Showing posts with label Outdoor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outdoor. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Again, @ DARC

Najdah MH
May 31, 2012 @ 12:10pm

Monday, April 30, 2012

Horse Ride @ DARC

Yesterday evening, we took the kids to DARC for a new experience. When we first got there, we just look around, not sure whether we were allowed to ride on the horses. But then, one of the guys who works there explained to us that as a member, we get FREE joyride (3 rounds). As a non-member, we have to pay RM5 per head.

The kids were so excited! It was a new experience to us... well, most of us... I didn't take the ride coz I'm 34th week now... huhuhu... but it was fun though.... the kids enjoyed it so much... they even begged for more...

Hubby & Hifdzi



Amal... she refused to sit on the big one... huhuhu... but she got a beautiful one (^^)

Hubby & Fathi

Me & kids...
P/S : me & baby can't take a ride, not yet... huhuhu...

There are more fun at DARC - swimming pool, archery, trampoline and much more... we're definitely going back next time!

Najdah MH
April 30, 2012 @ 10:10pm

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Xtvt

Tournament @ Summit - Hubby punya company tournament

Tengah prepare nak 'berperang'

Lepas 'perang', ke PWTC untuk Biz Function

Weekend jadi lebih bermakna bila dapat spend dengan anak2. Walaupun kadang tu, agak stress dengan gelagat mereka yang tak boleh duduk diam, tapi di situlah manisnya kehidupan... tulah yang hubby selalu pesan bila dia tengok saya stress sikit.... memang betul apa yang hubby pesan... bila anak2 happy, kita pun akan happy walaupun penat melayan segala karenah mereka... lagipun, bukankah anak merupakan amanah dari Allah? Buatlah yang terbaik untuk mereka, insya Allah besar ganjaran di sisi Allah....

Jan 30, 2012 @ 2:55pm

Monday, January 30, 2012

Santai Di Taman Tasik Perdana

Pejam celik pejam celik, dah pun 2012. Dah lama tak update blog. Sepanjang tempoh trimester pertama, idea2 'menyorok' kat dalam RAM. Ni baru depa nak keluar... huhuhu...

So, sebagai opening untuk 2012, few pics taken masa program bersantai bersama anak2 kat Taman Tasik Perdana.

P/S : Model2 ais krim... hehehe...

Jan 30, 2012 @ 2:28pm

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Shopping With Fathi

Went shopping with Fathi one day. Just for an hour or so. Had to get the kids' 'Dugro'. We went to Giant. Didn't bring the rest coz it was just a quick stop. But bringing only one, didn't make it any simpler.... huhuhu...

In front of a pet shop

Took some time to make him leave the shop

Still, it was a quick stop, so yeah, bringing Fathi alone was the right choice (^^).

Oct 4, 2011 @ 1:50pm

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wetland @ Putrajaya

Delivered Sugee to my friend at Putrajaya few weeks ago. Before heading home, we decided to take the kids to Wetland. Here are some of the pics I took...


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weekend @ Hutan Lipur Lentang

 Last Sunday, we went to Hutan Lipur Lentang. The kids were very happy.

Here are some pics I managed to snap...

enjoying the cold water... woohooo....
Hifdzi and me? just watching from aside... huhuhu
Anis was so adventurous... she enjoyed the water a lot!
snap my own pic with Hifdzi (^^)
Fathi was being dunked... hehehe...
where we sat that day
even had their breakfast in the water! unbelievable!
some monkeys were spying for food... huhuhu
testing my technique (^^)
a good Cece :)
take 5!
final rinse!
swimsuit model... (^^)
again, watching from aside... :(
3 princesses
otw back to the car
tired? exhausted? nope... definitely not! they were still energetic!
among the shops available
bridge to cross
more ahead

approaching the tunnel... my hand just couldn't stop snapping... hehehe
in the tunnel
such a beautiful view
love the green scene
beautiful sky... masya Allah...
such a wonderful scene... Subhanallah...
Aisyah didn't wanna go home yet. She wanted to stay longer... but we promised to go there again, next time, insya Allah....


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers