリンクス


The gameplay of this event is a mix of Yu-Gi-Oh! and a dugeon crawl-type games. You will not be able to use your own decks, but instead pre-made decks you find in the dungeons.

Aside from Dueling there are also dice battles which are mostly luck based. Both Dice Battle and Dueling opponents progressively get more difficult as you ascend the dungeon!

For Duelists who have not yet unlocked Tristan Taylor this is your chance to get him!

Area 36-50 Unlocked

Area 36-50 has been unlocked from 20 May 13:00 and You can complete the Area 45 to get the Exclusive Skill of Yami Bakura. This Skill will be sent to your Gift BOX if you haven't unlocked Yami Bakura yet but please be aware of the expiration date.

Area 21-35 Unlocked

Area 21-35 has been unlocked from 18 May 13:00 and You can complete the Area 25 to unlock the Exclusive Character, Tristan Taylor. UR Jewel will be given instead to those who already own Tristan Taylor

Yami Bakura's New Skill Obtained

Monster World is now more accessible! This time, you can Yami Bakura New Skill by completing Area 45 which will be added on 20 May 2019 13:00

Zorc Appears!

[Skill] descriptionUser
Zorc Appears!
Roll a six-sided die. If the result is less than the current turn count, play 1 "Dark Master - Zorc" from your hand. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Yami Bakura
Yami Bakura

Event Details

1. Explore the area you are in

The Event overall is pretty straight forward: you find yourself on an RPG Board and you have to explore it

2. Obtain a Event Deck through dice battle

Dice Battle

Both you and your opponent have a certain amount of HP; you both get to roll the dice and the outcome of each roll is the amount of damage you inflict to each other.
It’s an interesting concept, but it gets repetitive very quickly; you might as well tap on the screen without looking, the outcome won’t change.

3. Use your Event Deck to Duel against monsters

Regular Battles

In order to advance, you will have to face a Boss at the end of each area (even though some areas feature multiple Mini Bosses) in a regular duel, but you won’t be able to utilize any of your own decks. You can obtain new decks by playing the event, but you won’t be able to use them anywhere else.

4. Complete the area to obtain a Reward!

Event Rewards

Is this event worth playing in the first place?
If you are solely interested in obtaining Gems, well the event so far. It’s not that difficult to play and you can pretty much Auto-Duel anything up to a certain point if not the entire event.

Dark Master - Zorc

If you were interested in Dark Master - Zorc, he can only be obtained from the Lottery so far, but the event will likely be updated in the next days and, fortunately enough, unlike in the Duel Island Event, the pool of cards for the Lottery is more restricted, so theoretically it should be easier to get what you want (even though having to rely on RNG to get multiple copies of any card, is still terrible).

Zorc is a Ritual Monster that has a 33% chance of destroying all monsters your opponent controls, a 50% chance of destroying only one and around a 16% chance of wiping your own field.

Do we already have something similar in Duel Links?

Garlandolf, King of Destruction is another Ritual Monster with the ability of wiping the opponent’s side of the field, but his effect will trigger automatically instead of having to be activated manually, so it doesn’t if the opponent uses Floodgate Trap Hole or Paleozoic Canadia.

Garlandolf, King of Destruction can only destroy face-up monsters and only the ones whose DEF is lower than his own ATK, meaning he would not be able to destroy a Wiz, Sage Fur Hire, whereas Zorc doesn’t have either of these limitations.

Which one is better? Zorc has slightly more ATK and a more generic destruction effect, but he is not really much of an upgrade compared to Garlondolf.

5. Save up the lottery coins to use in the lottery

6. Area Infinity

You can explore Area Infinity after completing Area 15
- You can explore Area Infinity will transform and reset after completing all area planned to be added after 7 Dec 13:00

7. Conclusion

The event looks nice, just like previous ones already did, but it fails in being enjoyable to play and the rewards are not impactful; however it’s still better than the Duel Island Event and it even gives you the chance to try out U.A. and Mermails before their official release.

