Light Heart
Light Heart was first released in 1997 with the Canopy Bed playset and has a total of seven standard releases, one of which has a variant. She is one of the core four featured characters used for G2 Merchandise, and her name changes to White Pearl for her final G2 release. Birthday Playset Festive/Festivities shares her Special Birthday Magic release symbol, but she is not considered a Light Heart version. G3 Sunny Daze’s design appears to have been inspired by Light Heart.
Canopy Bed Light Heart is the first G2 pony to be included with a playset. She is made of a hard plastic like the G1 Dream Beauties rather than the softer PVC from which other G2s are made. There may also be variations of her USA packaging – one that lists Kenner as the manufacturer and another that lists Hasbro. The text remains the same with some slight differences in typography. This Light Heart has Magic Motion F, in which all of her legs can be moved at the hip/shoulder joints to make her lie down, and her head can be pushed down in a “sleeping” pose that will pop up again when the pink ring around her tail is pushed down. She is the only pony in this pose.
Light Heart’s 1998 release is as part of a two-pony Sunny Garden Friends set with Sundance. Her 1999 release makes her into a Royal Lady with Magic Motion, and she has the same Magic Motion in for her fourth release as part of the Magic Motion Families.
Light Heart has two 2001 releases, first joining the Changing Mane and Tail Ponies and second with another playset – the Wedding Playset. Her final release in 2002 is as part of the Magic Fantasy Hair ponies, in which her name changes to White Pearl. White Pearl also has a hair color variant, sometimes referred to as “Blondie.”
- Light Heart Releases
Year One (1997)
Canopy Bed with Light Heart
Release Info
- Release Year: 1997 – Holiday
- Availability: North America & Europe
- Series: Playsets
Regional Names (English Translation)
- British English: Light Heart
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch: Lichthartje (Light Heart)
- Finnish:
- French: Coquine (Naughty)
- French Canadian: Farceur (Prankster)
- German: Pony Traumherz (Pony Dreamheart)
- Greek:
- Italian: Gioietta (Little Jewel) OR Luce (Light)
- Spanish:
- Spanish Mexican: Dulce Corazón (Sweet Heart Magic Pony)
- Swedish:
Pony Stats
- Pose: Light Heart Pose
- Body Color: White with Pink Gradient Hooves
- Hair Color: Equal Stripes Orange, Magenta, and Lilac Mane; Blended Orange, Magenta, and Lilac Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart Outline with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Yellow Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Three Yellow and Two Pink Alternating Dots Outside of Large Heart
Pony Features
For complete playset details, please refer to Canopy Bed with Light Heart.
Backcard Stories
- File Card Gallery
American English
Hasbro Card | Kenner Card |
LIGHT HEART™ is the joker. Her humor and silly pranks cheer everyone up. When she lies down to sleep, she magically creates a rainbow to keep her smiling as she drifts off to dreamland. |
British English
Joker Light Heart’s silly pranks cheer everyone up. As she sleeps she magically creates a rainbow to keep her smiling in dreamland.
Dutch | English Translation |
Iedereen wordt vrolijk van de grappige streken van Lichthartje. Als ze slaapt tovert ze een regenboog te voorschijn en glimlachend vertrekt ze naar dromenland. | Everyone is happy with Little Heart's funny antics. When she sleeps, she conjures up a rainbow and smiles as she heads off to dreamland. |
French | English Translation |
Coquine amuse tout le monde avec ses farces. Avant de s'endormant, elle fait apparaître l arc-en-ciel, et s'en va rejoindre le doux monde des rêves. | Naughty girl amuses everyone with her pranks. Before falling asleep, she makes the rainbow appear, and goes to join the sweet world of dreams. |
Italian | English Translation |
I simpatica scherzi dell'allegra Gioietta rendono tutti contenti. Quando si addormenta fa nascere un stupendo arcobaleno sul mondo dei Pony. | The funny pranks of the cheerful Little Jewel make everyone happy. When she falls asleep she makes a wonderful rainbow appear over the Pony world. |
Canadian Card English
French Canadian
Mexican Spanish
G2 • Pony Toys • Year One (1997) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Berry Bright • Clever Clover • Morning Glory • Petal Blossom • Sky Skimmer | |
Magic Motion Friends | Ivy • Sundance | |
Playsets |
Year Two (1998)
Special Birthday Magic Light Heart
- Release Year: 1998
- Availability: Internationally
- Series: Sunny Garden Friends
- Notes: Light Heart is part of a two-pony set with Sundance. The candle atop the birthday cake can be blown out and “relit” by raising an orange lever on the side of the cake. This set also has two accessory color variations.
