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JSC GKNPTS imeni M.V. Khrunichev

JSC GKNPTS them. M.V. Khrunichev (a member of the State Corporation" ROSKOSMOS ") is a developer and a serial manufacturer of the Proton, the Briz-M and the Angara. The SCNPP includes a number of key manufacturers of components and components of the Proton LV located in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation.

The State Space Research and Production Center. M.V. Khrunichev Center (Khrunichev Center) is a member of the State Corporation ROSKOSMOS, is a developer and serial manufacturer of the Proton LV, the Breeze series and the Angara family. The Khrunichev Center includes a number of key components and components manufacturers of the Proton LV located in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation. Khrunichev Center is the owner of a controlling stake in International Launch Services - ILS, Reston, USA. ILS owns the exclusive right to marketing and commercial operation of the Proton LV.

In the conditions of the country's transition to a market economy and the search for ways to enter the world market of space products and services, on June 7, 1993, the Order of the First President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, was issued on the establishment in Moscow of the Fili "State Space Research and Production Center named after MV Lomonosov. Khrunichev ". The order provided for the organization of the GKNPTS im. M.V. Khrunichev based on two leading enterprises in the industry - the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant (ZiHa) and the Salyut Design Bureau located on its territory. Director General of the State Scientific and Technical Center. M.V. Khrunichev President personally appointed Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev, the initiator of the Khrunichev Center.

The unification of a single structure of the most powerful and advanced rocket and space plant in Russia with KB "Salyut", which preserved and successfully developed the traditions of the aviation and rocket-space design school of VM Myasishchev and VN Chelomey, was of paramount importance for the further development of Russian cosmonautics. Created in Fili new scientific and production structure allowed to preserve the scientific and technical and production potential, improve the efficiency of the industry in the new economic conditions and the competitiveness of domestic rocket and space products. The main result of the creation of the Khrunichev Center was the confident exit in the mid-1990s of Russian space technology and technology to the world market.

The creation of the Russian-German (Eurockot Launch Services) and Russian-American (International Launch Services) joint ventures with the participation of the Khrunichev Center was a powerful impetus for the promotion of Russian withdrawal facilities. Due to its unique performance characteristics and high reliability, Proton (the development and production of the Khrunichev Center) became the first Russian carrier rocket that attracted the attention of foreign customers. Khrunichev Center was able to offer customers a full range of services for the launch of space vehicles: from designing and manufacturing launch vehicles to adaptation of the payload, launching and analyzing telemetry.

From the beginning of commercial exploitation (1995) to the present, more than 100 commercial launches of this carrier rocket took place. The customers of the starting services of the Proton LV were all the leading satellite operators in the world. At the Khrunichev Center, the first Russian conversion rocket "Rokot" was created, its operation began in 2000. Since then, the Rokot launch vehicle has put into orbit more than 70 space vehicles for various purposes within the framework of commercial and federal programs. In total, since the beginning of the 1990s more than 200 space vehicles have been launched from the Proton and Rokot launch vehicles from Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes.

The Khrunichev Center made a significant contribution to the construction of the International Space Station. In the workshops of its rocket and space plant, all modules of the Russian segment of the ISS were manufactured, and the Proton rocket became the main vehicle for their delivery into orbit. Since the early 1990s, Khrunichev Center has manufactured modules of the Russian segment of the ISS "Zarya", "Zvezda", "Nauka"; developed and manufactured space rocket complexes (CRC) with carrier rockets Proton-M, Angara-1.2, Angara-A5; Upper blocks of the Breeze series, RB 12 CRB; the first stage of the South Korean LV "KSLV-1"; space systems based on small space communication apparatus (Express-MD, KazSat series) and remote sensing (Monitor-E).

Space technology of the enterprise is widely used for realization of international, national and commercial projects on the study of the Earth, research and use of outer space in the interests of Russia and other countries.

