Sweet Berry
Sweet Berry has nine separate G2 incarnations beginning in Year Two (1998) – seven as Sweet Berry and two as other names.
- Sweet Berry Releases
Year Two (1998)
Magic Motion Sweet Berry
- Release Year: 1998
- Availability: Internationally
- Series: Magic Motion Friends
- Notes: Sweet Berry has Magic Motion E, allowing her to sit at her table for tea. Her teapot appears to pour out a rainbow when tipped.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Framboosje (Raspberry)
- Finnish:
- French: Gourmandine (Gourmet)
- German: Teezauber (Tea Magic)
- Greek: ΚΑΡΑΜΕΛΕΝΙΑ – Karamelenia (Caramel)
- Italian: Golosina (Sweetie)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish: Pony Cariñosa (Loving Pony)
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Dainty Dove Pose
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta Forelock, Dull Magenta and Rose Pink Mane, Rose Pink Tail Tail
- Eye Color: Teal with Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
My Little Pony® is waiting for you in Friendship Garden™! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is you!
- A rainbow magically appears when you pour the tea!
- Sweet Berry can really sit down at the table and “sip” a cup of tea!
- Rainbow can attach to all My Little Pony® fences!
- Collect all the Magic of My Little Pony®!
SWEET BERRY™ is the LOVING one. She’s a warm, caring friend to everyone who knows her. She loves to give tea parties and pour beautiful rainbows from her teapot to make her friends smile.
My Little Pony staat op je te wachten in de Vriendschapstuinen! Alle schattige kleine pony's die daar wonen, zijn tovervriendinnetjes die jou mee willen nemen naar hun sprookjesachtige wereld vol verrassingen. Het enige waar My Little Pony nog op wacht, ben JIJ!
Framboosje is de allerliefste. Ze is een warm en toegewijd vriendinnetje voor iedereen die haar kent.
English Translation: 'My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! All the cute little ponies that live there are magical friends who want to take you to their fairytale world full of surprises. The only thing My Little Pony is waiting for is YOU!
Raspberry is the sweetest. She is a warm and devoted friend to everyone who knows her.
Gourmandine est très câline. Elle est douce et attentionnée avec tous ceux qu'elle connait. Elle aime inviter ses amis à l'heure du the et les amuse en faisant apparaître des arcs-en-ciel, comme par magie, lorsqu'elle sert le thé.
English Translation:
Gourmandine is very cuddly. She is sweet and caring to everyone she knows. She likes to invite her friends over for tea and entertains them by making rainbows appear, as if by magic, when she serves tea.
Benvenuta nel Giardino dell'Amicizia; il magico mondo dei My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti! Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!
Golosina è piena di amore per gli altri. È l'amica più dolce e fidata che ognuno puo' trovare!
English Translation: Welcome to the Garden of Friendship; the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures! Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical world!
Candy is full of love for others. She is the sweetest and most trustworthy friend anyone can find!
Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en Ponylandia. Los ponys son tus nuevos amigos mágicos y tienen muchas ganas de vivir emocionantes aventuras contigo. Únete a ellos, tendrás montones de sorpresas y verás cómo tus sueños se hacen realidad. ¡Mi Pequeño Pony sólo te necesita a TI para que empiece la diversión!
- 1 Cuando sirves el té aparece un arco iris magico.
- 2 Pony Cariñosa puede sentarse de verdad y "beber" de la taza de té.
- 3 ¡El arco iris se puede unir a las vallas de Mi Pequeño Pony! (Valla no incluida).
¡Consigue toda la colleción de Mi Pequeño Pony!
Pony Cariñosa es la más dulce. Todo el mundo que la conoce dice que es muy buena amiga y muy alegre. Le encanta organizar meriendas para todas sus amigas y hacer salir un arco iris de su tetera para que todo el mundo se divierta.
English Translation: My Little Pony awaits you in Ponylandia. Ponies are your new magical friends and they are eager to live exciting adventures with you. Join them, you will have lots of surprises and you will see how your dreams come true. My Little Pony only needs YOU to start the fun!
- 1 When you serve the tea a magical rainbow appears.
- 2 Loving Pony can actually sit up and "drink" from the teacup.
