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Khrunichev - Post-Cold War Space Activities

The Khrunichev State Space Center is one of the leaders in the development and implementation of new space technologies in Russia and in the international space market. Modernization of the Proton launch vehicle, creation of the Rokot launch vehicle, the Angara carrier rocket family, the Breeze-M, Briz-KM, BKK 12, BKK, International International Launch Services, Eurockot, the international space station, "Baiterek", "Kazsat", cooperation with India, South Korea, etc.

On June 7, 1993, the federal state unitary enterprise "State Space Research and Production Center named after MV Khrunichev" was established by the order of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Khrunichev Machine Building Plant and the Salyut Design Bureau. Khrunichev).

In April 1993, a joint venture Lockheed-Khrunichev-Energia (LHE) was registered, which was joined by the Khrunichev Space Center and RSC Energia from the Russian side, and Lockheed from the American side. The result of the activities of this joint venture was the launch of the Proton carrier rocket on the world market. After the merger of two US companies Lockheed and Martin Marietta into one Lockheed Martin in 1994, the creation of the joint venture International Launch Services (ILS) in June 1995 was a logical continuation of the LHE joint venture .The newly created joint venture offered services of the Russian carrier rocket Proton (Proton-M) and American Atlas. In September 2006 ILS founders were Space Transport Inc. (Delaware, USA) and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center with RSC Energia them. S.P.Koroleva. Since May 2008, a controlling stake in ILS belongs to the Khrunichev Space Center. Currently, ILS is the leading provider of launch services in the global space market and provides services for the launch of telecommunications satellites using the upgraded Proton-M booster.

Without interrupting planned launches of the Khrunichev Space Center, the modernization of the Proton rocket is underway. A gradual transition was made from the operation of the Proton-K rocket to the upgraded Proton-M with a more advanced control system, improved performance characteristics and increased capacity to accommodate the payload. The use of the Proton-M booster rocket Upper stage "Breeze-M" allows to increase the payload weight to be transferred to the geo-transfer orbit to 6.0 tons. The first launch of the Proton-M rocket with the Breeze-M upper stage took place on April 7, 2001.

Within the framework of the program for the creation of the Angara carrier rocket family, the company developed and proposed a strategy that allows the creation of a range of promising carrier rockets from light to heavy-weight on the basis of a universal rocket module with oxygen-kerosene engines. The launch site of the carrier rockets of the Angara family is the Russian Plesetsk cosmodrome. Unique technical solutions allow launching all the Angara family from one launcher.

Work continues on the creation of a family of oxygen-hydrogen blocks based on the basic RB KVTK. The KVTK oxygen-hydrogen booster block will significantly increase the energy characteristics of the Angara-A5 heavy-duty aircraft and expand the capabilities of Angara to provide space launches for high-energy orbits and trajectories. RB KVTK is a single-stage accelerator intended for single, group and associated launches of space vehicles.

December 22, 2004 in Moscow, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov and Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Danial Akhmetov signed an "Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the establishment of Baiterek space rocket complex (Baikonur) at the Baikonur Cosmodrome . The agreement defines the basic principles and conditions for cooperation in the creation and joint use of the new ecologically sound Baiterek space rocket complex at the Baikonur cosmodrome. The Baiterek space rocket complex envisages the creation of the launch and technical complexes of the Angara booster rocket at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

To reduce costs when operating carrier rockets, as well as to solve the problem of minimizing the fields of falling spent rocket blocks for the Russian cosmodromes, a reusable universal block Baikal is being created in the Khrunichev Space Center in cooperation with NPO Molniya , equipped with a folding wing, a turning tail unit, an auxiliary turbojet engine.

Starting from the launch complex located at the Russian Plesetsk cosmodrome, as part of the Angara family of rockets, the reusable accelerator will be able to return to landing at the aerodrome that is part of this spaceport. The reusable Baikal accelerator was introduced in June 2001 and in August 2001 at aerospace showrooms in Le Bourget (France) and Zhukovsky (Russia).

In accordance with the Treaty on the Reduction of Offensive Arms, a number of Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles are subject to liquidation. Among them, the RS-18 (SS-19) missile, on the basis of which the Space Center named after M.V. Khrunichev created a booster rocket "Rokot". The presence of the upper stage "Breeze-KM" as the third stage ensures the output of small spacecraft into working orbits in a wide range of heights.