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Equal Stripes Orange, Pink, and Purple Mane; Blended Orange, Pink, and Purple Tail
- Eye Color: Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol:
- Display Side: Large Pink-Outlined Orange with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Pink Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Five Orange Dots Outside of Large Heart on a Yellow Balloon
- Non-Display Side: Large Pink-Outlined Orange with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Pink Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Five Orange Dots Outside of Large Heart
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!
- Blow on the candle to magically make the flame disappear!
- Move the lever up to make the candle flame reappear!
- Comes with fun party accessories for both ponies!
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
SUNDANCE the EXPLORER and LIGHT HEART the JOKER love birthdays. They look forward to their friends’ birthdays so they can celebrate with their magical cake!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Two (1998) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Mail Order Pony | Seabreeze | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Sunny Garden Friends |
Basket Surprise with Sweet Berry and Ivy • Special Birthday Magic with Light Heart and Sundance | |
Playsets |
Year Three (1999)
Lady Light Heart
- Royal Ladies: Magic Mirror: Lady Light Heart
- Release Year: 1999
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Royal Ladies
- Notes: Light Heart has Magic Motion C; her head turns when the plastic base of her tail is spun. Her mirror stores her jewelry by inserting it at the top. The jewelry drops into the vanity tray when the mirror’s knob is turned forward. The mirror moves, giving a funhouse effect, when the knob is turned backward.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish:
- Dutch: Assortiment Hofdames: Toverspiegel: Lady Lichthartje (Assortment of Court Ladies: Magic Mirror: Lady Lightheart)
- Finnish:
- French: Mes Petits Poneys Reines: Reine Coquine et Son Miroir Magique (My Little Ponies Queens: Naughty Queen and Her Magic Mirror)
- German: Köngs-Freunde: mit magischem Spiegel: Lady Traumherz (King’s Friends: with Magic Mirror: Lady Dreamheart)
- Greek: ΛΑΙΔΗ ΓΕΛΑΣΤΟΥΛΑ – Lady Gelastoula (Lolly Ladies)
- Italian: Le Damine del Castello: Specchio magico: Damina Gioietta (The Ladies of the Castle: Magic Mirror: Lady Rejoice)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MIBs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Tipsy Tulip Pose
- Body Color: White with Pink Hooves
- Hair Color: Striped Orange, Pink, and Purple Mane; Blended Orange, Pink, and Purple Tail; Pearl Tinsel in Both
- Eye Color: Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart Outline with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Yellow Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Three Yellow and Two Pink Alternating Dots Outside of Large Heart
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponyland castle! The ponies have lots of royal adventures and magical surprises to share with you! For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU!
- Drop jewels into the top of the mirror, turn the knob towards you and surprise! – they magically appear below!
- Turn Lady Light Heart’s tail and her head moves.
- Turn the knob away from you to make the mirror move for a funny reflection!
Lady Light Heart is the Joker. She plays silly pranks on her friends with her magical mirror.
My Little Pony wacht op je in het paleis van Ponyland! Samen met jou beleeft ze daar allerlei koninklijke avonturen! De prinsessenpony's hebben betoverende verrassingen voor je! Het enige wat My Little Pony nodig heeft om de pret te laten beginnen... be JIJ!
- Laat de edelstene in de bovenkant van de spiegel vallen, draii aan de knop en... verassing! Zekomen onder de spiegel te voorschijn!
- Draai de staart van Lady Lichthartje en haar hoofdje beweegt!
- Draai aan de knop en de toverspeigel wordt een lachspiegel!
Lady Lichthartje is een echte grappenmaker. Ze haalt met haar toverspiegel malle streken uit met haar vriendinnetjes.
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in the palace of Ponyland! She will experience all kinds of royal adventures there with you! The princess ponies have enchanting surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs to get the fun started... is YOU!
- Drop the gem into the top of the mirror, turn the knob and... surprise! They appear under the mirror!
- Turn Lady Lightheart's tail and her head moves!
- Turn the knob and the magic mirror becomes a fun mirror!
Lady Lichthartje is a real joker. She plays silly pranks on her friends with her magic mirror.
Herlich Willkommen in Reich de königlichen Ladys vom Pony-Freundschaftsland, der zauberhaften Welt von "Mein Kleines Pony"! Hier erleben die Königs-Freunde die sagenhaftesten Abenteuer! Spiel doch einfach mit! Deine Ponys freuen sich riesig über einen neuen Freund und schenken Dir zum Dank einen zauberhaften Schatz aus ihrem königlichen Schloß im Pony-Freundschaftsland!
