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Report of the Inquiry into  Australian Intelligence Agencies  


[Table of Contents]



On 4 March 2004, the Prime Minister appointed Mr Philip Flood to inquire into the Australian intelligence agencies, consistent with a recommendation of the earlier report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee into ASIO, ASIS and DSD (PJCAAD) inquiry into intelligence on Iraq 's weapons of mass destruction. The report of this inquiry - Report of the Inquiry into Australian Intelligence Agencies - considers the effectiveness of the intelligence community's current oversight and accountability mechanisms and the delivery of high quality and independent intelligence advice to the government, and includes case studies on Iraq , Jemaah Islamiyah and the Solomon Islands.

Letter of Transmittal HTML

1. Introduction HTML

2. Australia's Intelligence Needs HTML

3. Recent Intelligence Lessons HTML

4. Oversight of the Australian Intelligence Community HTML

5. Suitability of the Current Division of Functions HTML

6. Contestability of Assessments HTML

7. Resourcing and Effectiveness of the Agencies HTML

Office of National Assessments
Defence Intelligence Organisation
Defence Signals Directorate
Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation
Australian Secret Intelligence Service
Cross Community Issues

8. Findings and Recommendations HTML


Annexes -

A. Prime Minister's Letter of 4 March 2004

B. Secretariat

C. Persons Interviewed by the Inquiry

D. Submissions Received by the Inquiry

E. Acronyms and Abbreviations


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