The "Breeze-KM" booster unit has the possibility of multiple switching, which allows implementing various schemes of launching space vehicles, including group launch of spacecrafts into one or several different orbits. Services for the launch of space vehicles up to 2 tons in low-earth orbit with the help of the Rokot LV are provided by the Russian-West European company Eurockot Launch Servicesregistered in Bremen (Germany) in 1995. Initially, the participants of the Eurockot JV were MV Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center and the German concern Daimler-Benz Aerospace (DASA). Currently Eurockot is a joint venture of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center and the European company EADS Astrium. The first commercial launch of the Rokot launch vehicle with two real spacecraft (Grace / GRACE) from the Plesetsk cosmodrome was carried out on March 17, 2002.

By agreement with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the Indian GSLV launch vehicle, the MV Khrunichev Space Center developed and manufactured a 12 CRB booster . 12 CRB is a fundamentally new cryogenic overclocking unit, which uses environmentally friendly and highly energy oxygen-hydrogen rocket fuel. On April 18, 2001, the Indian GSLV carrier rocket with the 12 CRB booster unit, developed and manufactured at the Space Research Center named after MV Lomonosov, was launched from the cosmodrome Shriharikota (India). Khrunichev. To date, three launches of the Russian upper stage in the Indian carrier rocket.

On October 26, 2004, a contract was signed for the development and creation in the interests of South Korea of ba space rocket complex with a light carrier class KSLV-1 (Korean Space Launch Vehicle). Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center is the general contractor responsible for the development of the complex as a whole.

In 1992, the State Space Center. Khrunichev together with the firm Daimler Benz Aerospace (at that time ERNO) won the competition of the German Space Agency for the creation of a space vehicle within the framework of the project "EXPRESS". Designed and manufactured by the Space Center. Khrunichev, the spacecraft of the light class "Express" was executed in a modular scheme and consisted of a return module (a returnable capsule) and a service module. The returned capsule was intended for placing scientific equipment and delivering it to Earth after carrying out the research program. The launch of the Express spacecraft was made in January 1995 from the Kagoshima Space Center (Japan) test site by the Japanese M-3SII-8 carrier rocket, but as a result abnormal work of the second stage, the output to the calculated orbit did not take place.

Since the mid-1990s, work continued on the development of the Mir complex. On June 1, 1995, the complex completed the research module "Spectrum" in order to conduct research on the Earth's natural resources, the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, its own outer atmosphere of the orbital complex, geophysical processes of natural and artificial origin in near-Earth space and in the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, -Biological research. In 1996, after docking the Earth remote sensing module "Nature", the assembly of the Mir orbital complex was completed.

The module "Nature" was designed to conduct scientific and ecological studies of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, the atmosphere near the station, to conduct biological experiments, to study the effect of cosmic radiation on the human body, to obtain extremely pure medicinal products, to study the behavior of various materials in an open space, etc. 15 years after the launch of the base module, after completing the entire program of work, the Mir orbital complex was flooded in the Pacific Ocean on March 23, 2001.

A logical continuation in the work on the creation of orbital stations was the participation of the Khrunichev Space Center in the creation of the International Space Station (ISS), within which the first elements of the ISS, Zarya and Zvezda, were developed and created. joint meeting of NASA, Rosaviakosmos, Khrunichev State Space Research Center and Energia, the configuration of the international space station, in which the Functional Cargo Block (FGB) was selected as the first element. On August 15, 1995, the main contract was signed for the development, fabrication and testing of the Zarya FGB between the MV Lomonosov Space Center. Khrunichev and Boeing.

On November 20, 1998, the first element of the ISS FGB "Zarya" was successfully launched. In parallel with the production of the FGB, the MV Khrunichev Space Center jointly with RSC Energia manufactured and tested the Service Module (SM), which was created as part of Russia's obligations under the ISS program. On July 12, 2000, the Zvezda Service Module was successfully launched into orbit by the Proton carrier rocket. Almost simultaneously with the creation of the "Dawn", in 1995, the leadership of the Khrunichev Space Center decided to make a backup from its own resources - the FGB-2 module.