- Stecke die magischen Schmuvkjuwelen oben in den Spiegel! Drehe den Knopf und wie durch Zauberei erscheinen sie an der Spiegel-Unterseite!
- Drehe ihren Schweif und Lady Traumherz bewegt ihr Köpfchen!
- Drehe den Knopf und der Spiegel "bewegt" sich!
Lady Traumherz denkt sich die lustigstert Streiche aus! Mit ihrem magischen Spiegel verulkt sie sogar ihre Pony-Freunde! Denn wenn sie in den Spiegel schaurn, schen sie ein lustiges Spiegelbild!
English Translation: Welcome to the realm of the royal ladies from Pony Friendship Land, the magical world of “My Little Pony”! Here the royal friends experience the most fabulous adventures! Just play along! Your ponies are really happy about a new friend and as a thank you they give you a magical treasure from their royal castle in Pony Friendship Land!
- Place the magical jewels in the top of the mirror! Turn the knob and they magically appear on the bottom of the mirror!
- Turn her tail and Lady Dreamheart moves her head!
- Turn the knob and the mirror “moves”!
Lady Dreamheart thinks up the funniest pranks! She even makes fun of her pony friends with her magic mirror! Because when you look in the mirror, you see a funny reflection!
I my Little Pony del Regno Incantato ti stanno aspettando! Hanno storie magiche e regali principeschi da donarti. Perche l'avventura abbia inizio manchi soltanto tu!
- Inserisci i gioielli nella parte superiore dello specchio, ruota il pomello e - sorpresa - i giotelli appariranno nella parte inferiore!
- Gira la coda di Damina Gioietta e la sua testa si muoverà.
- Gira il pomello: lo specchio si muoverà e verdrai un effetto divertente.
La damina Gioietta è la burlona del Regno Incantato. Ha uno specchio magico che deforma in maniera buffa e divertente Le Immagini di chi vi si specchia.
English Translation: My Little Ponies from the Enchanted Kingdom are waiting for you! They have magical stories and princely gifts to give you. All that's missing for the adventure to begin is you!
- Insert the jewels at the top of the mirror, turn the knob and - surprise - the jewels will appear at the bottom!
- Turn Lady Rejoice’s tail and her head will move.
- Turn the knob: the mirror will move and you will see a fun effect.
The lady Rejoice is the prankster of the Enchanted Kingdom. She has a magic mirror that distorts the images of those who look in it in a funny and entertaining way.
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Three (1999) | ||
♥ Nationwide distribution in the USA ended in 1999, but which ponies were available is still debated. Distribution and sales continued in Europe through 2003 and the brand relaunch of Generation 3. ♥ | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Princess Ponies |
Princess Crystal • Princess Ivy • Princess Morning Glory • Princess Silver Swirl • Princess Trixiebelle • Princess Twinkle Star | |
Royal Lady Ponies |
Lady Cupcake • Lady Light Heart • Lady Moonshine • Lady Sky Skimmer | |
Royal Friends |
Mystery Ball with Princess Sweet Berry and Lady Sky Skimmer • Royal Wedding with Princess Morning Glory and Prince Clever Clover | |
Holiday Ponies | ||
Playsets |
Sweet Berry's Magic Kitchen • Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunsparkle • Magic Rainbow Forest with Sunsparkle • Royal Castle Ballroom with Princess Morning Glory |
Year Four (2000)
Magic Motion Families Light Heart and Tickle Heart
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Magic Motion Families
- Notes: This Light Heart release also has Magic Motion C. The differences between Magic Motion Family Light Heart and Lady Light Heart are that Magic Motion Family Light Heart has a matte light purple streak at the top of her mane that Lady Light Heart does not, and Lady Light Heart has tinsel in her mane and tail that Magic Motion Family Light Heart does not. This is Baby Tickle Heart’s singular release.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish:
- Dutch:
- Finnish: Lustig och Skojig Ilopilleri ja Sydänkäapy (Hilarious and Funny Joy Pill and Heart Cone)
- French: Maman Coquine et Bébé Canaillou (Naughty Mom and Baby Scamp)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian:
- Norwegian: Lattermild og Hjertensfryd/Hjertefryd (Gentle Laughter and Joy of the Heart/Joy of the Heart)
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Light Heart Stats
- Pose: Tipsy Tulip Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Striped Matte Light Purple, Orange, Pink, and Purple Mane; Blended Orange, Pink and Purple Tail
- Eye Color: Light Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart Outline with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Yellow Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Three Yellow and Two Pink Alternating Dots Outside of Large Heart
- Pony Features
Baby Tickle Heart Stats
- Pose: Baby Tickle Heart Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Striped Orange, Pink, and Purple Mane; Blended Orange and Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Light Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart Outline with Smiley Face Inside, Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, with Tiny Solid Pink Heart and Five Pink Dots on Outside Edge
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- 1 Bouge la queue de maman Coquine, elle agite les jouets devant bébé Canaillou!