- 3 The rainbow can be attached to My Little Pony fences! (Fence not included).
Get the entire My Little Pony collection!
Loving Pony is the sweetest. Everyone who knows her says that she is a very good friend and very happy. She loves to organize snacks for all of her friends and make a rainbow come out of her teapot so that everyone can have fun.
Basket Surprise Sweet Berry
- Release Year: 1998
- Availability: Internationally
- Series: Sunny Garden Friends
- Notes: Sweet Berry is part of a two-pony set with Ivy. Flowers pop out of their basket when its handle is pressed down.
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta and Rose Pink Mane, Rose Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Teal with Aqua Crystal
- Symbol:
- Display Side: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots On Top of a Large Green Leaf
- Non-Display Side: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
English My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
SWEET BERRY the LOVING pony and IVY the GLAMOROUS pony love to cheer up their friends with flowers that magically pop out of the basket for a fabulous surprise!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Two (1998) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Mail Order Pony | Seabreeze | |
Magic Motion Friends |
Moon Shadow • Tipsy Tulip • Satin Splash • Sweet Berry | |
Sunny Garden Friends |
Basket Surprise with Sweet Berry and Ivy • Special Birthday Magic with Light Heart and Sundance | |
Playsets |
Year Three (1999)
Mystery Ball Princess Sweet Berry
- Release Year: 1999
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Royal Friends
- Notes: Princess Sweet Berry is part of a two-pony masquerade-themed set that also includes Lady Sky Skimmer.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish: Prinsesse Sødebær og Lady Himmelblå(Princess Sweet Berry and Lady Sky Blue)
- Dutch:
- Finnish: Prinsessa Mesimarja og Lady Taivaansini (Princess Honey Berry and My Lady Heaven)
- French:
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian:
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish: Prinsessan Smultronsot och Lady Himmelsbla (Princess Snowflakes and Lady Sky Blue)
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta and Rose Pink Mane, Rose Pink Tail; Silver Tinsel
- Eye Color: Teal with Aqua Crystal
- Symbol: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponyland castle! The ponies have lots of royal adventures and magical surprises to share with you! For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU!
Princess Sweet Berry the Loving pony and Lady Sky Skimmer the Nature Lover, have lots of fun at parties.
My Little Pony vente venter på dig deg i sit slot i Ponyland! Ponyerne har en masse eventyr og magiske overraskelser til dig/deg! Det eneste My Little Pony har brug for, for at alt det sjove/morsomme kan begynde begynne, er DIG/DEG!
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in her castle in Ponyland! The ponies have lots of adventures and magical surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs for all the fun to begin is YOU!
My Little Pony odottaa sinua Ponimaan linnassa! Poneilla on valtavasti ruhtinaallisia seikkailuja ja maagisia yllätyksiä, jotka ne haluavat jakaa kanssasi! Hauskanpidon aloittamiseksi My Little Pony tarvitsee vain SINUT!
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponimaa castle! The ponies have tons of princely adventures and magical surprises they want to share with you! All My Little Pony needs to start the fun is YOU!
My Little Pony väntar på dig på på Ponylands slort! Ponnyerna vill ma sig kungligt tillsammans med dig och bjuder på massor av magiska överraskningar! Det enda My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är-DIG!
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you at Ponyland! The ponies want to feast royally with you and offer lots of magical surprises! The only thing My Little Pony needs to have fun is-YOU!
Sweet Berry’s Magic Kitchen
- Release Year: 1999
- Availability: Internationally
- Series: G2 Playsets
- Notes: Sweet Berry is the only G2 pony that has a molded “Twice As Fancy” style symbol. She has Magic Motion A. The playset has two fence color variations and two accessory color variations.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish: Sødebærs Magiske Køkken (Sweetberry’s Magic Kitchen)
- Dutch: Zoete Toverkeuken met Framboosje (Sweet Magic Kitchen with Raspberry)
- Finnish: Mesimarjan Keittiö (Honeysuckle Kitchen)
- French:
- German: Zauberset mit Pony Teezauber (Magic Set with Pony Tea Magic)
- Greek: ΚΑΡΑΜΕΛΕΝΙΑ ΜΕ ΚΟΥΖΙΝΑ – Karamelenia Me Kouzina (Caramel with Kitchen)
- Italian: Golosina e la Magica Cucina (Candy and the Magical Cuisine)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish: Smultron-Söts Magiska Kök (Donut-Sweet Magical Kitchen)
- Regional MIBs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Ivy Pose – Modified by Symbol
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta Forelock, Dull Magenta and Rose Pink Mane, Rose Pink Tail Tail
- Eye Color: Teal with Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Molded and Painted All-Over Green Vine with Pink Strawberries and White Blossoms
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Sweet Berry is Loving. She’s a warm, caring friend to everyone. She likes to bake muffins and pies in her kitchen and share them with all her friends.
