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Clear AFS, AK
Transmitter Buildings

Given Clear's tech site uniqueness, the highest security standard was applied to the facility; the same standard as that applied to a nuclear weapon or to Air Force One.

Only one entry control point existed, located in Building 102. There security forces would allow entry to an airlock-like room where credentials would meticulously be checked prior to an individual being allowed to enter the site.

Once inside Building 102, to reach the transmitter area, the arctic tunnel must be followed and a set of stairs climbed.

Building 102 entrance Entry Control Point

Both building 101 and 102 are transmitter buildings. The Detection Radars required an enormous amount of energy to power them. Before a radar beam can be emitted, the energy for that beam must be focused and tuned. This is the transmitter's job. There were nine full-powered transmitters covering the DRs at Clear. The transmitters were divided between buildings 101 and 102 for redundancy. If one building, half of the transmitters on site, failed, Clear could still maintain 100% mission capability using the other building and the tracking radar to cover for the outage.

The transmitters are arranged in banks in huge rooms. Each bank contains 2-4 klystrons. The klystron actually focuses the energy and gives it a particular frequency. 100,000 volts ran through each of these klystrons.

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