Area Infinity Map Guide

The Infinity Map is provided by dgamelinks.blogspot

Infinity Map After 50th Floor

Infinity Map After 35th Floor

Event Exclusive Deck

Spellcaster Lvl 10

Rogue DollRogue DollThe Illusory GentlemanThe Illusory GentlemanMaiden of the MoonlightMaiden of the Moonlight
Maiden of the MoonlightAncient ElfAncient ElfAncient ElfDoriadoDoriado
DoriadoTao the ChanterTao the ChanterTao the ChanterBlock AttackBlock Attack
Blue MedicineBlue Medicine----

Spellcaster Lvl 20

Legion the Fiend JesterLegion the Fiend JesterCopycatCopycatTrance the Magic SwordsmanTrance the Magic Swordsman
Mist Valley WatcherMist Valley WatcherMist Valley WatcherNeo the Magic SwordsmanNeo the Magic SwordsmanNeo the Magic Swordsman
Rogue DollRogue DollRogue DollWonder WandBlock AttackBlock Attack
Book of Secret ArtsBook of Secret Arts----

Spellcaster Lvl 30

The TrickyThe TrickyKycoo the Ghost DestroyerKycoo the Ghost DestroyerBlizzard PrincessBlizzard Princess
Chow Len the ProphetChow Len the ProphetMaiden of MacabreMaiden of MacabreMaiden of MacabreGemini Elf
Gemini ElfTribute to The DoomedTribute to The DoomedMage PowerOne-Shot WandOne-Shot Wand
Wonder WandWonder Wand----

Dragon Lvl 10

Divine Dragon RagnarokDivine Dragon RagnarokDivine Dragon RagnarokBlackland Fire DragonBlackland Fire DragonLesser Dragon
Lesser DragonKoumori DragonKoumori DragonKoumori DragonWinged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1Dragon's GunfireDragon's GunfireMountainMountainMountain
Block AttackBlock Attack----

Dragon Lvl 20

Lancer LindwurmLancer LindwurmTotem DragonTotem DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon
Divine Dragon RagnarokDivine Dragon RagnarokDivine Dragon RagnarokHunter DragonHunter DragonKoumori Dragon
Koumori DragonKoumori DragonBlock AttackBlock AttackDragon TreasureDragon Treasure
Tyrant WingTyrant Wing----

Dragon Lvl 30

Vanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonAxe DragonuteAxe DragonuteKidmodo Dragon
Kidmodo DragonKidmodo DragonExploder DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon
Luster DragonLuster DragonStamping DestructionStamping DestructionDark CoreEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerBurst Breath----

Warrior Lvl 20

Blade KnightBlade KnightBlade KnightElemental HERO WildheartElemental HERO WildheartElemental HERO Wildheart
Elemental HERO SparkmanElemental HERO SparkmanElemental HERO SparkmanWarrior of ZeraWarrior of ZeraWarrior of Zera
Queen's KnightQueen's KnightQueen's KnightFusion Sword Murasame BladeFusion Sword Murasame BladeDivine Sword - Phoenix Blade
Divine Sword - Phoenix BladeShield Spear----

Warrior Lvl 30

D.D. AssailantD.D. AssailantHammer BounzerHammer BounzerNoble Knight DrystanNoble Knight Drystan
Power BreakerPower BreakerBOXerBOXerX-Saber GalahadX-Saber Galahad
X-Saber GalahadNoble Knight ArtorigusNoble Knight ArtorigusLightning BladeNoble Arms - ArfeudutyrNoble Arms - Arfeudutyr
Noble Arms of DestinyNoble Arms of Destiny----

Sea Creature Lvl 20

Unshaven AnglerUnshaven AnglerUnshaven AnglerSpined GillmanSpined GillmanSpined Gillman
7 Colored Fish7 Colored FishHigh Tide GyojinHigh Tide GyojinGreat WhiteGreat White
Spiral SerpentSpiral SerpentSpace MamboSpace MamboBlock AttackBlock Attack

Sea Creature Lvl 30

Abyss SoldierAbyss SoldierAbyss SoldierPiercing MorayPiercing MorayPiercing Moray
Needle SunfishNeedle SunfishUminotaurusUminotaurusUminotaurusSpined Gillman
Spined GillmanLost Blue BreakerLost Blue BreakerRush RecklesslyRush RecklesslyMoray of Greed
Water HazardWater Hazard----

Dinosaur Lvl 20

Tyranno InfinityOxygeddonOxygeddonJurrac IguanonJurrac IguanonCrawling Dragon #2
Crawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #2Two-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King RexKabazauls
KabazaulsKabazaulsJurassic WorldJurassic WorldPolymerizationPolymerization
Survival InstinctSurvival Instinct--Bracchio-raidusBracchio-raidus

Dinoasaur Lvl 30

Evilswarm SalamandraEvilswarm SalamandraEvilswarm SalamandraBlack BrachiosBlack BrachiosBlack Brachios
HydrogeddonHydrogeddonHydrogeddonMegalosmasher XMegalosmasher XMegalosmasher X
Fossil DigAnti-Magic ArrowsAnti-Magic ArrowsSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleGhosts From the Past----

