
Blair Flannigan

update 29/02/2020


Unlock Event

Blair Flannigan's Maiden In Love Unlock Event

Roaming Event

Blair Flannigan Roaming Event

Blair Flannigan's Skills

Leaked Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Maiden's Happy Wedding!
Can be used when there are two monsters on your field and the original owner of "Maiden in Love" is you whereas the other monster's original owner is your opponent, equip 1 "Happy Mariage" to "Maiden in Love". This Skill can only be used oncer per Duel.

Exclusive Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Maiden of Iron
If your "Maiden in Love" battle, the battle damage that inflicted on you is halved.
Lvl 4
Maiden in Action
When you gain control of a monster by the effect of "Maiden in Love", you can gain the Life Points equal to the ATK of the selected monster.
Lvl 13
Attack Charge
One of the monsters that you control on the field gains the ATK of the current number of the turn x100. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Lvl 13
Only You
Select 1 "Maiden in Love" you control; during your opponent's next turn, as long as this "Maiden in Love" remains in face-up Attack Position, the opponent can only attack this card.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Common Skills

Level-Up Rewards

What are Level Rewards?

Level reward is what you can obtain by leveling up characters, including gems, cards, skills, extra deck slots.

2Gem x10
3Pikeru Second Sight Pikeru Second Sight
4Skill: Maiden of Iron
5Deck Slot (Blair)
6Gem x15
7Jain, Twilightsworn General Jain, Twilightsworn General
8Deck Slot (Blair)
9Gem x25
10Mutually Affured Destruction Mutually Affured Destruction
11Pikeru Second Sight Pikeru Second Sight
12Gem x35
13Skill: Attack Charge
14Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter
Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter
15Gem x50
16Punishment Dragon Punishment Dragon
17Gem x60
18Jain, Twilightsworn General Jain, Twilightsworn General
19Gem x75
20Skill: Maiden in Action
21Mutually Affured Destruction Mutually Affured Destruction
22Gem x100
23Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter
Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter
24Gem x120
25Punishment Dragon Punishment Dragon
26Gem x140
27Deck Slot (Blair)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Pikeru Second Sight Pikeru Second Sight
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter
Ryko, Twilightsworn Fighter
34Gem x250
35Mutually Affured Destruction Mutually Affured Destruction
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Jain, Twilightsworn General Jain, Twilightsworn General
39Gem x250
40Punishment Dragon Punishment Dragon
41Deck Slot (Blair)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Twilight Eraser Twilight Eraser

Duel Rewards

Blair Flannigan Unlock Event [May 2020]

Blair Flannigan Unlock Event

Blair Flannigan Roaming Event

Starter Deck


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Jump Force
how can I unlock her
<< Anonymous(Jump Force)
Anonymous Reply
So hard, yet so pleasant to play against this character. Her smiling face is the most lovely, wonderful, perfect sight to ever exist. But that means winning is so hard because I absolutely don't want her to stop smiling. So I can only win by deck out... it takes long and is hard to do depending on the decks.
Ayanami REI
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow, you're right... lol I never noticed it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
she's been top tier since duel links started. Be careful..
Had anyone realized they purposely design Blair to be extra stupid when you are playing pair duel?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And dumbed down Alexis too.

Why the flame is she setting a Defense Maiden in the backfield when neither her nor I are playing a Maiden in Love!?!?!?

I don't even have one! And neither does she, for all I know!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Her tag duel deck does have Maiden of Love. But yes, Setting it when Maiden is not even on her hand is ridiculously dumb.
whats going on Konami is actually putting good rewards for character level up?!?! finally something good from this pandemic
I wonder if her lv40 deck will focus on Lightsworn instead, since Maiden of Love as lv40 deck is laughable.

Maybe she'll even play Judgement Dragon. Would be interesting to see people's reaction.

Also, what her voicelines would be. I hope she gets lines for all the Lightsworn and Twilightsworn cards XD
<< Anonymous
whatever Reply
yeah, someone please give him a medal
<< Anonymous
congrats Reply
well guessed :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sad that her only LS voice is for Ryko, which is only there because of all the puppy-related lines.

Well, at least Konami still do the Tag Force nod with her Lv40 deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Only Ryko Lightsworn, not even its Twilightsworn counterpart.
can you get the sleeves without unlocking Blair?
<< Anonymous(question)
Anonymous Reply
that's a good question 4 sure
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't think it can be done
<< Anonymous(question)
Anonymous Reply
yes you can, because I started playing the game 2 weeks ago and i choosed Yami Yugi and i summoned Green-Eyes Dragon 100 times and got it.
It works for all Ace monsters.
I was waiting for her to give us lumina, raiden, michael, solar recharge and charge of light brigade, then we will be able to have fun, and with judgment dragon the fun will end =)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, some of those have their data in the game now, hopefully as rewards and not just part of her upgraded Level 40 deck.....
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Now we have Twilightsworns too
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Aren't most of those mainly the key cards coming in the upcoming main box?
Anyone thinks her english VA sounds annoying?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eh, personally I'm fine with Syrus' Japanese VA.

By the way I heard Revolver's English VA is good.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you want gratingly terrible english VA that makes you wonder how the hell he got accepted, look no further than Yuma's english VA.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*Yuma as in Yugioh Zexal main protagonist
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you want to know what he sounds like he voices Sartorius in duel links. He also portrayed the main antagonist of dark side of dimensions.
I'd like if they finally released Duke Devlin, the Orichalchos guys, the big 5, PaniK, Strings, Pharaoh Atem.
They just released Rex Goodwin for 5ds, so I understand why they wouldn't want another so soon.
But if it had to be a gx character I'd like the other overseas champions, Chumley, Thelonius Viper, or the Shadow Riders.
Probably not the Supreme King, since we got 2 jadens right now, but eventually since I want the Evil HEROES.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I wish that they'd release some new Venom support. It's a horrible deck but the playing style is actually interesting. If this will happen, then Viper would have a chance to get into DL.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That, I can agree with. Venom really needs a bunch of new cards.
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
They're probably not gonna release the orichalcos guys or the big five, mostly because the orichalcos guys used cards that don't exist, and because the big five's cards are pretty much all already in the game, so there would be no point. But also, these are all filler villains, so even tho some of them might be cool, they didn't really do much and they didn't matter much outside of their arc.
<< Anonymous(DaSwifta)
Anonymous Reply
NONE of the villains were relevant outside their main season, though. Pegasus and Marik played minor roles in later seasons, but I wouldn't consider their appearances noteworthy. Bakura showed up a lot before he was the main villain, but really did little of actual importance until the last season.
The leaked skills look really bad.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The latter two I'm sure she will have, with all the focus on Maiden in Love.

As for Balance, we can only hope.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Balance, Reload, Draw Sense Low Level, and LP Boost Alpha should be her generic skills. At least, that's what I hope.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They should be generic skills for ALL characters, really.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She comes Feb 25th so yea
Do her a spell caster deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, her Level 30 deck is Charmer/Familiar-Possessed deck, which is a Spellcaster deck.

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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