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The Long War Against God

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By Henry Morris
344 page paperback.
ISBN 0890512914

The Long War Against God is a landmark book, tracing the origins of evolutionary thought from the dawn of history to the present time. Learn how Greek philosophy, Darwinian evolution, and humanism all have polluted man's knowledge of the true God. Morris has spent 55 years researching evolution's origins, and this heavily documented work is a fascinating read for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes developments that ushered in the modern philosophy that seeks to eliminate God.



The great message of this book is that the theory known as "Evolution" is not something that emerged out of the blue in the late nineteenth century; it is actually as old as the hills (or even older) - a natural outworking of the illusion of divinity and self-determinism imparted to our first parents by Satan through the Fall. As Dr. Morris states:

"The fact is...that [Darwin] really only served as the catalyst for a revival of ancient paganism, coming at just the right time in history to bring to fruition a revolt against God for which many in Western Europe had been preparing for over a century".

With this truth we would most heartily agree. Dr. Morris rightly believes that his book will be controversial. It will, but only amongst the uptight mediocrites who can only think along tramlines. This is always a very absorbing and interesting book by an original thinker which examines the modern children of evolution theory (political, social and cultural), the ancient "spiritual" background to it, coupled with an examination of the dark, conspiratorial forces which nurtured its widespread acceptance in the nineteenth century.

In the penultimate chapter, Dr. Morris indulges in some considerable speculation about the motivation behind Satan's original pre-Fall revolt against God. His suggested scenario is entirely plausible and should not be dismissed simply because it is speculation. Such speculation is always thought-provoking so long as it does not stray into the realms of assertion. This is followed by an excellent final chapter entitled "The Everlasting Gospel" -the longest in the book - in which he highlights the importance of creation and creationism in relation to God's eternal plan of redemption. Here Dr. Morris stresses the importance for us to understand "the vital connection between the creation of the world and the resurrection of its Creator". As he explains:

"The Creator has imposed the law of decay and death on his whole creation because of the rebellion of its human stewards. Therefore only he can defeat death, and this only by paying the redemption price himself, dying for sin and then rising victoriously from the dead. Thus the great miracle of resurrection requires the prior great miracle of supernatural creation".

This book is peppered with such insights and should be read by all those who are brave enough to expose themselves to new ideas and who wish to acquaint themselves with a deeper knowledge of the ramifications of evolution theory and its interaction with the Church of Old and New dispensations.