Fairy Lvl 20

Guardian Angel JoanGuardian Angel JoanElement ValkyrieElement ValkyrieElement ValkyrieSpirit of the Breeze
Spirit of the BreezeFreya, Spirit of VictoryFreya, Spirit of VictoryFreya, Spirit of VictoryDunames Dark WitchDunames Dark Witch
Dunames Dark WitchCestus of DaglaCestus of DaglaBlock AttackCourt of JusticeCourt of Justice
Silver Bow and ArrowSilver Bow and Arrow----

Fairy Lvl 30

Voltanis the AdjudicatorMeltiel, Sage of the SkyMeltiel, Sage of the SkyZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of Heaven
Harvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of WisdomBountiful ArtemisBountiful ArtemisBountiful ArtemisSkelengel
SkelengelPhoton BoosterThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyMagic JammerDivine Punishment
Divine PunishmentTrap Jammer----

Magnet Warriors Lvl 20

Valkyrion the Magna WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorDelta The Magnet WarriorBeta The Electromagnet WarriorGamma The Magnet Warrior
Gamma The Magnet WarriorGamma The Magnet WarriorAlpha The Magnet WarriorAlpha The Magnet WarriorAlpha The Magnet WarriorBeta The Magnet Warrior
Beta The Magnet WarriorBeta The Magnet WarriorWastelandWastelandSpiritual Earth Art - KuroganeSpiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
Shield SpearShield Spear----

Harpies Lvl 20

Harpie Lady SistersHarpie DancerHarpie DancerHarpie DancerBirdfaceBirdface
BirdfaceHarpie Lady 1Cyber Harpie LadyCyber Harpie LadySkull Red BirdSkull Red Bird
Skull Red BirdCyber ShieldCyber ShieldElegant EgotistElegant EgotistFollow Wind
Follow WindMirror Wall----

Batteryman Lvl 30

Batteryman Industrial StrengthBatteryman Industrial StrengthBatteryman Industrial StrengthBatteryman Micro-CellBatteryman Micro-CellBatteryman Micro-Cell
Batteryman ChargerBatteryman ChargerBatteryman SolarBatteryman SolarBatteryman SolarLuminous Spark
Luminous SparkBattery ChargerQuick ChargerQuick ChargerRecycling BatteriesRecycling Batteries

Gem-Knight Lvl 30

Gem-Knight ObsidianGem-Knight ObsidianGem-Knight LazuliGem-Knight LazuliGem-Knight LazuliGem-Knight Amber
Gem-Knight AmberGem-Knight AmberGem-Knight SardonyxGem-Knight SardonyxGem-Knight SardonyxGem-Knight Garnet
Gem-Knight GarnetGem-Knight GarnetGem-Knight TourmalineGem-Knight TourmalineGem-Knight TourmalineGem-Knight Fusion
Gem-Knight FusionGem-Knight Fusion----
Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant DiamondGem-Knight Master DiamondGem-Knight PrismauraGem-Knight ZirconiaGem-Knight Citrine-

Silent Lvl 30

Silent Magician LV8Silent Magician LV8Silent MagicianSilent MagicianSilent Swordsman LV5Silent Swordsman LV5
Silent Magician LV4Silent Magician LV4Silent Magician LV4Silent Swordsman LV3Silent Swordsman LV3Silent Swordsman LV3
Cosmic CycloneSilent Sword SlashSilent Sword SlashSilent Sword SlashLevel Up!Level Up!
Silent BurningSilent Burning----

Amazoness Lvl 30

Amazoness PaladinAmazoness PaladinAmazoness PaladinAmazoness PrincessAmazoness PrincessAmazoness Queen
Amazoness Swords WomanAmazoness Swords WomanAmazoness Swords WomanAmazoness SageAmazoness SageAmazoness Sage
Amazoness HeirloomAmazoness HeirloomAmazoness HeirloomAmazoness Fighting SpiritAmazoness WillpowerAmazoness Willpower
Amazoness WillpowerAmazoness Onslaught--------

Bujin Lvl 40

Bujingi CraneBujingi CraneBujingi CraneBujin YamatoBujin YamatoBujin Yamato
Bujin HirumeBujin MikazuchiBujin MikazuchiBujin MikazuchiBujin ArasudaBujin Arasuda
Bujingi HareBujingi HareBujingi CentipedeBujingi RavenBujingi RavenBujingi Turtle
Bujin Regalia - The SwordBujin Regalia - The Sword----


Hot New Top
The best event we need one in Yugioh Master Duel
Bring back this event KONAMI!
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
Dear player,

This event required a lot of effort and creativity. That’s why we won’t do it again.

