Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Something Must Be Done": Obama's Pique and Israel's Humiliation

BlueTruth presents another post by our friend Lawrence White.

Quote of the Day; Can anyone make a serious argument that
obtaining a quick peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
is either possible or a necessity for the United States? No. And the only way
that this claim can be asserted is by systematically censoring out a dozen

Barry Rubin

"Something must be done”. The White House has leaked internal deliberations, in which this expression, describing frustration with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, comes up repeatedly. The State Department and many White House advisers are reiterating that “something must be done”. Everyone nods sagely. Editorials repeat these words in various forms. “The conflict between Israel and its neighbors has gone on for decades. Enough is enough. It is time to do something.”

The Middle East is awash with problems. American soldiers are being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Militant Islamic states like Syria and Iran consider the US to be the great Satan. So-called moderate Arab countries warn Obama that he must force Israel to behave. And our President is listening.

“Something must be done”. The “something” that “must be done” begins with the assumption that the Israel-Palestinian conflict is related to, and in fact is a cause of, all these other problems. Deal effectively with this so-called linkage, and all the other problems will also be solved.

Obama has been speaking to many Arab leaders. Force Israel to do what needs to be done toresolve this, and we will cooperate with you. Our President, many diplomats, and foreign policy gurus buy this. Foreign policy experts like Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor and sometime advisor to Obama, believes it. The far left and assorted Israel bashers, many in academic fields or think tanks, have been beating the drums for this concept.

There is only one problem. This assumed linkage flies in the face of all historical evidence. If Israel were to disappear tomorrow, none of the supposedly related problems would go away. We would still be in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran would still be a militant theocracy developing nuclear weapons. Syria would still control Lebanon and be prepared to murder anyone who got in the way.Turkey would still be moving in the direction of a fundamentalist Islamic state. The Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan would still be making mischief. The events of Sept 11, 2001, would still have occurred. (Osama Bin Laden discovered the Israel connection sometime later, correctly calculating that he could get more sympathy that way.)

So does Obama accept this formulation because he believes it? Or for other reasons? Probably both.

Obama has been prosecuting a nasty diplomatic war with Israel for three weeks. In
particular he has focused his ire on Prime Minister Netanyahu. The news has been
leaked that Obama was “livid” in response to a lower level but poorly timed housing announcement in Israel. (This is an odd assertion. He has been our cool President; he has presented himself as Mr. Imperturbable. There is no place for “livid” in this formulation).

So why the war of words, why use the tools of humiliation? There are four related reasons, two of which have been heavily dissected in the media.

1. The most commonly cited reason for the diplomatic war against Netanyahu is to prove to the Arabs that Obama is their friend and can deliver on Israel. This presumably will bring the US closer to the Arab states, and will also lead to a willingness by the Palestinians to enter into negotiations, if not directly with Israel, then with America acting as proxy.

According to this formulation the Arab refusal to negotiate is because Israel is continuing with construction in the occupied territories, including Jerusalem. Obama takes that excuse at face value, and hopes to entice the Arabs to negotiate based on proving that he is even-handed or even tilting toward the Arabs. He will signal that he can force Israel to stop building, thereby proving that the Arabs can trust him.

There are several problems with this. The Palestinians previously negotiated with Israel for years while building was occurring. The refusal to negotiate now is a direct result of Obama setting new conditions for one side only when he demanded a building freeze. Palestinian Authority President Abbas could not do less. Further, our President does not seem to understand that the Arab states and the Palestinian authority have turned down any number of reasonable offers to achieve an independent state and accept peace.

An examination of the record shows that the Arabs will continue to come up with excuses to avoid a peace agreement. (In fact, they do not want any agreement that requires accepting a Jewish state in the area). Further, they realize that they do not need to negotiate as long as the US is doing their dirty work. US pressure on Israel has historically made the Arabs more intransigent, not less.

