Structures Update, Scripted Events & Development - the game -

Structures Update, Scripted Events & Development

posted in the game for project unirule
Published March 08, 2019

Hello GameDev :) 

In this blog I'll be covering
- development life-cycle thus far
- provide an update on dynamic structures
- introduce scripted events.

Development life-cycle 
I think the time has come at last.  What time is that exactly?  Well let me explain... 
A couple months back I was thumbing through my blog series and I was startled.  I noticed that it appeared as though I have been repeating myself for the better part of 4 years, coming up on 5 now.  I wondered if maybe I was stuck in some sort of mental recursive loop or something, forever redoing, rebuilding, remaking. 
Quickly though I realised I was reading the situation incorrectly.  Even though it may seem I've been talking about the same stuff for this long I've come to realise there have been 3 distinct phases this project has gone through and they are:


At the very beginning when I first started using THREE.js and node.js I played around with them and worked out a rough idea of how to get certain things to work a certain way.  I made different colored boxes to represent different players.  Each client could move one box and node.js would coordinate the movement.  I had also written my first dynamic-wall functions.  I remember they were atrociously slow and the boxes could not move around them.  I learned what ideas were worth perusing and which needed to be scraped.

Eventually a time came when I felt comfortable enough with my abilities in javascript that I decided I needed start combining many of the different features I had made.  I had boxes that could move around, walls that could be built and eventually I wrote my first function to merge the two,  getting the boxes to move around walls that is.  That too was extremely slow.  Integrating these separate elements gave me a greater appreciation for logic that can be utilised across different applications, if that makes any sense :S.


Then in 2016 I decided it was time to kick things up a notch.  I didn't know it at the time, but my first attempt at creating a robust function was probably the best thing to happen for this project.  At the time I just wanted to finally make a function that wasn't going to break on me.  I remember spending weeks tackling all the errors wondering does it ever end?  But after I had that function executing like clock work it dawned on me just how important stable functions are.  Especially if I want a framework for a game that is to be dependable.  So there you have it Stable Integrated Code.

Now of course there has always been a gradual transition from one phase to the next.  And even today I find myself experimenting, after all experimenting can breath fresh life into a project.

Dynamic Structures
I'm incredibly proud to show off my first polished video showing the latest and greatest dynamic structure tool.  In the video, if you're interested, I build a structure from scratch so you can see how user friendly I tried to make it :) 

Scripted Events
I would also like to share with you a video that showcases the my first attempt at a scripted event.  Now the video is the one I currently use on my project page updated earlier this month. If you haven't checked it out please do so.  You can skip the first 25 seconds or so..

It's an idea I came up with a few months back for promoting the project.  I've been getting to thinking that since these simulin live in a simulated world that I really want to play on that idea.  So this is just one example of a scripted event.  But there is no reason why the player can't also be informed the simulated nature of the world.  For instance, the world is much to small come game time for there to be tons for wildlife roaming around,  But I could have intermittent scripted events where wildlife materialise and stampede across a plain only to de-materialise once again.  And I have many more ideas for scripted events.

I feel confident enough now and think it's time to move one full foot to game development.  I've talked about transitioning in the past but I think enough is enough with the framework.  I will still work on it until it has fully incorporated all the features I want.  But lately I've been getting more and more excited to just get on with the game.

Parting thought, If I didn't have somebody somewhere to share all this with I would never would have come this far.  Thank you all for being a supportive and curious bunch! :D 

Previous Entry Shadows & Ocean Sky-box
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I really enjoy seeing the progression on this. :) Good work!

March 11, 2019 08:40 AM
11 hours ago, Rutin said:

I really enjoy seeing the progression on this. :) Good work!

Right now is a special moment in the time-line for my version of the game. 
I have attempted the game many times in the past and would always reach a plateau highlighting the shortcomings of my vision.  Instead of moving on I have repeatedly chosen to go back to the drawing board.

I have always wanted a frame-work that would allow for many players to log into the same website, access the same 3D world and play a game with each other involving thousands of individual people.  I had 10,000 people as the magic number in mind.  I had no idea if I was going to reach that goal. ( Although figuring out how to incorporate Rodrigues' rotational matrix was a huge confidence boost early on ).
Visually I know it doesn't have that much juice as compared to others in the same category( indie, world terrain, etc.. ). However, what it lacks visually I hope to make up for in game.

Years ago I had asked the community if they knew of an existing engine that could do what I needed, and I remember khawk writing back something along the lines of 'so you want someone else to write your engine for you hey?' or something to that effect.  I was so honoured that the guy who ran the site even took notice.  That was a huge motivator for me at a time when encouragement by others in the blogging section was sparse.

Thank you very much Rutin :) 

March 11, 2019 09:00 PM

I'm glad you've found that motivation! Khawk seems like a very standup guy, and it's nice to see engagement. I know on one of my art posts he replied, it was a 2d small painting of an older guy,  but I was struggling a bit to push forward and I'm still going!

I personally enjoy seeing all the talented people like yourself sharing their projects and watching them grow with every update.

I've personally found that a lot of people get lost at some stage and just abandon their projects. It's a hard thing to do when you factor in all the skills sets you need, self discipline, motivation, and time. I applaud anyone sticking out game development and creating whatever projects that interest them.

March 12, 2019 06:14 AM

Hey! I got me a
Related image

March 15, 2019 12:44 AM
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