- Turn Sweet Berry’s head to life her leg.
- The kitchen folds up and everything fits inside for easy storage!
- The muffins and pie magically change colour in the oven!
Velkommen til Ponyland, My Little Ponys magiske verden! Her leger ponyerne sammen, og her oplever de alle tænkelige, spændende eventyr! Vær med i deres leg - ponyerne elsker at finde nye venner de kan beholde for evigt!
Sødebær er kærlig. Hun er en varm og hengiven ven af alle. Hun elsker at bage i sit køkken og byder altid sine venner på sine muffins og tærter!
- Drej hendes hoved - og hun løfter benet!
- Køkkenet kan foldes ud og rumme alt løst tilbehør!
- På magisk vis skifter muffins og tærte farve i ovnen!
English Translation: Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here the ponies play together, and here they experience every imaginable, exciting adventure! Join their play - the ponies love making new friends they can keep forever!
Sweet Berry is affectionate. She is a warm and devoted friend to all. She loves to bake in her kitchen and always treats her friends to her muffins and pies!
- Turn her head - and she lifts her leg!
- The kitchen can be folded out and accommodate all loose accessories!
- Magically, muffins and pies change color in the oven!
Tervetuloa Ponimaahan, My Little Ponyn taikamaailmaan! Täällä ponit leikkivät keskenään ja keksivät kaikenlaisia kiehtovia seikkailuja! Tule mukaan pitämään hauskaa - ponit rakastavat ystäviä, joiden ystävyys on pysyvää!
Mesimarja on hyvin hellä ja huolehtii lämpimästi jokaisesta ystävästään. Se leipoo keittiössään mielellään muffinseja ja piiraita ja jakaa ne kaikkien ystäviensä kanssa.
- Kännä ponin päätä, niin hän nostaa jalkaansa!
- Keittiö taittuu kasaan ja kaikki tavarat mahtuvat sen sisään tallessapidon helpottamiseksi!
- Muffinsien ja piiraan väri muuttuu uunissa kuin taikaiskusta!
English Translation: Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play with each other and come up with all kinds of fascinating adventures! Come join the fun - ponies love friends whose friendships last forever!
Honey Berry is very affectionate and takes warm care of each of her friends. She likes to bake muffins and pies in her kitchen and share them with all her friends.
- Push the pony's head and he will lift his leg!
- The kitchen folds up and all the items fit inside it for easy storage!
- The color of the muffins and pie changes in the oven as if by magic!
Välkommen till Ponyland, My Little Ponys magiska värld! Här leker alla ponnyerna med varann och upplever en massa spännande äventyr! Kom med och ha kul - du kan få kompisar för livet!
Smultron-söt är snäll. Hon är varm och vänlig mot alla. Hon gillar att baka muffins och paj i sitt kök och sedan dela dem med alla sina vänner.
- Vrid hennes huvud så lyfter hon på benet.
- Köket kan fällas upp så att du kan förvara alla sakerna i det!
- Muffinsen och pajen ändrar färg på magiskt vis i ugnen!
English Translation: Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play with each other and experience lots of exciting adventures! Come and have fun - you can make friends for life!
Donut-sweet is kind. She is warm and friendly to everyone. She likes to bake muffins and pies in her kitchen and then share them with all her friends.
- Turn her head and she lifts her leg.
- The kitchen can be folded up so you can store all the things in it!
