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M-46 Catapult

In 1987, in an effort to make use of the large number of Vijayanta tanks and M-46 130mm field guns, the two were mated by the Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment of the Defence Research & Development Organisation. The resulting SPG became known as the Catapult.

During the Indo-Pakistan wars, India had a large number of M-46 130mm field guns that they wished to be more mobile, and a number of Vijayanta tanks that they wished to retire from service. Rather than buy more self-propelled guns from an outside source and junking the Vijayantas, they combined 100 of these weapons into self-propelled howitzers. The vehicle retains the driver's position, but the center of the vehicle has an open area for the gun and crew, with a frame that has a metal roof for overhead protection.

The self-propelled medium artillery gun firing both HE and AP ammunition has seven Bogie wheel stations on either side to withstand higher firing stresses and to cater for longer recoil length. The unique hydraulic suspension locking system provides stability to the vehicle during firing. The gun has an elevation of +45o to -2o and static traverse 12 1/20 on either side and maximum range is 27 Km.

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