JSC GKNPTS them. M.V. Khrunichev "was created by transforming the FSUE GKNPTS im. M.V. Khrunichev on the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2017 No. 227-r" On approval of the prognostic plan (program) for the privatization of federal property and the main directions of privatization of federal property for 2017 - 2019 ", as well as orders of the Federal Agency for Property Management in Moscow from 02.08.2017 No. 894 and No. 1172 of 27.09.2017 (a number of changes were made to the order No. 894 of August 2, 2017) and is its legal successor.

"State Space Research and Production Center named after MV Khrunichev" ("Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center") was formed by Presidential Decree No. 421-rp of June 7, 1993 on the basis of the two leading enterprises of the rocket and space industry of Russia - Machine-Building Plant. MV Khrunichev and the Design Bureau "Salyut". The goal of the creation was the preservation, strengthening and development of scientific and technical potential, increasing the efficiency of the industry in the new economic conditions and entering the world space market.

In the conditions of the country's transition to a market economy and the entry of enterprises into the world market of space products and services, on June 7, 1993, the President of the Russian Federation issued an executive order on education at the Mashinostroitelny Zavod im. MV Khrunichev and KB Salyut State Space Research and Production Center. MV Khrunichev ("Khrunichev Center"). His first general director was appointed Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev, who had previously headed the MVD Machine-Building Plant since 1975. Khrunichev.

The merger of the two leading enterprises was of great importance for the preservation and development of the scientific and technological potential, increasing the efficiency of the space industry in the new economic conditions and increasing the competitiveness of Russian launch vehicles and other products in the global space market.

In January 1994, the Government of the Russian Federation issued a decree approving the Regulations on the State Space Center. Thus, a new research and production structure was born, which at first included the Salyut Design Bureau, the Rocket and Space Plant (RKZ), the Rocket and Space Technology Exploitation Plant (ZERCT), the Medical Equipment and Consumer Goods Factory as its branches. In 1995 the branch "Khrunichev-Telecom" was formed. Another branch that became part of the SCNPC structure was the Space Systems Research Institute (NII KS), established in 1997. In addition, in 1999, the branch of the GKNPTS im. MV Khrunichev became the Design Bureau "Armature" (Kovrov). Life confirmed the necessity and timeliness of the creation of the SCNPC ("Khrunichev Center").

In the 2000's. the development of industry in Russia was characterized by the enlargement of production structures, by giving them qualitatively new properties determined by the requirements of a market economy. In accordance with the strategy for the development of the rocket and space industry, and also according to the Federal Target Program "Reforming and Development of the Defense Industrial Complex (2002-2006)", approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on October 11, 2001, No. 713 on the basis of the Khrunichev Space Research Center. M.V. Khrunichev decided to create a large integrated structure in the development and creation of heavy-duty launchers.

The issues of creating an integrated structure "Khrunichev Center" began to be introduced in 2003. In those years, together with the main enterprises of the future association, proposals were prepared on the composition and organization of such a structure. And already in 2004 the "System project of integration of enterprises of the rocket and space industry on the basis of the Khrunichev Space Research Center" was developed. M.V. Khrunichev ". The most important tasks of integration are effective development of the production and scientific and technical potential of the enterprise, ensuring the fulfillment of state orders, optimizing the loading of production capacities.

On 25 November 2005 Vladimir Putin signed an order N 569 / rp, according to which Alexander Alexeevich Medvedev was relieved of his post as Director General of the State Space Research and Production Center MV Khrunichev. By the same order, Vladimir EvgenievichNesterov , who previously worked as head of the launch vehicle management, ground space infrastructure and cooperation relations of the Federal Space Agency, was appointed the new director of the center. Alexander Medvedev headed the space center since February 2001. Medvedev's resignation is completing a "change of power" in the main enterprises of the rocket and space industry in Russia. Earlier this year, the leadership was replaced by RSC Energia, NPO Energomash, NGO them. S.A. Lavochkin and others.

On July 6, 2006, a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation was held, at which the strategy for the development of the rocket and space industry for the period until 2015 was discussed and adopted. As part of the implementation of this development strategy for the period from 2007 to 2011, "GKNPTS them. MV Khrunichev "was reorganized into a large vertically integrated structure in the development and serial production of heavy-duty launchers.