- The muffins and the pie magically change color in the oven!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Three (1999) | ||
♥ Nationwide distribution in the USA ended in 1999, but which ponies were available is still debated. Distribution and sales continued in Europe through 2003 and the brand relaunch of Generation 3. ♥ | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Princess Ponies |
Princess Crystal • Princess Ivy • Princess Morning Glory • Princess Silver Swirl • Princess Trixiebelle • Princess Twinkle Star | |
Royal Lady Ponies |
Lady Cupcake • Lady Light Heart • Lady Moonshine • Lady Sky Skimmer | |
Royal Friends |
Mystery Ball with Princess Sweet Berry and Lady Sky Skimmer • Royal Wedding with Princess Morning Glory and Prince Clever Clover | |
Holiday Ponies | ||
Playsets |
Sweet Berry's Magic Kitchen • Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunsparkle • Magic Rainbow Forest with Sunsparkle • Royal Castle Ballroom with Princess Morning Glory |
Year Four (2000)
Magic Motion Families Sweet Berry and Honey Berry
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Magic Motion Families
- Notes: This version of Sweet Berry also has Magic Motion A but is easily distinguished from Kitchen Sweet Berry by symbol. This is Baby Honey Berry’s singular release.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish: Sodeber/Søteber og Honningsod/Honningsot (Sode Berries/Sweet Berries and Honey Berries/Honey Berries)
- Dutch: Framboosje en Abrikoosje (Raspberry and Apricot)
- Finnish: Mesmarja ja Hunajainen (Honey Berry and Honey)
- French: Maman Gourmandine et Bébé Coeur (Gourmet Mom and Baby Heart)
- German:
- Greek: ΚΑΡΑΜΕΛΕΝΙΑ και ΜΕΛΕΝΙΑ – Karamelenia and Melenia (Caramel and Made of Honey)
- Italian: Golosina e Fragolina (Sweetie and Strawberry)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish: Smultron-Söt och Honungs-Söt (Donut-Sweet and Honey-Sweet)
- Regional MOCs
Sweet Berry Stats
- Pose: Ivy Pose
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta and Rose Pink Mane, Rose Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Teal with Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
Baby Honey Berry Stats
- Pose: Baby Honey Berry Pose
- Body Color: Pink
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta
- Eye Color: Teal with Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Baby Rattle with a Small Pink Heart on Each Side of Handle
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
Sweet Berry is loving and Honey Berry is gentle.
- 1 Turn Sweet Berry’s head – her leg moves to rock the cradle!
- 2 A ring for you to wear!
- 3 Honey Berry loves to play with her crib mobile!
Sødebær/Søtebær er kærlig/kjærlig og Honningsød/Honningsøt er blid.
- 1 Drej/drei Sødebærs hoved/Søtebærs hode - så bevæger/beveger hendes ben sig/seg og sætter/setter vuggen i gang!
- 2 En ring som du selv kan tage på/bruke!
- 3 Hun elsker at lege/å leke med sin vugge-uro/mobil!
English Translation: Licorice/Sweet Berry is loving/loving and Honeysweet/Honeysweet is gentle.
- 1 Turn Sweetberry's head - then her legs move and start the cradle!
- 2 A ring that you can put on/use yourself!
- 3 She loves to play/to play with her cradle/mobile!
Framboosje is de allerliefste en Abrikoosje is o zo zoet.
- 1 Als je Framboosjes hoofdje draait- beweegt zij haar been om de wieg te laten schommelen!
- 2 Een ring die je zelf kunt dragen!
- 3 Zij is dol op de mobile boven haar wieg!
English Translation: Raspberry is the sweetest and Apricot is oh so sweet.
- 1 When you turn Raspberry's head - she moves her leg to rock the cradle!
- 2 A ring that you can wear yourself!
- 3 She loves the mobile above her crib!
Mesimarja on hellä ja Hunajainen on lempeä.
- 1 Käännä Mesimarjan päätä - ponin jalka liikkuu keinuttamaan kehtoa!
- 2 Sormus sinulle sormeen!
- 3 Hänestä on ihanaa leikkiä helistimellään!
English Translation: Honey berry is tender and Honey is gentle.
- 1 Turn Honeyberry's head - the pony's leg moves to rock the cradle!
- 2 A ring on your finger!
- 3 He loves playing with his rattle!
