For Time and Forever
- 224 page hardcover
- ISBN:0890514275
For Time and Forever The latest book from the Father of the Modern Creation Movement, Dr. Henry Morris of the Institute for Creation Research.
For Time and Forever is a wonderful tribute to the God who created everything, and who loves mankind. Morris deftly destroys the pillars of evolutionary thought, and shows instead that all reality is based on the existence of God the Creator. The author adds a good dose of scientific discussion, while also answering key questions such as, Is there a heaven and a hell? Why do bad things happen? and, Is there a plan for my life? Morris instructs the reader to use his or her gifts to better mankind, making the crucial point that people who believe in order and purpose in the universe (rather than randomness and hopelessness) are motivated to do good. A marvelous look at our world, for pastors and laymen alike.
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