Thank you for playing Duel Links
<< Anonymous(Konami)
Garbage Event Reply
Thank you, Konami!
<< Anonymous(Konami)
Anonymous Reply
Fitting how someone with "Garbage" in its name has a garbage response

Also you do know that's not a real konami right,lma0
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
real Garbage Event only keep complaining and will never thank Konami
You don't know that's not real Garbage Event.
This event is the best in Duel Links I wish Master Duel can add it cmon Konami!
I know it's not likely to come back, but I truthfully love this event way more than the D.D. Tower and Duelist Chronicles. Because, come on, they're all basically auto-grinders anyway - at least give me the satisfaction and progression to use progressively stronger theme decks I wouldn't otherwise be excited about. The dice battles are silly, but unoffensive and surprisingly satisfying. It was always an event that I checked multiple times a day to deplete my stamina as opposed to just grinding the same fights ad-nauseam.
All people care about is better rewards and gems, so just make it worth people's time. Easy-peasy. But they like to keep the theming, which is why we'll never see Pegasus again because Toons are so underwhelming competitively...
<< Anonymous(#BringBackRPG)
Anonymous Reply
Same, I love this event, wish they can make a similar event available again one day.
I hope this event won't released again. Just wasting time
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And your principles suck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if you don't like it then just don't play, as simple as that
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sorry bud, i am someone else. You are just 🔥ed as it gets to you. Plus who is the heck with a sane mind tell some sort of irrationality to stranger they don't know and demand them to whether to play or not. Get real dude, you are becoming the joke of the day.
<< Anonymous
Zonk Reply
I agree that this event is not interesting and boring. Don't need to be explained in detail, each player has his own opinion
Missed only one Ghost ship, my boy!
This event reminds me a lot of the main series, where Bakura attempted to become to ultimate, most supreme, omnipotent, all-mighty, one and only God and tried to enslave all human beings in a world of death, blood sacrifice and suffering.
He called it "the ultimate Yami no Game" or the "Ultimate RPG!".
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lmao didn't yami yugi 🔥 someone and make them go crazy because they stole a watch.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is one guy who is really crazy here, I can tell... he's always posting 80's music but at least the image of the guy with the guitar looks funny enough
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, some dude is freaking paranoid. His mind must have received some kind of shock.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What an awesome scene
By far my least favorite event. Boring, tedious, and lackluster rewards. I hope this is the last iteration of this event and that they put Tristan at the gate already.
<< Anonymous(Konekmemek)
Anonymous Reply
why a bad review nothing is wrong with duel links or komoney
<< Anonymous(Konekmemek)
Anonymous Reply
Sure the event is “less useful” than some of the others, but I appreciate they try something unique rather than just plain boring duel-a-thons or bingo sheets
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The idea is unique, don't get me wrong. But the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For what it is, I feel like the event was pretty fair. Sure, it's not a shining beacon among events, but it was a pretty fair RPG. You earned better decks as you progressed, relied on skill rather than copy-pasta decks, and there was even the occasional fun interaction between the character (Tristan) and the DM. Best I can say is they should work to improve the event, rather than just ditching it.
Dice battle is 🔥, just pure luck. Often die at least once because the enemy has large HP, wasting stamina and time just for this 🔥 battle
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You get plenty of Dice+1, use them to get bigger chance to roll a double attack.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Were you really expecting the dice battles to... NOT be based on luck? Do you not realize that most games that use any sort of dice are often reliant on luck in at least some aspect? Plus, the enemies may have more health, but you're more likely to roll doubles, and you could always grind Area Infinity for more levels, and thus more health, so...
Stop rigging with the RNG Konami
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
4th attempt going first AGAIN. Opened with dead hand AGAIN (2 red-eyes 1 gearfried 1 return of red-eyes). Luckily I used extra card, got a mirror wall and got rid of his sonic bird + Zorc, -5 of his cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
mirror force*
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The coins may be random, but by grinding this event you are accumulating EX Jewels, and they can be used at the Trader EX to get 1 guaranteed copy of Ghost Ship. Alongside the one you get from an area reward that makes it 2 guaranteed ships.
<< Anonymous
lenovogreeceg770 Reply
level 26 for me thats my limit i see you keep going
They purposely made it so that you will die at least once in every other dice battle, therefore wasting your stamina and time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
conspiracy of 2019 revealed
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I've come close a couple times, but I've never lost a dice battle so far.

I've only lost a duel once in the event, due to using the wrong deck (NEVER use the Counter Fairy deck, it's useless in this kind of event)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, reactive deck like Counter Fairy doesn't really work here when your opponent most of the time just summon monsters into the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Glad I'm not the only one that noticed this.
How do you use zorc skill it’s not working for me I have the dark master zorc in my deck and I drew it

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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