NBI Award winners (on Bio Break)
--- Danania.net Wins Best Newish Blogger
Guest post: Welcome to Bio Break, Supergirl Edition! (on Bio Break)
--- My guest star Post on Bio Break
Recommended Reading: danania.net (on CSTM)
--- Goldenstar seal of approval
Lotro Academy (Awesome episode)
--- Mysterixox thinks I am Awesome on The Academy podcast
High Latency Life discusses Supergirl
--- River is high on Supergirl
I-am-in-Love-with-Supergirl (on Lotro minstrel)
--- Aegthil of Gondor expresses his undying devotion
Lotro Academy Forum
--- Tomeoric expresses admiration
Beautiful Blogger Award (recommended on Ravalations)
--- Danania.net honored by a "Beautiful Blogger Award"
A Casual Stroll to Mordor (Goldenstar)
Ravalations (Ravanel)
Wandering through Digital Worlds (Lothirieth)
Cosmetic Lotro (Hymne)
The Elven Tailor (Cat)
Minstrel Hobbit (Alysia)
Apelred's Adventures (Apelred)
Lotro lore nuggets (McFarlane)
The Khazad Guard
The Black Appendage (Moors rankings)
LOTRO Armory by Gorothir
A Minstrel in the Making (Cennwyn)
The Starry Mantle
Wynniekins (Wynniekins)
Lotroadventures (Chocoholic)
Lotro Reporter
Lotro Players
Lotro Combo
NBI Blog list -- List of NBI Blogs that I am trying to work through
NBI Blog List 2013 -- List of still active NBI blogs
non-lotro Games & Gamers
Shards of Imagination (Rokuno)
Bio Break (Syp)
I have touched the sky (Rowan)
High latency life (River)
Mysteri Xox
The Riders of Rohan
The Academy: Retired June, 2013
Loading Artist
Evil, Inc.
PvP Online
Game News
Contains Moderate Peril
Geek Tyrant
Retired but I still like them
Mmorsel's LI Spender: August, 2011
Hyperboleandahalf (Allie): October, 2011
Lotro Steeds (Caldir): December, 2011
The Hobbits in the Stories (Llynthe): May, 2012
Darzil's armor Guide: January, 2012
Hipstalotro (Hipsta): October, 2012
Liz Jordan: October, 2012
Pony Lovers Anonymous (Ely): November, 2012
Warsteeds.com: December, 2012
Alice Pyne: January, 2013 RIP
Keli's lotro: January, 2013
Lotro Minstrel (Aegthil): February, 2013
Glimpse into the soul (Terry Stroud): February, 2013
Rovold: Retired and deleted.
The Curious Took (Anthemisi): Retired and deleted.
I have one question, after looking at all of your magnificent steeds here. You often depict a steed available (recently the ones for 2013 Christmas event) and you show them in different colors. Can we change the colors of our horses? If so, how?
You are doing fantastic job and I have saved your site for further reading. Good job!
Yay Niki and thanks for the compliment!
You cannot change the color of a HORSE but you can change the color of a WARSTEED. When you learn to ride a war steed (around level 75), you will see the warsteed screen contains several tabs, for traiting and for cosmetics. The warsteed cosmetics tab has similarities to the normal character tab and in this tab you can choose what your horse is wearing and colors of the horse and the outfit (with some limitations of course). This coloring of war steeds is what you see throughout my site.
Do feel free to ask questions anytime. Best wishes. :)
Thank you for that information! Your site is fantastic and I check it out daily! I've seen nothing like it anywhere! Please keep up the wonderful work.
I was wondering which war steed coat color packs do you have and how long did it take you to buy them?
Hi Anonymous!
I have every warsteed color pack now. I started with none, then got one or two the first month that I thought might look good (I went with black/white first). Occasionally, the store would sell packs for 50% off; I got a few more with coupons. I remember breaking the black/white/grey hide barrier by purchasing the Bay hide for the Warsteed of the Bat (see October-2013 post). Looking back on it... I probably got them all across 12-15 months.
As with everything, it is just a matter of what you are willing to spend and how badly you want it. :)
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