Call for Doctoral Consortium

IEEE VR 2020: IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
March 22nd - 26th, 2020

Important Dates

  • EXTENDED - November 30th, 2019 23:59 AoE: Submission deadline
  • November 23rd, 2019 23:59 AoE: Submission deadline
  • January 8th, 2019 23:59 AoE: Notification of acceptance
  • December 20th, 2019 23:59 AoE: Notification of acceptance
  • January 31st, 2020 23:59 AoE: Camera-ready
  • March 22rd, 2020 9:00AM - 6:00PM EST: Consortium


The DC is a concentrated full-day event that will be held on Sunday, March 22rd, 2020, where students present their research interests/plans/results to a panel of senior researchers in the field and receive specific constructive feedback, followed by a reception in the evening and networking opportunities during the following days. Accepted students will be expected to give in-depth presentations of their research and will receive constructive comments from mentors. Additionally, accepted students will create a poster about their work to allow IEEE VR attendees to quickly familiarize themselves with each other’s work and to be shown to a broader audience during the conference poster session. Accepted students will have the option to publish their two-page extended abstract in the conference proceedings and to be included in the online IEEE VR program. There is also the possibility that the abstracts may be archived in the IEEExplore digital library.

Eligibility and Topics

Ideal candidates will be in the early or mid stages of their PhD, and should have a solid idea of their direction and topic, but should also have room for improvement. The DC welcomes applicants from a broad range of disciplines including VR, AR, 3D user interfaces, human-computer interaction, wearable computing, social informatics, information technology, cognitive science, and related fields.

Submission Guidelines

To apply to the DC, please submit the following two documents via the Precision Conference Doctoral Consortium track at as a single PDF. All IEEE VR Doctoral Consortium submissions should be prepared in IEEE Computer Society VGTC format and submitted as a PDF.

  1. Position paper: Paper submissions should be 2 pages in length including references. This position paper must clearly motivate, discuss, and summarize the proposed Ph.D. research, describe how the research fits into and advances research in VR and/or related fields, and report on your progress. You may additionally focus on a more specific area of the research if desired. In the concluding section, you should identify 2-3 questions/areas for improvement that you would like to discuss during the DC.
  2. A one page Curriculum Vitae.

Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

Financing Your Conference Travel

Students are encouraged to seek funding from their institutions for travel and registration costs. DC participants who also apply as Student Volunteers will have conference registration fully paid for and planned by the Student Volunteer team. Historically, the conference has been able to obtain some funding for students based in the U.S. and as we obtain specific information on other financial support we will update these pages and/or notify accepted student researchers.


For more information, please contact the DC Program Chairs at doctoralconsortium2020 [at]

  • Aleshia Hayes, University of North Texas, USA
  • Luciana Nedel, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
  • Andrew Robb, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
  • Pete Willemsen, University of Minnesota Duluth, USA

doctoralconsortium2020 [at]