Rounds of updates, GIF preview, cinematic travel - Endomorium -

Rounds of updates, GIF preview, cinematic travel

posted in Endomorium
Published January 18, 2022
update progress of the loading screen

Don't have much time to explain, but been extremely busy the past few weeks solving all sorts of issues: Ranging from technical (can Blender do this on a decade+ old station?), from coding (why is the old code no longer functional; and what's with the new code?), and artistic (does this meet the standard), and the rest that has been already forgotten... Oh, yeah, code optimization!

The last one, and most challenging these past week and half was to make something of a background, for the fourth time that has some merit to it (for in-game and loading). As there's this "cinematic-travel" option (where you can hop to one destination to another), something had to be done to make the ride more enjoyable (as the low-hardware it is being developed on, even for mobile, prevents any special vfx from being used), and a big part of it was the static background (which was a challenge to bring it up to speed, with the tools/knowledge currently at my disposal). And as time is running out for this project, a "quick" solution had to be found... That is what you see in the uploaded GIF. [Mind the compression tho'] Got to go now!

Ps.: And no, this is not a last, after last update. Your eyes are deceiving you!

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So, if you have plans to go somewhere, then I sincerely wish you to prepare the documents in advance so that there will be no problems later Indonesia Second Home Visa . There are several options for obtaining a visa, and the choice depends on the country you plan to travel to, as well as on the purpose of your trip. I wish you great luck!

January 28, 2024 12:53 PM

Hey, you could really use a break. I’m not great at all these graphic design and development things, but it seems like you’ve spent a lot of time and energy on it. There are so many great travel destinations out there. Pick one you like and go. I highly recommend Spain, especially Mallorca — it's my favorite. You can use Palma airport transfers to get from the airport, and it won’t be too expensive, plus it’s quick, comfortable, and safe. So, don’t forget to take a break. You deserve it.

July 02, 2024 02:14 PM
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