2. A second speculation being advanced is that Obama and his coterie consider the current Israeli government to be far-right and not representative of Israeli opinion. According to this theory, President Obama initiateda confrontation with Netanyahu in the belief that if he humiliates Netanyahu sufficiently, the fear of losing US support will panic Israel into jettisoning Netanyahu’s government, and replace it with the more agreeable centrist Kadima party headed by Tsipi Livni. At the least, it is hoped that Kadima would come into the coalition and replace the tw o main right-wing parties. Presumably it will then be far easier to force Israel to do the US bidding. Similar thinking has been expressed by J Street and by journalists who are White House favorites.

Again, the reality has been different. Obama’s reckless actions have had the result of unifying Israelis, who trust Obama even less than before. Further the issue of building in Jerusalem is one on which almost all Israelis are in agreement. As Netanyahu put it, Jerusalem is not a settlement, it is the capital of Israel. Israelis, as well as most American Jews, see Obama’s actions not so much as a humiliation of Netanyahu as a humiliation of Israel, as well as a message to all those Americans who support Israel. So if a change in Israeli leadership is Obama’s goal, this action has backfired.

3. The harangue of Israel can be seen as a consolation prize for Obama’s left-wing supporters. Many of Obama’s actions on non-Israel related matters have antagonized his base. Those to his left believe that his health care legislation is too centrist; his failure to include a single payer plan or at the least a public option has been upsetting. . They are also greatly concerned that we are still in Iraq, and that Obama chose to increase our military commitment in Afghanistan.

What better way to solidify his support among these ideologues, most of whom are Israel haters, than to play the role of hostile enforcer toward Israel? Getting tough with Israel has gained him points with his hard core far-left supporters.

4. Finally, there is the personal issue. Jonathan F. Keiler , writing in American Thinker, has pointed out that Obama dislikes Israel and “harbors an affinity for the Muslim/Arab world, to include the so-called Palestinian Arabs”. Our President, who has both a thin skin and a narcissistic streak, believes that he has been defied and insulted by the pesky Israelis, who have been the pernicious source of all the trouble in the area.

Further, when the concessions he expected from the Palestinians in response to Netanyahu’s construction freeze failed to materialize, his anti-Israel supporters convinced him that it was Israel’s fault.

Finally, the degree of hostility and the needless humiliation inflicted by Obama on the Prime Minister of Israel is so out of proportion to anything needed that it indicates more than simply policy differences or a need to placate the Arabs. There is no easy way to say this, but Obama has displayed an innate distaste for the Jewish state. We have seen this play before, and it usually doesn't end well for the Jews.

Obama’s many campaign statements about rock-solid support for Israel are now being repeated with little enthusiasm by his advisers when they speak to the media, and were dutifully recited by Secretary Hillary Clinton in her AIPAC speech. But the bloom is off the rose. These statements not only sound insincere, but appear to be automatic slogans designed to garner Jewish votes and financial support, with no conviction behind them.

Right now, Israel’s supporters have ample reason for anxiety. Obama’s ten demands of Israel, when coupled with the words “This can’t go on this way, something must be done” are strong indicators that he intends to impose a settlement rather than rely on one negotiated between the parties. All the Sturm and Drang may simply be preamble. This is the meaning of J Street’s rhetoric and ">their recent New York Times advertisement. This is also the meaning behind the repeated expression of “something must be done” by various administration insiders. The language of Walt and Mearsheimer, of Jimmy Carter, of the Goldstone report and others, all support imposing a settlement as the next step.

An imposed settlement by Obama will be dressed up in the robes of “tough love”, or “we are rescuing Israel because we know better than they”. The assumption is that the experts,
who have not had to endure daily rocket fire, suicide bombers, and inflammatory rhetoric, somehow have better judgment than the democratically elected leaders of that beleaguered nation.

On the surface, it may sound reasonable. But a forced settlement, with Obama acting as advocate for Arab unlimited demands, is the worst way to deal with the problem, and in fact will solve nothing. Unfortunately, Obama has no understanding that Arab intransigence will never be slaked by leaning on Israel.