Maman Gourmandine est très affectueuse, elle est très attentionner envers tous ses amis. Bebe Cœur, lui, est très calin et doux, il est adorable avec tous ses petits copains. Bébé Cœur adore aider Maman Gourmandine lorsqu'elle confectionne des gâteaux pour tout le monde, il finit toujours recouvert de farine!
- 1 Tourne la tête de maman Gourmandine, elle bouge la jambe et berce ainsi bébé Cœur dans son berceau!
- 2 Oh! il y a aussi une bague pour toi!
- 3 Bebe Cœur adore jouer avec son mobile!
English Translation: Gourmet Mom is very affectionate, she is very attentive to all her friends. Baby Heart is very cuddly and sweet, he is adorable with all his little friends. Baby Heart loves helping Gourmet Mom when she makes cakes for everyone, he always ends up covered in flour!
- 1 Turn Gourmet Mom's head, she moves her leg and rocks baby Heart in her cradle!
- 2 Oh! there is also a ring for you!
- 3 Baby Heart loves playing with her mobile!
Η Καραμελένια είναι η αγαπούλα και η Μελένια η ευγενικούλα.
- 1 Γύρισε το κεφάλι της Καραμελένιας - το πόδι της κινείται για να κουνάει το παιδικό κρεβατάκι !
- 2 Ένα δακτυλίδι για να το φοράς εσύ!
- 3 Της αρέσει να παίζει με το ψεύτικο κινητό!
(I Karamelénia eínai i agapoúla kai i Melénia i evgenikoúla.
- 1 Gýrise to kefáli tis Karamelénias - to pódi tis kineítai gia na kounáei to paidikó krevatáki !
- 2 Éna daktylídi gia na to forás esý!
- 3 Tis arései na paízei me to pséftiko kinitó!)
English Translation: Caramel is the sweetheart and Made of Honey is the gentle one.
- 1 Turn Caramel's head - her leg moves to rock the cot!
- 2 A ring for you to wear!
- 3 She likes to play with the fake cell phone!
Golosina è dolce e Fragolina è affettuosa.
- 1Gira la testa di Golosina - la sua zampina dondola la culla!
- 2 Un anello per te!
- 3 Si diverte a giocare con la culla!
English Translation: Sweetie is sweet and Strawberry is affectionate.
- 1 Sweetie’s head turns - her little paw rocks the cradle!
- 2 A ring for you!
- 3 He enjoys playing with the crib!
Smultron-söt är kärleksfull och Honungs-söt är vänlig.
- 1 Vrid Smultron-söts huvud - så rör sig hennes ben och vaggar vaggan!
- 2 En ring du kan ha på dig!
- 3 Hon älskar att leka med sin vaggmobil!
English Translation: Donut-sweet is loving and Honey-sweet is friendly.
- 1 Turn Donut-Sweet’s head - her legs move and rock the cradle!
- 2 A ring you can wear!
- 3 She loves playing with her cradle mobile!
Royal Castle with Princess Sweet Berry
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: G2 Playsets
- Notes: This castle playset reuses the 1994 Galoob My Magic Kissing Dragon Magic Dream Castle mold. This version of Sweet Berry has at least three different hair variations, and it is unclear whether any one is more common than the others.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish:
- Dutch:
- Finnish:
- French: Le Château de Mes Petits Poneys avec Princesse Gourmandine (The Castle of My Little Pony with Princess Gourmet)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian:
- Norwegian:
- Spanish: Palacio de Ponylandia con Princesa Cariñosa (Ponyland Palace with Loving Princess)
- Swedish:
- Regional MIBs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Morning Glory Pose
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color:
- 1. Dull Magenta and Dusty Pink Mane with Silver Tinsel, Dusty Pink Tail
- 2. Dull Magenta and White Mane with Silver Tinsel, Dull Magenta Tail
- 3. Dull Magenta and Cerise Red Mane with Silver Tinsel, Cerise Red Tail
- Eye Color: Teal with Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Four (2000) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Bright Bramley • Wingsong (Secret Surprise II) | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Magic Motion Family Ponies |
Light Heart and Baby Tickle Heart • Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam • Sweet Berry and Baby Honeyberry | |
Light Up Family Ponies |
Ivy and Baby Fern • Morning Glory and Baby Dew • Princess Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly • Princess Twinkle Star and Baby Twinkles | |
Twin Baby Ponies |
Dart and Dash • Drifter and Dreamer • Polka and Dot • Stardust and Moondust | |
Princess Ponies | ||
Prince Ponies | ||
Royal Lady Ponies | ||
Royal Twin Baby Ponies |
Giggles and Wiggles • Jewel and Sparkle • Sweetheart and Trueheart • Fire and Flame | |
Other Releases | ||
Playset Ponies |
