� The Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival |
The Gardening Thread �
February 01, 2025
Chuck Schumer POS Extraordinaire (Your Thread Before The Garden Puttering Thread)
Normally Saturday is our very own KT Day. She has been doing yeoman's work for may years on Saturday.
Unfortunately KT suffered a stroke earlier in the week. I spoke with her on Thursday and she sounded upbeat considering all. But, she did manage to tell me that because of her condition that she was unable to fulfill her Saturday threads.
I told her we all wished her well and a speedy recovery. And somehow her threads will limp along. But, we want her back!
Now onto the story at hand......................
When the subject matter is the "common man" Sen. Chuck U. Schumer of New York is a man who knows how the common man lives.
Granted, this photo is from June of 2024. Yet, after all this time it cracks me up.
How dare the environmental fascists come after Chuck with his raw meat and gas grill?
The "Common Man" has also been saying for years that government wants to enslave us and have us addicted to government money like inner city junkies addicted to the flavor of the week. Don't believe your substitute cob?
Out of the mouth of Chuckie Schumer (D-NY):
“Virtually any organization, school, state, police office, county, town or community depends on federal grant money to run its day to day operations, and they’re all now in danger.”
So yes, let us borrow money at confiscatory interest rates to give to various municipalities to keep the addiction real and painful.
President Trump has been a refreshing whirlwind these past (I'm spit balling here, math not being a strong point) 12 days. Will he and his Trump 2.0 alleviate the dependency of states and local governments on Uncle Sam? Only time will tell. It should be fun to watch as it unfolds.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian (ONT Cob Emeritus) at
11:00 AM
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