continuing to look at changes for Update 10, I will dissect what the new RK
armor sets are and how existing armor sets changed. For this article, I will
consider the Runemakers’ set, the three level 85 Moors armor sets, the three
Hytbold sets, the three Erebor sets, and the three Greater Erebor sets.
Some general observations:
(1) The
armor sets have been standardized to not offer stat increases for set bonuses.
The armor sets have also been standardized to offer bonuses on 2-piece and
4-piece only.
(2) With
the removal of stats as armor bonuses, some non-Erebor armor pieces changed. I
originally examined many of the Update 9 armor sets and level 75 armors in the
post, rohan-85-rk-hytbold-and-moors-armor. For example, Hytbold Peace-caller set decreased 214 morale and 1148
mastery, and gained some crit (due to the change in Critical calculation) since the previous version. I have re-reviewed
all armors’ stats to reflect the changes for U10 (as of March 20).
There are non-set armor pieces that are even better than any of these pieces.
As they are rare and random versus being bartered and earned, I will not review
those, but acknowledge that they exist and are awesome (and “gold” quality).
(4) The
Erebor armors can only be bartered once you have completed all seven of the
Rohan instances on T1. The Greater Erebor armors can only be bartered with wins
in Rohan instances T2.
There isn’t a big gap at all between the level 75 armor sets from TOO or Moors
level 75, so don’t feel badly if you already have those. The U10 changes made
the previous post at rohan-85-rk-hytbold-and-moors-armor incorrect, but it gives indication that many of the level 75 armors are (or at least were) reasonable options.
(6) In
the Moors, the Moors armors are a must due to their “Audacity” bonuses (I’ll
explain Audacity another post, but for perspective, here is how Audacity looked
prior to U10, ettenmoors-75-rk-armor-audacity.
Set Bonuses:
So, let’s look at armor set comparisons. I
will start by looking at the “set bonuses” for each armor set at 2-piece and
4-piece. As you see in Table 1, there are a lot of repeat bonuses. Most are
situational and tied to certain skills. Since now for U10 there are no more
stats included as bonuses, you will have to decide whether you really use these
skills and utilize the bonuses.
Table 1: Set bonuses for RK Armor sets (click on image to enlarge)
have a lot of data… so I decided to present the full sets and then present snapshots by piece. I am going to benchmark everything to the Rune-makers’ armor
since those pieces can be found at the skirmish vendor and otherwise require no
effort at all, except the cost of marks and medallions.
For simplicity, I am
going to continue presenting only my “4 pillars of the Runekeeper”: Morale,
Tactical Mastery, Critical, and Tactical Mitigation.
Full Sets:
just turned level 85 and have the option of going to the skirmish vendor to get
a set of armor, going to the Moors and hunting Creeps for Commendations, going
to rebuild Hytbold and earning tokens, or going through Rohan and Erebor raids.
Table 2 is a wall of data related to full RK sets. I will translate some
observations. Do keep in mind, aside from the numerical data, there is Table 1
to consider, so be mindful of the potential set bonuses, if they are important.
Observation 1: The
Moors sets have much less Mastery than the basic Runemakers. However, Moors
Audacity of the pieces is essential for the Moors. With 5-7% less Mastery than
basic Runemakers, the Moors armor is not worthy anywhere else except the Moors.
Observation 2: The
Hytbold armor sets are slightly better than the Runemakers. The set bonuses in
Table 1 are better also. Did you do enough quests in Rohan to earn reputation
and barter for Hytbold armor? Which makes more sense to earn, 9k marks and 3k
medallions, or Rohan rep and Hytbold tokens?
Observation 3:
Erebor armors cost a more Marks, Medallions, and Seals but there is almost no
benefit versus the basic Runemakers armor. Even if the price was the same, is
it worth it?
Observation 4:
Greater Erebor armors are the most expensive and hardest to obtain. One would
think they are the best, right?
Runemaker vs Greater Erebor Healer (Peace-caller): GE Peace has less morale
(-263), better Mastery (+2%), better Critical (+2%), and better tact mit (+2%).
GE Peace has slightly better set bonuses (not a fan, but they are better). GE
Peace cost “a lot” more. Is it worth it?
Table 2: Cost and stat data for level 85 RK
Armor sets, (stats vs Runemakers)
When looking at a single category, it becomes clear that many of the
pieces are built similarly. If all things cost the same, which would you
choose? Is there an obvious difference between these pieces? I will show a snapshot of the stat differences between the set pieces for each category.
Chest Armor:
What Would Dana Do?
I have as a goal to do all quests and deeds, I have some options available to
me as by-product of Completionism, i.e. Hytbold, marks, unlocks.
I’m also
told that the number of Marks and Medallions for Runemakers set is a lot. I
lose perspective sometimes on what “a lot” means. Is 9k marks and 3k medallions
a lot for a 6-piece set of armor? If so, then Hytbold is probably where you
want to go, and Runemakers and Erebor are not for you.
I got the Hytbold Thunder-caller set just
by doing the quests and following the path. I love to use “Epic Conclusion to
reset Shocking Words” and habitually hit Shocking Words, Epic Conclusion,
Shocking Words in quick succession with enjoyable effect… I’ve seen the set of
three skills critically hit an opponent for over 22k damage during that
explosive second.
armor is very easy to obtain. For example, to get this Thunder-caller armor you
would need Kindred rep with the 4 factions of Rohan (actually, only Ally with
Norcroft), and some Hytbold tokens. By the time you got the Reputation, because
it would have involved doing Hytbold daily quests, you would have enough tokens
to build the correct pieces of town and barter for the armor. Reference here (to-be-a-thane).
is one of the cheapest and best options, and as is evident from this article,
all the non-Moors armors are fairly close to one another statistically.
you are going to the Moors, get some Moors armors. I got 2 of each set of Moors armors because there wasn’t apparent value
to me to go after the 4-piece bonuses. It isn't as useful for everyday use since it has noticeably less Mastery but is a must in the moors.
Though I have access
to it, I won’t barter for the Erebor armor as it has little benefit.
For comparison
from Table 1, for Hytbold Thunder vs Erebor Thunder: Hytbold has +614 morale and
+3% Mastery and my preferred set bonuses VS Erebor has +1.5% Critical. The
Greater Erebor Thunder is slightly better than the Erebor though not
enough that I would choose it even if the price was equal to the Hytbold (and
certainly not at the increased cost).