On February 3, 2007 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On the Federal State Unitary Enterprise" State Space Research and Production Center named after MV Khrunichev ", which normatively fixed the change in the structure of the enterprise. The reorganization was carried out according to the production principle by joining the main enterprise as branches of four main cooperation enterprises: FSUE Voronezh Mechanical Plant (Voronezh), FSUE Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering named after Isaev (Korolev, Moscow Region) .), FSUE "Production Association" Polet "(Omsk) and FSUE" Moscow enterprise for the acquisition of equipment "Length". All procedures were carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 3.02.2007. No. 127 "On the Federal State Unitary Enterprise" State Space Research and Production Center. MV Khrunichev "and the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.02.2007. No. 185-r, as well as the Charter of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center registered in accordance with the established procedure.

In addition, in June 2008, the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center became the owner of a controlling stake in OAO Proton-PM (Perm). A year later, in August 2009, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the transfer of 100% of the shares of JSC "Design Bureau of Chemical Automatics" (Voronezh), which are in federal ownership, to the economic jurisdiction of the Khrunichev State Research Center. In June 2011, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation included the Ust-Katav Carriages (Ust-Katav, Chelyabinsk Region) as a part of the SCNPC.

On 18 November 2020 former General Director of FSUE GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev ”- the leading enterprise of the Russian rocket and space industry, Vladimir Nesterov, the former chief accountant of this enterprise Mikhail Yakushin and the heads of two commercial organizations were found guilty of committing crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159, part 4 of Art. 160, part 2 of article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud, waste, abuse of power).

Investigative Committee of Russia recognized the former general director and accountant of the leading enterprise "Roscosmos" in causing damage of 5.3 billion News, Negativity, Corruption, Roscosmos, Investigative Committee, Theft, Cosmonautics, Space, Khrunichev Center

In 2006, Nesterov, without the permission of the Federal Property Management Agency and Roscosmos, gave consent to the American company Lockheed-Martin to sell its 51% stake in the Russian-American joint venture Lockheed-Khrunichev-Energia and 50% in the joint company International Launch Services to an offshore company Space Transport Inc., registered in the British Virgin Islands and owned by a German citizen. The aforementioned enterprises were created with the aim of selling American Atlas launch vehicles and Russian Proton launch vehicles on the international market.

Thus, Nesterov refused the right of priority purchase of these shares and concealed this fact from the Federal Property Management Agency and Roskosmos. Moreover, their cost, as established by the investigation, amounted to 2.2 billion rubles. Subsequently, Nesterov, misleading the Federal Property Management Agency and Roscosmos, organized the purchase by the Center named after M.V. Khrunichev, the same shares are held by Space Transport Inc. at an inflated price of 321 million US dollars, or 7.5 billion rubles.

Thus, the unlawful actions of Nesterov caused significant material damage to the budget of the Russian Federation in the amount of more than 5.3 billion rubles, which was the difference from the market value of shares as of 2006.

Another accomplice of these crimes is the former Deputy General Director of the Center named after M.V. Khrunichev in economics, Alexander Ostroverkh, the criminal case in respect of which was separated into separate proceedings in connection with the conclusion of a pre-trial cooperation agreement, has already been convicted and found guilty of embezzlement.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia put Alexander Kalinovsky , the former general director of the State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev, on the criminal wanted list 21 January 2023. “The basis for the search: wanted under the article of the Criminal Code,” the agency said in a release. Under what article of the Criminal Code of Russia Kalinovsky is accused is not specified. Earlier it became known that Kalinouski was arrested in absentia .

According to the Kommersant newspaper , Kalinovsky caused damage in the amount of about 393.6 million rubles. He is currently based in Cyprus . It is known that in the period from 2014 to 2017, Kalinovsky served as the General Director of the Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center (Khrunichev Center). The Russian Ministry of Defense filed two lawsuits against the Khrunichev Center, where the Proton and Angara missiles are created, to the Moscow court, for a total amount of more than 1 billion rubles. Both lawsuits - for more than 636 million and about 390 million rubles. court received in December 2022.

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