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No, we’re not all the same (even though I wish we were)

“What might save us, me and you… is if the Russians love their children, too.”  Singer / songwriter Sting wrote that near the end of the Cold War, when we still thought Russians were going to be the death of us (listen here or watch it below). I came of age with these optimistic words ringing in my ears – and the assumption that, since our enemies are just like us, we’ll ultimately find peace. I hate to say it, but Sting lied to a whole generation of us.  We’re really not all the same. A friend said in a dvar Torah last week that while Migdal Bavel (the Towel of Babel) was being built, the builders had tremendous unity of purpose.  They were all working together in harmony. It was the first and last time all the people of the world worked together with such clarity.  So why did Hashem object, to the point of smashing the tower and scattering the people? My friend explained that if one of the builders fell down from the tower to his death, the others wouldn’t cry.  No big deal; t

Parsha Poetry, Year 2: Noach / נֹחַ

בְּרֵאשִׁית / Bereishis / BEREISHIT / Genesis 6:9-11:32: Read it ;  hear it ; colour it . Click for printable PDF version .  And don’t forget to read last year’s poem ! Copywork and parsha activities – updated weekly. Thanks to Ted for this week’s art, liberally borrowed from his Parsha Cartoon . “What are you doing?” the neighbours all said, “What are you building back there? Why are you making a boat with a bed, And building a cage for a bear?” “I’m building a boat,” old Noach replied, “Building it sprawling and grand, And very soon now, we must all head inside For the floods, they will cover the land.” The neighbours just laughed, a hilarious mirth, Screeching, “who the heck told you that? In case you can’t see, this is mighty dry earth, So why build that box for a bat?” “Look around,” Noach growled, “just look and see, “What a mess we have made of this world. With murder and mayhem, it’s pure misery, And there’s worse that will soon be unfurled.” “Who are YOU to tell

Parsha Poem: Noach / נֹחַ

Download the printable PDF version here ! בראשית / Bereishit / Bereishis / Genesis 6:9-11:32 Nimrod was a wicked king; Of course he did a wicked thing. He wanted to build a town of his own But sadly, he couldn’t find any stone. “Remember the flood!” he shouted “When deadly rainfall spouted. The whole earth was covered in rain And you know – it might happen again.” So he wanted to build it up high Far from the floods, to the sky He decided to build a great tower To save himself from the next shower. “We must be stronger this time,” Said Nimrod, who hated to rhyme. “We’ll get back at Hashem for that flood, If only we had more than just mud.” But no rock could be found In the kingdom around. So how could he build a new space, With no rocks to be seen near the place? But the folks there thought it was grand To build up within the new land So Nimrods advisors, a few Came up with something brand-new. “It’s a brick!” they exclaimed, “Yes, that’s what it’s named, I