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2003 Reports

  • 1st Battalion, 3rd Air Defense Artillery, Operation Iraqi Freedom Lessons Learned 1-3 ADA, US Army 28 October 2003 [Powerpoint 7.13 MB]

  • The Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report - Volume 2 Columbia Accident Investigation Board October 28, 2003

  • 32nd AAMDC: Operation Iraqi Freedom 32nd AAMDC, US Army September 2003 -- Patriot Missile Defense Operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom [Powerpoint 13.5 MB]

  • Initial Lessons Learned US Army, Air Defense Artillery Quality Assurance Office September 2003 [MSPowerpoint 523 Kb]

  • Information Paper: Operation Iraqi Freedom Fort Bliss, US Army 19 Sep 2003 -- Purpose. To provide the command with information concerning the performance of AMD weapon systems, interoperability, training issues, and procedures during Operation Iraqi Freedom. [MSWord 43 Kb]

  • Space Primer Air University 10 September 2003 U.S. and Military Space Systems, Policy, Doctrine, Law

  • Space and Missile Defense Command contributions and lessons from Operation Iraqi Freedom US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) Press Release [14 October 2003] The Iraqis launched approximately 20 ballistic missiles at US forces. One report estimates that approximately 20 PAC-2s were fired during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Most firings were probably of the Patriot Guidance Enhanced Missile (GEM) and GEM-Plus variants with only a small number of firings involving the improved PAC-3s.
  • Comparison of Operation Desert Storm (1991) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003) from a Space Perspective US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) Press Release [14 October 2003] In 2003, according to open sources, the Iraqis launched 17 ballistic missiles and two cruise missiles. All ballistic missiles were intercepted or were considered to pose no danger and declared "out of bounds."
  • DOD can save over $100 Million in next few years [08 October 2003] - Army did not request any funds for Kinetic Energy Anti-Satellite (KE ASAT) program for 2004 budget. DOD did not request any funds for this program in 2004 budget request. There is no out year funding for this program in Army's budget or in DOD's budget.
  • Orbital Space Plane Level 2 Requirements Executive Summary September 2003
  • NASA's Implementation Plan for Return to Flight and Beyond September 2003 - NASA's blueprint for acting on the recommendations from the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) and safely returning to flight is an initial outline to help guide the Space Shuttle Program. The CAIB issued 29 recommendations; the plan addresses every one of them. In addition, the plan reflects that NASA has been working since March on other Return to Flight issues identified early on by the Shuttle Program. Other portions of the plan represent corrective measures above and beyond any CAIB recommendations.
  • Subject: Transformational Communications Architecture (TCA) 15 Aug 2003 Draft version -- Purpose: To provide a description of the TCA within the context of the global information grid (GIG) and the implications for removing communications as an operational constraint through 2020.
  • Acquisition of National Security Space Programs Report of the Defense Science Board / Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Joint Task Force on Acquisition of National Security Space Programs May 2003 [released 04 September 2003] - Over the course of this study, the members of this team discerned profound insights into systemic problems in space acquisition. Their findings and conclusions succinctly identified requirements definition and control issues; unhealthy cost bias in proposal evaluation; widespread lack of budget reserves required to implement high risk programs on schedule; and an overall underappreciation of the importance of appropriately staffed and trained system engineering staffs to manage the technologically demanding and unique aspects of space programs. This task force unanimously recommends both near term solutions to serious problems on critical space programs as well as long-term recovery from systemic problems. The task force found the FIA program under contract at the time of the review to be significantly underfunded and technically flawed. The task force believes this FIA program is not executable.

  • The Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report - Volume 1 Columbia Accident Investigation Board August 26, 2003 -- The Columbia Accident Investigation Board today presented its final report on the causes of the Feb. 1, 2003 Space Shuttle accident to the White House, Congress and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

  • Columbia Accident Investigation Board / NASA Accident Investigation Team Working Scenario July 8, 2003
  • FALCON - Force Application and Launch from CONUS Technology Demonstration PHASE I DRAFT SOLICITATION 03-XX Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA/TTO - DRAFT Rev 1, 6/17/2003
  • Lockheed Martin Lawsuit Against the Boeing Company June 10, 2003 - Lockheed Martin Corporation filed a lawsuit against The Boeing Company and three of Boeing's former employees. The 23-count complaint alleges that Boeing and its employees committed violations of Federal and Florida law resulting from their solicitation, acquisition, and use of Lockheed Martin proprietary information during the competition for launch contract awards under the US Air Force's Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program.
  • 62 STCMT 03 E - WEAPONS IN SPACE AND GLOBAL SECURITY Nato Parliamentary Assembly -- 17 April 2003 -- As US expert John Pike has written: "While other countries may deploy tanks, ships and aircraft that are not individually inferior to their US counterparts, no other country can tie all these various platforms together, using military space systems, into a single, integrated precision-warfare system of systems".
  • THE SPACE SECTOR IN BRAZIL - AN OVERVIEW British National Space Centre (BNSC) [02 March 2003]
  • STS 107 - Mission Overview -- Space shuttle mission STS-107, the 28th flight of the space shuttle Columbia and the 113th shuttle mission to date, will give more than 70 international scientists access to both the microgravity environment of space and a set of seven human researchers for 16 uninterrupted days. [PDF 1.18 Mb]

  • Commercial Space Transportation Year in Review - 2002 2003 - Summarizes U.S. and international launch activities for a specific calendar year. It includes a review and analysis for the five-year period prior to the year of the Review.

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