Princess Sweet Berry (Royal Castle) • Princess Sky Skimmer (Wedding Carriage) Baby Fleur (Wedding Carriage) • Baby Flitter (Giggle Garden Nursery) |
Year Five (2001)
Changing Mane and Tail Sweet Berry
- Release Year: 2001
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Changing Mane and Tail Ponies
- Notes: Sweet Berry’s mane and tail can be swapped between two different colors of each.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish:
- Dutch: Framboosje (Raspberry)
- Finnish:
- French: Gourmandine (Gourmet)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Fragolina (Strawberry)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Morning Glory Pose
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta and White Mane and Dull Magenta Tail OR Yellow Mane and Tail
- Eye Color: Periwinkle with Dark Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures
- Sweet Berry loves having her friends round so she can bake them lots of cakes. She wears her lemon yellow or bubble gum pink mane depending on her mood. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- Als Framboosje haar vriendinnetjes op bezoek vraagt, maakt ze graag lekkere taartjes voor hen klaar. Naargelang haar humeur draagt ze haar citroengele of haar felroze manen. Verander haar manen en haar staart! Om de manen te veranden volstaat het het sterretje op haar voorhoofd los te maken!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- When Framboosje invites her friends to visit, she likes to prepare delicious cakes for them. Depending on her mood, she wears her lemon yellow or bright pink mane. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane, just loosen the star on her forehead!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
- Gourmandine adore recevoir ses amis et leur confectionner des gâteaux. Selon son humeur, elle revět sa chevelure jaune citron ou rose bonbon. Change sa crinière et sa queue! Pour changer sa crinière, iI suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
- Gourmet loves entertaining her friends and making them cakes. Depending on her mood, she wears her hair lemon yellow or candy pink. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.
- I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana: collezionali e gioca con loro.
- Fragolina adora circondarsi di amici ai quali preparare bellissimi regali. A seconda del suo umore, indossa i capelli color limone o rosa bon bon. Cambia la sua criniera e la coda! Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.
English Translation:
- Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives: collect them and play with them.
- Strawberry loves to surround herself with friends for whom she prepares beautiful gifts. Depending on her mood, she wears lemon or pink bon bon hair. She changes her mane and tail! To change the mane, she peels off the star on her forehead.
Year Six (2002)
Her Majesty Flower
- Release Year: 2002
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Majestic Ponies
- Notes: Sweet Berry’s name changes to Her Majesty Flower with this release. Her four flower barrettes are always one each of the four colors and any combination of at least eight styles.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish:
- Dutch: Hare Majesteit Lila (Her Majesty Lilac)
- Finnish:
- French: Sa Majesté Lilas (Her Majesty Lilac)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Principessa Fiorellina (Princess Little Flower)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sweet Berry Pose
- Body Color: Lilac
- Hair Color: Dull Magenta and White Mane and Dull Magenta Tail
- Eye Color: Pale Blue with Dark Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures
- 1 Her Majesty Flower loves nature and she has a colourful basket where she puts all her favourite flowers!
- 2 Look at Her Majesty Flower’s colourful hairpins! You can wear them too!!
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- 1 Hare Majesteit Lila houdt van de natuur en heeft een kleurrijke mand waarin ze al haar favoriete bloemen verzamelt!
- 2 Kijk eens naar de mooie haarspelden van Hare Majesteit Lila! Je kan ze ook zelf gebruiken!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- 1 Her Majesty Lilac loves nature and has a colorful basket in which she collects all her favorite flowers!
- 2 Look at Her Majesty Lilac's beautiful hairpins! You can also use them yourself!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
- 1 Sa Majesté Lilas adore la nature, son panier coloré est toujours rempli de somptueuses fleurs!