- 2 Bébé Canaillou adore jouer avec son arche d'éveil!
- 3 Les petits jouets de bébé Canaillou forment un ravissant bracelet pour toi!
Maman Coquine est très farceuse, elle amuse tous ses amis avec ses plaisanteries. Bébé Canaillou est lui aussi très coquin. Il a toujours une nouvelle bétise à faire, comme quand il a voulu se teindre la crinière en mauve avec une grappe de raisin! Heureusement, maman Coquine en rit toujours!
English Translation:
- 1 Move Naughty Mom's tail, she waves the toys in front of baby Scamp!
- 2 Baby Scamp loves playing with his activity arch!
- 3 Scamp’s little baby toys make a lovely bracelet for you!
Naughty Mom is very prankster, she amuse all her friends with her jokes. Baby Scamp is also very naughty. He always has a new stupid thing to do, like when he tried to dye his mane purple with a bunch of grapes! Fortunately, Naughty Mom always laughs about it!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Four (2000) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Bright Bramley • Wingsong (Secret Surprise II) | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Magic Motion Family Ponies |
Light Heart and Baby Tickle Heart • Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam • Sweet Berry and Baby Honeyberry | |
Light Up Family Ponies |
Ivy and Baby Fern • Morning Glory and Baby Dew • Princess Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly • Princess Twinkle Star and Baby Twinkles | |
Twin Baby Ponies |
Dart and Dash • Drifter and Dreamer • Polka and Dot • Stardust and Moondust | |
Princess Ponies | ||
Prince Ponies | ||
Royal Lady Ponies | ||
Royal Twin Baby Ponies |
Giggles and Wiggles • Jewel and Sparkle • Sweetheart and Trueheart • Fire and Flame | |
Other Releases | ||
Playset Ponies |
Princess Sweet Berry (Royal Castle) • Princess Sky Skimmer (Wedding Carriage) Baby Fleur (Wedding Carriage) • Baby Flitter (Giggle Garden Nursery) |
Year Five (2001)
Changing Mane and Tail Light Heart
- Release Year: 2001
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Category:Changing Mane and Tail Ponies
- Note: Light Heart’s mane and tail can be swapped out between two different colors of each. Her backcard gives her the English name "Coquette" in her story.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Hartediefje (Heartbreaker)
- Finnish:
- French: Coquine (Naughty)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Cuoricina (Little Heart)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Morning Glory Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Green with Silver Tinsel or Pink and Orange
- Eye Color: Pale Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Green Heart Outline with Small Solid Yellow Heart Overlapping, One Small Green Heart Inside, One Small Yellow Heart and Five Yellow Dots Outside of Large Heart
- Pony Features
Back Card Stories
Changing Mane and Tail
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures.
- Coquette loves heart-shaped things. Depending on the color of her hair she wears different hair-clips. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
Magische Manen
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- Hartediefje houdt van haar spulletjes in hartvorm. Bij elke haarkleur hoort een andere haarclip. Verander haar manen en staart! Om de manen te veranderen volstaat het het sterretje op haar voorhoofd los te maken!
English Translation: Magic Moons
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- Heartbreaker likes her things in the shape of a heart. Each hair color requires a different hair clip. Change her mane and tail! To change the mane, just detach the star on her forehead!
Chevelures Magiques
- Collectionne tous Mes Petit Poneys et partage leurs aventurse de tous les jours
- Coquine est très farceuse, elle amuse ses amies en changeant souvent sa couleur de cheveux qu'elle attache avec des clips en forme de cœur. Change sa crinière et sa queue! Pour changer sa crinière, il suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.
English Translation: Magic Hair
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
- Naughty is very prankish, she amuse her friends by often changing her hair color which she attaches with heart-shaped clips. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.
Magiche Chiome
- I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana; collezionali e gioca con loro.
