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Federal Border Service (FPS)
Federal'naya Pogranichnaya Sluzhba

The Federal Border Service is one of the successors of the KGB, assuming the border control functions previously performed by the KGB Border Troops Directorate.

Intelligence in Russia's border guard service dates back to the time of Peter the Great], when customs duties were introduced and smugglers naturally appeared. When the Russian Federation Border Troops were formed, the Intelligence Directorate was formed within them. Later an edict of the Russian president created the Federal Border Service -- the High Command of the Border Troops, where the Intelligence Directorate is located. It is entrusted with conducting intelligence, counterintelligence, and operational-investigative activity in the interests of ensuring that the state border is guarded.

On 30 December 1993 the High Command of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation (FPS - Main Command), the Federal Border Service was established on the basis of the Border Troops, part of the Russian Security Ministry which was abolished. Exactly one year later, 30 December 1994 the year, the Federal Border Service - General Command of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation was renamed the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Border Service of Russia). Border troops were part of the structure of the FPS Russia.

In 2000-2003, the powers of the Federal Border Service of Russia and the Russian Federal Border Service Border Troops were regulated by the Federal Law #55-FZ "On the Border Service of the Russian Federation".

From 30 December 1994 the to 11 March 2003 the Russian Federal Border Service (FPS Russia) existed as an independent special service of Russia with the rights of the federal body of executive authority, carrying out the tasks to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation within the limits of its powers. The Director of the Russian Federal Border Service was directly subordinate to the President.

On 11 March 2003 the FPS Russia functions were transferred to the Russian Federal Security Service, which in turn created the Border Service (transformation came into force on 01 July 2003).

The border policy of the Russian Federation aimed at ensuring the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, implementation and protection of Russia's national interests and security in its border area. Border policy is based on the Constitution, laws and other normative-legal acts of the Russian Federation, generally accepted norms and principles of international law and is implemented through targeted and coordinated activities of state authorities, local self-government bodies, public associations and citizens in accordance with their rights and powers this area.

A part of the border policy of the Russian Federation is the preparation and implementation of cooperation with interested countries - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States of measures to ensure national and collective security on the external borders of the Commonwealth. The most important prerequisite for effective border policy advocate equitable interstate delineation, development of international cooperation, the strengthening of socio-economic and spiritual foundations of life of border regions of Russia.

The border policy of the Russian Federation is carried out in the border of the Russian Federation space, covering the state border of the Russian Federation border checkpoint and related facilities in the country, the border territory, airspace, transboundary (boundary) water objects, territorial sea waters and internal waters, underwater environment, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation.

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