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Alleged secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers involving Council of Europe member states

Parliamentary Assembly
Assemblée parlementaire

AS/Jur (2006) 16 Part II
7 June 2006

Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights

Draft report – Part II (Explanatory memorandum)
Rapporteur: Mr Dick Marty, Switzerland, ALDE

C.       Explanatory memorandum

      by Mr Dick Marty, Rapporteur

Table of Contents:

1. Are human rights little more than a fairweather option?

    1.1.       11 September 2001
    1.2.       Guantanamo Bay
    1.3.       Secret CIA prisons in Europe?
    1.4.       The Council of Europe’s response
    1.5.       European Parliament
    1.6.       Rapporteur or investigator?
    1.7.       Is this an Anti-American exercise?
    1.8 Is there any evidence?

2.       The global “spider’s web”

    2.1.        The evolution of the rendition programme
    2.2.        Components of the spider’s web
    2.3.        Compiling a database of aircraft movements
    2.4.        Operations of the spider’s web
    2.5.        Successive rendition operations and secret detentions
    2.6.       Detention facilities in Romania and Poland

      2.6.1        The case of Romania
      2.6.2.        The case of Poland
    2.7.        The human impact of rendition and secret detention

      2.7.1.        CIA methodology – how a detainee is treated during a rendition
      2.7.2.        The effects of rendition and secret detention on individuals and families

3.       Individual case studies

    3.1.       Khaled El-Masri

      3.1.1.       The individual account of Khaled El-Masri
      3.1.2.       Elements of corroboration for Mr. El-Masri’s account
      3.1.3.       The role of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"       The ‘official line’ of the authorities       Further elements

    3.2.       "The Algerian Six"
    3.3.       Ahmed Agiza and Mohammed Alzery (El Zari)
    3.4.       Abu Omar
    3.5.       Bisher Al-Rawi and Jamil El-Banna
    3.6.       Maher Arar
    3.7.        Messrs Bashmila and Ali Qaru
    3.8.        Mohammed Zammar
    3.9.       Binyam Mohamed al Habashi

4.        Secret places of detention

    4.1.        Satellite photographs
    4.2.        Documented aircraft movements
    4.3.        Witness accounts
    4.4.        Evaluation

5. Secret detentions in the Chechen Republic

    5.1.        The work of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT)
    5.2.        Damning recent accounts by witnesses

6.       The attitude of governments

7.        Individual cases: judicial proceedings in progress

    7.1.        A positive example: the Milan public prosecutor's office (Abu Omar case)
    7.2.        A matter requiring further attention: the Munich (El-Masri case) and Zweibrücken (Abu Omar case) public prosecutors' offices
    7.3.        Another matter requiring further attention: the Al Rawi and El Banna case
    7.4.        Sweden: what next in the Agiza and Alzery case?
    7.5.        Spain
    7.6.        Mr El-Masri’s complaint in the United States

8.        Parliamentary investigations

    8.1.        Germany
    8.2       The United Kingdom
    8.3.       Poland: a parliamentary inquiry, carried out in secret
    8.4.        Romania and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia": no parliamentary   inquiries

9.       Commitment to combating terrorism

    9.1.       Fight against terrorism: an absolute necessity
    9.2.        The strength of unity and of the law

10.       Legal perspectives

    10.1.       The United States’ legal position
    10.2.       The point of view of the Council of Europe

    10.2.1.       The European Commission for Democracy through Law  (Venice Commission)
    10.2.2       The Secretary General of the Council of Europe (Article 52 ECHR)

11.       Conclusion