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Vladimir Mikhailovich Baryshev

Vladimir Mikhailovich BaryshevVladimir Mikhailovich Baryshev, a companion of Vladimir Nikolayevich Chelomey, was a talented organizer and designer in the field of aviation and rocket and space technology, the creator and first head of the Vympel NPO. In 1963, V.M. Baryshev was appointed the head of the created Branch No. 2 of the Design Bureau of the General Designer V.N. Chelomea, and headed it until 1985.

He led the production of silo launchers and combat launch complexes of increased and high security for missiles of the UR-100 type and their modifications; technical complexes for the preparation of the Proton launch vehicle, as well as technological equipment for the preparation of cruise missiles and spacecraft for various purposes. The projects of silo launchers, technical complexes for the preparation of rockets and spacecraft developed by the designers of Branch No. 2, led by V.M. Baryshev served and are in service to this day. Many of them have no analogs in world practice, even Americans consider them the most perfect in the world.

Baryshev Vladimir Mikhailovich was born on June 13, 1913 in the village of Botkino, Kasimovsky District, Ryazan Region, in a peasant family. He began his career as an engineer, and then an aircraft engineer for testing aircraft engines in the VVA named after N.E. Zhukovsky. After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Civil Air Fleet Engineers, having received the specialty of a mechanical engineer in airship building, he worked in the aviation experimental design bureau of chief designers V.M. Petlyakova, S.V. Ilyushin, V.M. Myasishchev. He participated in the development and implementation of a series of aircraft Pe-2, IL-14 and IL-28. In OKB V.M. Myasishchev from 1951, he participated in the creation of 3M, M4, M50, M52 heavy bombers and went from the head of the brigade to the deputy general designer.

In 1960, Myasischevskoye OKB-23 merged into Chelomey’s growing company. During this period V.M. Baryshev was appointed Deputy General Designer, and in 1963 - the head of the created Branch No. 2, which was entrusted with the development of ground-based missile systems. The backbone of the team was made up of specialists from the Myasischevsk complex of ground equipment, reinforced by the engineers of the Design Bureau Dmitry Tomashevich and Alexander Nadiradze. These design bureaus were located on the same territory as Branch No. 2.

To unite representatives of different enterprises and schools is not an easy task. But Vladimir Mikhailovich managed to solve it with honor. Herbert Alexandrovich Efremov recalled: "V.M. Baryshev was a designer of very high qualification, an organizer of engineering work and a very responsible person in all his affairs. He was a faithful "combat" associate of General Designer Vladimir Nikolayevich Chelomei. Baryshev came to work for Vladimir Nikolaevich as a ready-made deputy. He suited him in all his business qualities. I knew him from the beginning of the 60s, when Vladimir Mikhailovich was already in the rank of Deputy General Designer for the design of a transport and launcher for the UR-100 missile family.

"I consider it an honor that I had the opportunity to work together with Vladimir Mikhailovich for a while while he worked in Reutov. Then I spoke with him as the head of Branch No. 2. I am proud that, as a part of several applications for recognized inventions on launchers, always, by the way, as a collective, I was part of such “big” people as: V.N. Chelomey, V.M. Baryshev, S.B. Puzrin and others, including allies. "Vladimir Mikhailovich was a very delicate, calm, balanced, intelligent person. He knew how to pick up a team of like-minded people, whom he believed, which he did not restrain when discussing design issues, gave them the opportunity to grow creatively, that is, acted as a real Chief Designer, which he later became in the silos after he designed and put on armament launch pad. I remembered his brilliant assistants who themselves could lead any topic on the ground: Yuri Khrapovitsky, Andrei Zaitsev, Igor Rakov, Yuri Dementiev, and many others, you will not list everyone."

The task of organizing a unit for the development of a ground-based launch complex inside OKB-52 at that time looked somewhat strange. At all test ranges of the USSR, the development of ground equipment for launch complexes was carried out by the design bureau of Vladimir Barmin, a recognized master of his craft. However, V.N. Chelomei strove for complete autonomy and independence from his other design bureaus. The reason for this is that at the junction of the “start” and “rocket” there is a technological gap that should not have been dependent on other design enterprises. The entire process of preparing the rocket for launch, according to Vladimir Nikolaevich, should have been carried out by one design bureau. This task V.N. Chelomey assigned V.M. Barysheva. However, Vladimir Mikhailovich, passing to the authority of V.P. Barmin flatly refused such an assignment. Despite this, the persistent and firm nature of the General Designer helped this time achieve his goal. Having passed through the crucible of the “iron” Chelomeev’s arguments, Baryshev got down to business.

Herbert Efremov recalls: "Vladimir Barmin proposed his parameters for a silo-launcher that did not suit Chelomei. Therefore, having quarreled with Barmin, Vladimir Nikolaevich instructed, moreover, in a rather rigid form, to engage Baryshev in the silo, I was present at the same time. He firmly inspired Vladimir Mikhailovich that we should have our own silos, of our development, that it was necessary to do them according to our project".

One of the first developments of the new team was a transport and launch container (TPK) for the RS-10 missile, and the creation of launch complexes for the UR-100U missile. For its launchers, depreciation systems based on new design solutions had been developed.

Then work began with a complex of ground equipment for the universal strategic missile UR-200 (8K81), including an automated system for supplying the product on a self-propelled cart to the installer, installing the missile on the launch pad, automatic docking of pneumatic, electrical and refueling communications, as well as rocket refueling fuel components. The UR-200 missile was not accepted into service, but the design decisions implemented during its development formed the basis for the creation of subsequent generations of space-rocket complexes, in particular, the most powerful one to date with the Proton launch vehicle.

This work was followed by equally important projects - the most sophisticated universal transport and launch container (TPK), silo launchers and combat launch complexes of increased security for missiles of the UR-100 type and their modifications.

Academician Dmitry Dragun, a direct participant in the events of that time, said that most of the technical positions for the spacecraft of all general designers were designed at the Vympel Design Bureau. "Under the technical guidance of Baryshev in the 80s of the last century, the assembly and testing building (MIK) 92A-50 was created in Baikonur - “fifty dollars,” as we called it then. Currently, the Proton-M rocket is still being assembled there and many spacecraft launched on it are being prepared for launch, ”says Dmitry Dragun. - Since 1970, the creation of high-security and high-security silo launchers for V.N. We were also engaged in Chelomei - followers and successors of the case of Vladimir Mikhailovich Baryshev".

In 1985, Branch No. 2 together with the plant was reorganized into the Vympel NPO, which is now one of the leaders in research and development in the field of launching complexes for ICBMs and technical complexes for spacecraft.

The outstanding merits of Vladimir Mikhailovich in improving the defense capability of the country were marked by high Government awards and titles: Lenin Prize (1957), USSR State Prize (1975), two Orders of Lenin (1957, 1969), Order of the October Revolution (1976), Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1983), Order of the Badge of Honor), numerous medals, including "For the Defense of Moscow" and "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." V.M. Baryshev is the author of more than 50 copyright certificates for inventions.

Vladimir Mikhailovich died on November 20, 1992. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

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