There are three main lessons that Obama has yet to learn. First, the Israel-Palestinian problem is not the critical nexus that influences all problems in the Middle East. If Israel were to disappear tomorrow, none of the other problems would magically go away. Secondly, there will be no peace between the parties until the Arab states accept the presence of a Jewish state in their midst. Third, Obama needs to understand history and context. He is apparently unaware of the persistent obstructionism of the Arab states, a perverse role that has prevented an autonomous Palestinian state for over 60 years.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, in the 1960s when urban America was exploding, suggested that the most effective way of dealing with the problems might be "benign neglect". Of course, he was pilloried for this. Yet that is the best course in this case, until such time as the Arabs accept the presence of a Jewish state .

"Something must be done". It is time to challenge this notion, and ask the real question. Why?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama’s Court Jews; the Rise of J Street

(BlueTruth is once again pleased to present a piece by our friend Lawrence W White MD; this piece was originally posted at American Thinker at )

Court Jews were so named because they were Jews who did favors for noblemen in exchange for prestige, social influence, and various privileges not available to other Jews. They were often more concerned with preserving their status and fortunes than in promoting the welfare of their less fortunate co-religionists, who usually faced severe bigotry, were mired in poverty, and walled into ghettoes. Because they so often rejected their brethren in order to achieve personal advantage, the term “court Jew” has become one of opprobrium.

This phenomenon has existed all through history. In more recent times, Jews in the Soviet Union who participated in the "Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public", referred to as "pocket Jews" were complicit in actions taken to discredit the Jewish emigration movement. Using Jews to undermine Jewish institutions was a win-win for both parties. It allowed the Soviets to subvert any organized Jewish movement while denying charges of anti-Semitism, and allowed Jews to boast of connections in high places, and establish close ties to non-Jews based on the claim that they were Russians and Communists before they were Jews. Those Jews who established their loyalty to the Communist party leadership simply ignored the anti-Jewish show trials and executions perpetrated by Josef Stalin.

In the widening divide between American and Israeli Jews over concern for the future of Israel, there are many American Jews who have taken positions harmful to the security of the Jewish state. There are many reasons for this. Jews who have successfully moved into the larger society may wish to establish themselves as “progressives”, with a universalist rather than particularist world view. They may fear, and wish to deflect, appearances of dual loyalty. They may strive to sidestep potential anti-Semitism by avoiding perceptions that they are less than fully American.

In part, this was the motivation behind the establishment of the American Council for Judaism (ACJ), founded by prominent and wealthy Jews in 1942 as an anti-Zionist organization. It was directed by Elmer Berger, a Reform rabbi and court Jew aspirant, who identified with Arab causes and condemned Israel as the aggressor in the Six Day War. Members of the ACJ wished to emphasize that their Judaism was simply another religion and not a peoplehood; America was their Jerusalem.

Barack Obama has also needed court Jews. The President, clearly committed to liberal-left solutions to our national problems, campaigned as a strong advocate for Israel. In doing so, personal charm, convincing rhetoric, and support from powerful Jewish figures, successfully overcame suspicion arising from his close association over many years with Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Palestinian academic firebrand Rashid Khalidi, or from his use of anti-Israel advisers such as Robert Malley and Zbigniew Brzezinski. His eloquence and apparent sincerity in speaking of his concern for Israel played a major role in his winning a stunning 78% of the Jewish vote.

Once he was elected Barack Obama found governing to be more difficult than campaigning. The choices that he has made have led to erosion of support, especially among centrists who had supported him. To be successful Obama needed to retain his base, including those who gave him not only votes, but large numbers of workers, financial assistance, and intellectual heft. This means that he cannot afford to lose the American Jewish community.

Obama’s view of the conflict in the Middle East has been shaped by those with an imperfect understanding of Middle East history and culture. Thus Obama stumbled badly in his speech in Cairo, in which he equated the horrors of the Holocaust to the inconvenience of security check points, the civil rights struggle in the US to the problems of the Palestinians, and his attribution of the origins of Israel to guilt induced by the Holocaust.

