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World War III.2 - Picking Sides

Ukraine Defense
Consultative Group
+ sanctions
UN A/ES-11/L.7
23 Feb 2023
UN A/ES-11/L.7
23 Feb 2023
UN A/ES-11/L.7
23 Feb 2023
RU supporter

  1. Ukraine
  2. NATO members

  3. Albania
  4. Belgium
  5. Bulgaria
  6. Canada
  7. Croatia
  8. Czechia
  9. Denmark
  10. Estonia
  11. Finland
  12. France
  13. Germany
  14. Greece
  15. Hungary
  16. Iceland
  17. Italy
  18. Latvia
  19. Lithuania
  20. Luxembourg
  21. Montenegro
  22. Netherlands
  23. N. Macedonia
  24. Norway
  25. Poland
  26. Portugal
  27. Romania
  28. Slovakia
  29. Slovenia
  30. Spain
  31. Sweden
  32. Turkey
  33. United Kingdom
  34. United States
  35. other Europe

  36. Ireland
  37. Liechtenstein
  38. Monaco
  39. Switzerland
  40. Asia-Pacific

  41. Australia
  42. Japan
  43. New Zealand
  44. Republic of Korea
  45. Singapore
  46. Taiwan
  47. MidEast

  48. Israel
  49. Jordan
  50. Qatar
  51. Africa

  52. Kenya
  53. Liberia
  54. Morocco
  55. Tunisia

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Andorra
  3. Antigua and Barbuda
  4. Argentina
  5. Austria
  6. Bahamas
  7. Bahrain
  8. Barbados
  9. Belize
  10. Benin
  11. Bhutan
  12. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  13. Botswana
  14. Brazil
  15. Brunei
  16. Cabo Verde
  17. Cambodia
  18. Chad
  19. Chile
  20. Colombia
  21. Comoros
  22. Costa Rica
  23. Cote d’Ivoire
  24. Cyprus
  25. DR Congo
  26. Djibouti
  27. Dominican Republic
  28. Ecuador
  29. Egypt
  30. Fiji
  31. Gambia
  32. Georgia
  33. Ghana
  34. Guatemala
  35. Guyana
  36. Haiti
  37. Honduras
  38. Indonesia
  39. Iraq
  40. Jamaica
  41. Kiribati
  42. Kuwait
  43. Lesotho
  44. Libya
  45. Madagascar
  46. Malawi
  47. Malaysia
  48. Maldives
  49. Malta
  50. Marshall Islands
  51. Mauritania
  52. Mauritius
  53. Mexico
  54. Micronesia
  55. Myanmar
  56. Nauru
  57. Nepal
  58. Niger
  59. Nigeria
  60. Oman
  61. Palau
  62. Panama
  63. Papua New Guinea
  64. Paraguay
  65. Peru
  66. Philippines
  67. Republic of Moldova
  68. Rwanda
  69. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  70. Saint Lucia
  71. Saint Vincent
  72. Samoa
  73. San Marino
  74. Sao Tome
  75. Saudi Arabia
  76. Serbia
  77. Seychelles
  78. Sierra Leone
  79. Solomon Islands
  80. Somalia
  81. South Sudan
  82. Suriname
  83. Thailand
  84. East Timor
  85. Tonga
  86. Trinidad and Tobago
  87. Tuvalu
  88. UAE
  89. Uruguay
  90. Vanuatu
  91. Yemen
  92. Zambia

  1. Algeria
  2. Angola
  3. Armenia
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Bolivia
  6. Burundi
  7. CAR
  8. Congo
  9. Cuba
  10. El Salvador
  11. Ethiopia
  12. Gabon
  13. Guinea
  14. India
  15. Kazakhstan
  16. Kyrgyzstan
  17. Laos
  18. Mongolia
  19. Mozambique
  20. Namibia
  21. Pakistan
  22. South Africa
  23. Sri Lanka
  24. Sudan
  25. Tajikistan
  26. Togo
  27. Uganda
  28. Uzbekistan
  29. Vietnam
  30. Zimbabwe

  1. Eritrea
  2. Mali
  3. Nicaragua

  1. Belarus
  2. China
  3. DPRK
  4. Iran
  5. Russia
  6. Syria
  7. Yemen [Houthi]

Russo Ukraine Sanctions

World War III.2Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UN convened its first emergency session in 25 years. The 193-member assembly has since voted on four special resolutions addressing various concerns with regard to Ukraine. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) comprises 193 member states. Resolutions passed by the UNGA are non-binding, which means they have no legal power. On March 2, 2022, 141 countries voted in favor of a UN resolution demanding that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally” withdraw its military forces from Ukraine.

On 23 February 2023 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) again condemned Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, calling for Moscow’s immediate withdrawal and an end to the fighting. A year since President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion, which he has called a “special military operation”, 141 countries backed resolution A/ES-11/L.7 calling for a “comprehensive, just and lasting peace” in Ukraine. Thirty-two countries abstained from voting, while seven countries, including Russia, voted against.

In US domestic politics, a "swing list" is used to determine where people stand, and whose vote is likely to swayed. The swing list of is used by constituents, legislators, and the White House as the basis for their advocacy work. On a swing list, a "one" is definitely favorable, a "five" a definite no, and "three" is a definite maybe.

China, Iran and North Korea are forming, together with the Russian Federation, a new geopolitical pole. Russia turned out to have much more reliable allies than Ukraine. China, Iran, North Korea - these countries ensured that the Russian Federation circumvented sanctions and supplied weapons at critical moments. Ukrainians were not impressed by either the quantity or the “quality” of the Russian Federation’s allies, since they belonged to the “axis of evil” - “despotic regimes” or “evil dwarfs”, which the West imposed sanctions to slow down their development. The Chinese factor was the main one in the success of the Russian SVO in Ukraine.

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