Visual Detection and Recognition

Mobile nativeWearable native


  • Tizen 2.4 and Higher for Mobile
  • Tizen 3.0 and Higher for Wearable

You can perform various visual detection and recognition tasks in your application. You can detect or generate barcodes. In addition, you can track how faces or image objects move as well as detect and recognize faces or objects.

You can use the following visual detection and recognition features in your native applications:

  • Barcode Detection and Generation

    You can perceive and understand an image or extract information from images in your application. You can encrypt a message by generating a barcode from it, and you can also detect barcodes in an image or from a camera preview stream.

  • Face Detection, Recognition, and Tracking

    You can detect a face from an image, and recognize a face with a set of examples. You can also track a face within the camera preview stream.

  • Image Recognition and Tracking

    You can extract features of an image object and recognize it from specific images. You can also track the image object within the camera preview stream.