- Cuoricina adora circondarsi di oggetti a forma di cuore. A seconda del diverso colore di capelli indossa diversi fermagli. Cambia la sua criniera e la sua coda! Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.
English Translation: Magical hair
- Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives; collect them and play with them.
- Little Heart loves to surround herself with heart-shaped objects. Depending on the different hair color she wears different clips. She changes her mane and her tail! To change her mane, she peels off the star on her forehead.
Wedding Playset with Light Heart
- Release Year: 2001
- Availability: Europe
- Series: G2 Playsets
- Note: Light Heart is named Vlindertje in the Dutch text on the box; this is Sky Skimmer’s Dutch name.The playset gates have two color variations – pink and blue. Light Heart has Magic Motion E.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Trouwfeest van Vlindertje (Butterfly’s Wedding)
- Finnish:
- French: Le Mariage de Coquine (Naughty’s Wedding)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Il Matrimonio di Gioietta (Rejoice’s Wedding)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Dainty Dove Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Purple Forelock; Striped Orange, Pink, and Purple Mane; Blended Orange, Pink, and Purple Tail
- Eye Color: Turquoise with White Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart Outline with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Yellow Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Three Yellow and Two Pink Alternating Dots Outside of Large Heart
- Pony Features
Back Card Stories
English Wedding Play-set
- You can take it anywhere!
- My Little Pony really sits!
- After the ceremony, the celebrations really begin.
- My Little Pony included!
Trouwfeest van Vlindertje
- Neem je koffertje overal mee!
- De pony zit éicht!
- Na de huwelijksceremonie kan het feest beginnen!
- My Little Pony inbegrepen!
English Translation: Butterfly's wedding
- Take your suitcase everywhere!
- The pony is really sitting!
- After the wedding ceremony, the party can begin!
- My Little Pony included!
Le Mariage de Coquine
- Le coffret se referme pur étre transporté!
- Mon Petit Poney s'assied vraiment!
- Aprés la cérémonie, la féte peut commencer!
- Mon Petit Poney Coquine inclus!
English Translation: Naughty's Wedding
- The trunk closes to be transported!
- My Little Pony actually sits!
- After the ceremony, the party can begin!
- My Naughty Little Pony included!
Il Matrimonio di Gioietta
- Portalo sempre con te!
- Il Pony si siede davvero!
- Ultimata la ceremonia ora, iniziano i festeggiamenti.
- Pony Gioietta incluso!
English Translation: Rejoice's Wedding
- Always carry it with you!
- The Pony actually sits!
- With the ceremony now complete, the celebrations begin.
- Pony Rejoice included!
Birthday Playset with Festivities
- Release Year: 2001
- Availability: Europe
- Series: G2 Playsets
- Note: While Festivities, sometimes referred to as “Festive,” has a symbol similar to 1998’s Sunny Garden Friends Light Heart, collectors’ consensus is that she is not a variant but an entirely different pony. The playset is also known as the “Anniversary Playset.” Please refer to the Birthday Playset page for detailed information.
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Yellow
- Hair Color: Yellow and Pink Mane and Tail
- Eye Color: Turquoise with Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Pink Heart and Five Pink Dots Outside of Large Heart – All on a Yellow Balloon
- Pony Features
Year Six (2002)
Magic Fantasy Hair White Pearl
- Release Year: 2002
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
- Note: This is Light Heart’s last release, and her name changed to White Pearl. She has a yellow-haired variant, seen below.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Zilverparel (Silver Pearl)
- Finnish:
- French: Coquine Perle Nacrée (Naughty Pearly Pearl)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Perla Bianca (White Pearl)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Clever Clover Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Orange and Pink Mane and Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart Outline with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Yellow Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Three Yellow and Two Pink Alternating Dots Outside of Large Heart
- Pony Features
Back Card Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their adventures.
- Follow these simple instructions in order to play with your Bead Machine: 1) Thread the bead onto the plastic needle, shifting the heart-shaped button to the left. 2) After that, thread the bunch of hair into the plastic needle, as shown in the picture. 3) Shift the heart-shaped button to the right: the bunch of hair will be threaded automatically into the bead!
- Put the colourful beads in the hair of White Pearl… you can do it easily, thanks to the fantastic bead machine!
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- Volg deze eenvoudige handleiding om met je kralenzetter te spelen: 1) Steck de plastic naald door de kraal, en schuif de hartvormige knop naar Iinks. 2) Plaats vervolgens de haarlok van je pony in de plastic naald, zools afgebeeld wordt op de foto. 3) Schuif het hartvonnige knopje naar rechts. Kijk, de kraal zit mooi rond de haarlok!