- 2 Regarde les barrettes en forme de fleur de Sa Majesté Lilas sont aussi pour toi!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
- 1 Her Majesty Lilac loves nature, her colorful basket is always filled with sumptuous flowers!
- 2 Look, Her Majesty's Lilac flower-shaped barrettes are also for you!
- I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana: collezionali e gioca con loro.
- 1 Principessa Fiorellina ama la natura e ha un bellissimo cestino dove raccoglie i suoi flori preferiti!
- 2 Guarda che belle mollette colorate! Le puoi indossare anche tu!
English Translation:
- Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives: collect them and play with them.
- 1 Princess Little Flower loves nature and has a beautiful basket where she collects her favorite flowers!
- 2 Look at these beautiful colored clothespins! You can wear them too!
Year Seven (2003)
Miss Chef
- Release Year: 2003
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Fantastic Job Ponies
- Notes: Sweet Berry becomes Miss Chef in English with this, her final G2 release. Her name reverts to what she is originally called in Dutch, French, and Italian.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Framboosje (Raspberry)
- French: Gourmandine (Gourmet)
- Italian: Golosina (Sweetie)
- Regional MIBs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Fuchsia
- Hair Color: Cerise Red
- Eye Color: Pale Blue with Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Two Dark Pink Heart-Shaped Berries with Four Dark Pink-Outlined, Stylized Leaves and Vine Swirl with Four Dark Pink Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share their adventures.
- Miss Chef is a really good cook. Put the hat on her and explore how tasty dishes she makes!
- The oven and cupboard really opens up!
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- Framboosje is een goede kok. Zet de koksmuts op her hoofd en ontdek hoe ze haar heerlijke gerschten klaarmaakt!
- Je kan de oven en de keukenkast echt openmaken en er al je accesoires in opbergen!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- Raspberry is a good cook. Put the chef's hat on her head and discover how she prepares her delicious barley!
- You can actually open the oven and the kitchen cupboard and store all your accessories in them!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours.
- Gourmandine est la plus grande cuisiniére! Mets sa toque et regarde les bons petits plats qui'elle prépare!
- Le four et le placard s'ouvrent vralment et tu peux y ranger tous les accesoires!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
- Gourmet is the greatest cook! Put on her hat and look at the delicious dishes she prepares!
- The oven and cupboard really open and you can store all the accessories there!
- Collezionali e gioca con loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nelle loro meravigliose avventure.
- Golosina é una bravissima cuoca. Falle indossare il cappello e vedrai che deliziosi pranzetti saprò prepararti!
- Il forno e la credenza si aprono davvero!
English Translation:
- Collect them and play with them: your My Little Ponies on their wonderful adventures.
- Sweetie is a very good cook. Let her wear her hat and you'll see what delicious meals I can prepare for you!
- The oven and cupboard actually open!
Media Appearances

In the My Little Pony: Friendship Gardens PC game, Sweet Berry is featured in the kitchen, where she helps the player decorate a cake.
See Also
Core 4 | |||
Core 4 |
Ivy • Light Heart • Sundance • Sweet Berry |
Other ponies in the 1998 Magic Motion Friends Series:
Other ponies in the 1998 Sunny Garden Friends Series:
Other ponies in the 1999 Royal Friends Series:
Other 1999 Playset Ponies:
Other ponies in the 2000 Magic Motion Family Series:
Other 2000 Playset Ponies:
Other ponies in the 2001 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies Series:
Other ponies in the 2002 Majestic Ponies Series:
Other ponies in the 2003 Fantastic Job Ponies Series:
- Generation 2
- G2 Adult Ponies
- G2 Earth Ponies
- G2 Pink Ponies
- G2 Purple Ponies
- Year Two (1998)
- Magic Motion Friends
- Sunny Garden Friends
- Year Three (1999)
- Royal Friends
- G2 Playsets
- Year Four (2000)
- Magic Motion Family Ponies
- Year Five (2001)
- Changing Mane and Tail Ponies
- Year Six (2002)
- Majestic Ponies
- Year Seven (2003)
- Fantastic Job Ponies
- Need Loose Photo
- Need MIP Photo
- Need Backcard Photo
- Need Accessories Photo