Date de création : 01.12.2017
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267 articles
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· Notre Islam (20)
· Ils ont choisi l'Islam (40)
· DIVERS (40)
· La prière en islam (3)
· Notre Foi en Dieu (35)
· Allah notre Créateur (9)
· Notre Saint Coran (7)
· Le comportement du musulman (13)
· Notre vie en ce bas monde (12)
· Le retour vers Dieu (7)
bel article mon frère, jazak allah kheiran incha allah...
Par Ahmed, le 08.10.2018
· How to Pray in Islam - How to Make Salaat !
· The secrets, Benefits and Virtues of Friday - (Jumm'ah) !
· Our countdown !
· Imam Muslim (AH 202–261) !
· Why Islam?
· Death is not a taboo subject !
· Allah sees us!
· The Great Imposture!
· The truth is in the holy Koran !
· We are all Muslims !
· The good character in islam !
· The price of loving for the sake of Allah
Dear brothers in God, this world is not for us; it belongs to others, ours lies elsewhere, a world that none of us could imagine beauty or eternal happiness. An wealthy ploughman, feeling his death imminent, sent his children to speak to them without witness: 'Beware,' he said, 'to sell the inheritance our parents have left us, a treasure is hidden in it 'I don’t know where; but a little courage will make you find it.' work, take pains, the fund is the least lacking..." (Victor Hugo).
Wisdom is human, it is the expression and language of the heart, whether it comes from a Muslim or a non-Muslim, the essence is there, and that’s what matters to us as Muslims. Heaven is closer to the believer than his own jugular vein can be, let us exploit to the maximum the good and the good works, seek them where they are, and let us make of this life a passage for the other and not especially a goal. Allah (swt) has opened and facilitated all the ways leading to Paradise, let us take advantage of it and above all let us not give our passions and pleasures of this short life an opportunity to deceive us.
at there is no work more fruitful and recommended by Allah (swt) than the invocation of Allah (swt). The prophet (sala Allah alayhi wa sallama) said that he who says, Allah forgives believers and women believers. «he will be recorded for each believer and each believer a good deed».(Reported by Sheikh el Al bani).
You realize, dear brothers in God, that it is not so difficult for the believer to hope for the satisfaction of God and a place in the Gardens of Eden.It is however and simply up to the Christian brother, in search of the Truth, to take the first step, and Allah (swt) will do the rest...
Author: Reguieg Mokhtar (Translation from French)