Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Botany - Botanica: Vaccinium - Blueberry - Part 1 - Data en Español and English - Links. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Botany - Botanica: Vaccinium - Blueberry - Part 1 - Data en Español and English - Links. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

Botany - Botanica: Vaccinium - Blueberry - Part 1 - Data en Español and English - Links

Big Whortleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum)

1916 Mary Vaux Walcott Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1860 Died: St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada 1940 watercolor on paper sheet: 10 x 7 in. (25.4 x 17.8 cm) Smithsonian American Art Museum

Illustration Vaccinium myrrtillus

 Azores Blueberry (Vaccinium cylindraceum) yufgy

 Azores Blueberry (Vaccinium cylindraceum)

 Blueberry cluster

 El nombre arándano rojo hace referencia a un grupo de arbustos enanos perennes del género Vaccinium, subgénero Oxycoccus, aunque algunos botánicos consideran Oxycoccus un género aparte. Crecen en turberas de carácter ácido en las zonas más frías del Hemisferio Norte.
Flores de Vaccinium oxycoccus.

El arbusto del arándano rojo es bajo, con tallos de 10 cm o menos, con tallos finos y pequeñas hojas perennes. Las flores son de color rosa oscuro, con distintivos pétalos "reflejados" que dejan el estilo y los estambres completamente expuestos, apuntando hacia delante. El fruto es una baya auténtica de tamaño superior al de las hojas. Es inicialmente blanco, pero se vuelve rojo intenso al madurar. Es comestible, con un sabor ácido que puede enmascarar su dulzor.

 Climax blueberry (Vaccinium ashei)

 ER Vaccinium membranaceum (Black Mountain Huckleberry) Pollen

 Ericaceae Vaccinium corymbosum

 Farkleberry, Sparkleberry, Tree-Huckleberry (Vaccinium arboreum)

 Farkleberry, Sparkleberry, Tree-Huckleberry (Vaccinium arboreum)

 Farkleberry, Sparkleberry, Tree-Huckleberry (Vaccinium arboreum)

 Lowbush Blueberry, Wild Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium)

 Rabbiteye Blueberry 'Blueray' (Vaccinium ashei)

 Blueberries are perennial flowering plants with indigo-colored berries in the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium (a genus that also includes cranberries and bilberries). Species in the section Cyanococcus are the most common[1] fruits sold as "blueberries" and are native to North America (commercially cultivated highbush blueberries were not introduced into Europe until the 1930s).[2]

They are usually erect, but sometimes prostrate shrubs varying in size from 10 centimeters (3.9 in) to 4 meters (13 ft) tall. In commercial blueberry production, smaller species are known as "lowbush blueberries" (synonymous with "wild"), and the larger species are known as "highbush blueberries".

The leaves can be either deciduous or evergreen, ovate to lanceolate, and 1–8 cm (0.39–3.1 in) long and 0.5–3.5 cm (0.20–1.4 in) broad. The flowers are bell-shaped, white, pale pink or red, sometimes tinged greenish. The fruit is a berry 5–16 millimeters (0.20–0.63 in) in diameter with a flared crown at the end; they are pale greenish at first, then reddish-purple, and finally dark blue when ripe. They are covered in a protective coating of powdery epicuticular wax, colloquially knows as the "bloom".[3] They have a sweet taste when mature, with variable acidity. Blueberry bushes typically bear fruit in the middle of the growing season: fruiting times are affected by local conditions such as altitude and latitude, so the height of the crop can vary from May to August depending upon these conditions.

 Vaccinium  Cyanococcus

 Vaccinium corymbosum 

 Vaccinium corymbosum 

 Vaccinium corymbosum 

Vaccinium poasanum

Botany - Botanica: Vaccinium - Blueberry - Part 1 - Data en Español and English - Links

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