In August 2001, the proposal was approved to include the FGB-2 module in the ISS Russian Segment as a multifunctional module with partial implementation of the functions of the Scientific Energy Platform and the Universal Plug-in Module, whose production was suspended due to a reduction in budget funding. Inclusion of FGB-2 in the Russian segment will allow fulfilling Russian obligations and increasing Russian influence in the ISS program.

On the basis of the unified space platform "Yakhta" the Space Center named after M.V. Khrunichev creates small space vehicles for Earth remote sensing and communications. This allows the Space Center to offer its customers a full range of services: from the development and creation of small space telecommunications and monitoring devices to the use for their launch of the existing and created by the enterprise means of excretion.

The main tasks that are solved by the Earth remote sensing system are thematic mapping of territories, monitoring the state of crops, monitoring emergencies, assessing their consequences, environmental monitoring, mineral exploration, oceanology and fisheries, land resource inventories, etc. Small space communication devices can be used in existing and created satellite networks for global, local, regional or corporate services.

Khrunichev State Space Research Center developed the space communication system KazSat in the interests of the development of television broadcasting systems and fixed satellite communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The contract for the manufacture and launch of the State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev, the first Kazakhstan geostationary satellite was signed in January 2004, within the framework of the official visit of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to Kazakhstan. The spacecraft was launched on June 18, 2006 from the Baikonur cosmodrome by the Proton-K carrier rocket. The second spacecraft "KazSat-2" was also manufactured at the Khrunichev Space Research Center and launched into orbit by the Proton-M rocket on July 16, 2011.

On February 3, 2007, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 127 "On the Federal State Unitary Enterprise" State Space Research and Production Center named after MV Khrunichev ". In accordance with the decree of FSUE "GKNPTS im. MVKhrunichev" was joined by four federal state unitary enterprises of the rocket and space industry: "Voronezh Mechanical Plant", "Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering named after AM Isaev" (Korolev, Moscow region), "Moscow enterprise for the acquisition of equipment "Length", "Production Association "Polet" (Omsk).

In June 2008, the State Scientific and Cultural Center of the Russian Federation Khrunichev became the owner of a controlling stake in OAO Proton-PM (Perm), which specializes in the production of RD-275 liquid-fuel rocket engines used as the first-stage power plant of the Proton-M heavy-duty rocket. On August 3, 2009, the President The Russian Federation DA Medvedev signed a decree on transferring 100 percent of the shares of the open joint-stock company Design Bureau of Chemical Automatics (Voronezh), which are in federal ownership, to the economic management of the federal state Foot Unitary Enterprise "State Research and Production Space Center Khrunichev» (Moscow).

By request of FSUE Space Communications (RSCC), together with the Italian division of Thales Alenia Space, the Space Research Center named after M.V. Khrunichev created a small satellite Express-MD1, which is designed to solve the tasks of mobile presidential and government communications, to provide digital TV and radio broadcasting services, access to the Internet, data transmission, video conferencing. The satellite is equipped with 8 C-band transponders (40 MHz band) and 1 L-band (1 MHz band).

On February 11, 2009 at 03:03 (Moscow time) the Proton-M booster rocket with the Breeze-M booster launched from the Baikonur launch site successfully brought Express MD1 to the geostationary orbit. The Khrunichev Space Center has a long-deserved authority as a developer and manufacturer of rocket and space technology, while continuing to develop fundamentally new markets for themselves.

Small satellite "Express-MD2" is created by the State Scientific and Cultural Center of the Russian Federation named after M.V. Khrunichev, commissioned by the Russian Space Communications Company (RSCC), in conjunction with the Italian division Thales Alenia Space, within the framework of the Program for the Renewal of the Russian State Civil Satellite Orbital Group and the Federal Space Program of Russia for the period 2006-2015, approved by the Russian Government Resolution No. 22 October 2005. It is intended for continuous round-the-clock relay of information flows of various directions in the system of satellite communication and broadcasting of the Russian Federation.

On June 11, 2011, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 772 "Ust-Katavsky Carriages Building Plant" became a member of the State Space Research Center named after. M.V. Khrunichev.

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