Program Overview

Panel Sessions

Session Topic Area
1 Ethics and Privacy in Mixed Reality
2 Libraries as Partners in VR Exposure and Development

Paper Sessions

Session Topic Area Session Topic Area
1 Avatars - Appearance 16 Applications - Simulation & Training
2 3DUI - Selection/Exploration 17 Visual Displays - Devices 1
3 Gaze & Attention 18 Perception & Collaboration
4 Avatars - Perception 19 3DUI - Navigation - Flying/Teleportation
5 3DUI - Navigation - Redirected Walking 20 Visualization
6 AR: Tools and Displays 21 Comfort & Workload
7 Haptics 22 Novel Interfaces & Displays
8 Embodiment 1 23 Evaluation Methods
9 3DUI - Manipulation 24 Visual Displays - Devices 2
10 Crowds & Perception 25 Tracking
11 Collaboration 26 Visual Rendering
12 3DUI - Navigation - Interfaces & Chairs 27 Audio
13 Visual Comfort 28 Applications - Safety, Education, Architecture, Traffic Control
14 Perception & Manipulation 29 AR - Perception
15 Embodiment 2    


Looking for the VR in VR Workshop? Unfortunately, we are having issues with our CDN provider and our online system. We are going to move to a different CDN today. We’re going to move the workshop back to its original time, 9-12:15 on Sunday, so we can fix these issues today

Sunday, March 22

Monday, March 23

Tuesday, March 24

Wednesday, March 25

Thursday, March 26