- Rijg de kleurrijke kralen in de manen van Zilverparel... Het is echt gemakkelijk dankzij de kralenzatter! Je kan de kralen ook in je eigen kapsel rijgen.
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- Follow this simple guide to playing with your bead maker: 1) Insert the plastic needle through the bead, and slide the heart-shaped button to the left. 2) Then place the strand of hair from your pony into the plastic needle as shown in the photo. 3) Slide the heart-shaped button to the right. Look, the bead fits nicely around the hair strand!
- Thread the colorful beads into Silver Pearl's mane... It's really easy thanks to the bead maker! You can also thread the beads into your own hairstyle.
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
- Suis Ies instructions pour jouer avec ta machine à perles:
1) Enfle les perles dans l'aiguille en plastique, deplace le bouton en forme de couer sur la droite. (photo 1) 2) Ensuite creble la méche de cheveux dans l'aiguille en plastique, comme montré sur la photo 2. 3) Déplace le bouton en forme de coeur sur la droite: la meche de cheveux s'enfile atomatiquement dans la perle! (photo 3)
- Enfile les perles de couleur dans les cheveux de Précieuse Coquine Perle Nacrée. C'est faile grâce à la super machine à perles! Tu peux aussi les mettre dans les cheveux!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
- Follow the instructions to play with your bead machine:
1) Thread the beads into the plastic needle, move the stitch button to the right. (photo 1) 2) Then thread the strand of hair into the plastic needle, as shown in photo 2. 3) Move the heart-shaped button to the right: the lock of hair is inserted automatically in the pearl! (photo 3)
- Thread the colored beads into Naughty Pearly Pearl’s hair. It's easy thanks to the super bead machine! You can also put them in your hair!
- Collezionali e gioca con loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana.
- Per usare la macchinetta delle perle, segui queste facili istruzioni: 1) Infla la perlina nell'ago di plastica, spostando il cursore verso sinistra. 2) Infla poi la ciocca di capelli nell'ago di plastica, come mostrato in figura. 3) Sposta il cursore verso destra la ciocca si inflera automaticamente nella perlina!
- Metti le perline sulla chioma di Perla Bianca – con la bellissima macchinetta delle perle è davvero facile! E puoi usarla anche per infilare le perline nei tuoi capelli!
English Translation:
- Collect them and play with them: your My Little Ponies in their daily lives.
- To use the bead maker, follow these easy instructions: 1) Thread the bead into the plastic needle, moving the slider to the left. 2) Then inflate the section of hair into the plastic needle, as shown in the figure. 3) Move the cursor to the right and the lock will automatically slide into the bead!
- Putting beads on White Pearl's hair – with the beautiful pearl machine it's really easy! And you can use it to thread beads into your hair too!
White Pearl VARIANT/Blondie
- Release Year: 2002
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
- Notes: It has been confirmed that this pony is a White Pearl variant after she was discovered new in White Pearl’s packaging.
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Clever Clover Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Pale Yellow and Blush Red Mane and Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Large Pink Heart Outline with Small Solid Pink Heart Overlapping, One Small Yellow Heart Inside, One Small Pink Heart and Three Yellow and Two Pink Alternating Dots Outside of Large Heart
- Pony Features

Media Appearances
Light Heart appears as the owner of the Games Cottage in My Little Pony: Friendship Gardens.
G1 Episodes DVD The Magic Coins & The Revolt of Paradise Estate
See Also
Core 4 | |||
Core 4 |
Ivy • Light Heart • Sundance • Sweet Berry |
Other 1997 Playsets:
Other Ponies in the 1998 Sunny Garden Friends Series:
Other 1999 Royal Ladies Ponies:
Other Ponies in the 2000 Magic Motion Family Ponies Series:
Other Ponies in the 2001 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies Series:
Other 2001 Playset Ponies:
- Year Four (2000)
- Generation 2
- G2 Adult Ponies
- G2 Earth Ponies
- G2 White Ponies
- Year One (1997)
- G2 Playsets
- Year Two (1998)
- Sunny Garden Friends
- Year Three (1999)
- Royal Lady Ponies
- Magic Motion Family Ponies
- Year Five (2001)
- Changing Mane and Tail Ponies
- Year Six (2002)
- Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
- Need Loose Photo
- Need Symbol Photo
- Need Accessories Photo
- Need MIP Photo
- Need Backcard Photo