Devlog #10 (Loop de Loop) -- June 20, 2018 - Raygun Gadabout Devblog -

Devlog #10 (Loop de Loop) -- June 20, 2018

Published August 29, 2024

Hello Space Cadets!

Time to take a look at what’s new in Raygun Gadabout since last time we checked it.

Game Loop

Been working on lots of nuts-and-bolts stuff, not too much in the art department. My main focus has been to create a self-contained game loop to see how well the game moves along and really test out the core concepts and fill out one of the themes of the game which is exploration.

An example would be: flying to a planet > going to the surface > exploration > boss fight (unlocks new ability) > new ability opens new exploration opportunities

New abilities will unlock new exploration possibilities, you may also discover new planet locations or secrets while exploring. You’ll be encouraged to return to previous areas to find objects/areas that were previously out of reach.


Example of returning to your ship

A Whole New World

Work has continued on a new planet. The level is basically grey boxed out at this point and I’ve been designing the two boss fights. These are early in the game so its been interesting to try and find a balance between making them too simple or too difficult for this stage.

Extra Stuff

Some other things that might not merit a full paragraph:

  • Enemies now have a first shot delay when they first detect you

  • Progress is now saved when leaving a planet/area.

As Always…

Thanks for stopping by and being interested in the continued development of Raygun Gadabout. I’m hoping to sneak in some more art in the coming month. Fingers crossed.

Until next time!

Keep watching the skies!


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