Given the gaps in knowledge and sophistication indicated by these blunders, it is not surprising that he thinks that he can talk Iran out of a nuclear option, or talk the Palestinians into suddenly behaving as rational actors despite a long history of doing otherwise. He appears to accept at face value Arab statements that peace will be forthcoming in exchange for ending the occupation (never mind their other demands). Thus President Obama seems to think that all he needs to do is show that he can push the Israelis to freeze settlements, take that success to the Arab nations, and the Arabs will fall into line with a cascade of successful agreements culminating in a durable peace. And those around him, including many Jews, encourage this ahistoric and simplistic thinking.

But the President needs to be sure that in the process of leaning on Israel, he does not lose the American Jewish community. They were needed last year to ensure an electoral majority and will continue to be needed in the future. Having campaigned on a strong pro-Israel platform, and having assured many prominent and well-connected Jews that he was committed to the security and welfare of Israel, he needed a credible way to validate that impression in order to prevent any erosion in support. This is where Jeremy Ben-Ami, the director of the new organization J Street, comes in. Ben-Ami has become the very model of the “court Jew”.

Ben-Ami has a long career in government and politics. Positions with the New Israel Fund, as Policy Director for Howard Dean’s Presidential Campaign, and as a domestic policy advisor to President Bill Clinton , have solidified his attachment to left-liberal causes. Along with others, including George Soros, Ben-Ami founded J Street last year as an organization that was “both pro-peace and pro-Israel”. A key feature of J Street’s strategy was to establish themselves as a centrist force. To achieve this they needed to do two things. First, market themselves as moderate and as authentic representatives of the American Jewish community, and secondly break the influence of AIPAC and other Jewish organizations by re-labeling them as right wing, out of touch, and not sufficiently committed to the peace process.

When applied to AIPAC, it is difficult to find any evidence for the right wing label, since it is non-ideological, and bipartisan. In fact, AIPAC represents Jews from the entire political spectrum, and makes no policy decisions nor does it endorse or fund candidates. Its sole role is to educate and lobby elected officials to adopt measures that will promote cooperation between Israel and the US and that will ensure the survival of Israel. J Street has actively attempted to undermine this work, which is critical for the survival of the Jewish state.

During its short history, J Street has built up an extensive list of positions detrimental to Israel. With respect to Iran, they have defended Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and lobbied Congress not to place new sanctions on Iran, claiming that the President’s use of diplomacy was preferable to any timelines or new round of sanctions. They have urged ending sanctions against Syria also, and have favored pressuring Israel to return the Golan Heights to Syrian control,

They have lobbied Congress to oppose an initiative calling on Obama to pressure Arab governments to normalize relations with Israel, They favor negotiating with Hamas. They support the “Arab Peace Initiative ”, a one-sided plan that requires Israel to accept the right of return of the descendants of the Palestinian refugees who left Israel 60 years ago.

On the domestic front, they have endorsed the anti-Semitic play, “Seven Jewish Children”. And when the President awarded the Medal of Freedom to Mary Robinson, a poorly chosen action causing many to wonder why the President would further court the ire of Jewish organizations, it was J Street that was tasked with defending the indefensible.

But their most controversial action relates to Operation Cast Lead. Last December, after several months of deadly rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza, Israel finally took military action against Hamas to defend its citizens. J Street opposed this action, calling for an immediate cease fire on the first day, claiming that Israel's actions were contrary to the interests of peace. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union of Reform Judaism and an early supporter of J Street, broke with them over this issue, calling it a mistake that “misjudged the views of American Jews”. According to Rabbi Yoffie, J Streetis showing signs of moral deficiency and appalling naïveté”.

J Street’s strategy is deceptively simple. No matter how damaging to Israel a particular position might be, they follow with the mantra “and we are pro-Israel”. For example, J Street responded to the criticism by Rabbi Yoffie with the statement “Our position on the crisis reflects our support for IsraelThus we have a simple syllogism; If J Street is pro-Israel and if J Street gives its seal of approval to Barak Obama then Obama is pro-Israel.

That J Street takes positions in opposition to Israel’s welfare and survival should be obvious, but it disguises its anti-Israel bias behind repeated declarations of support for the State of Israel. Since there is much disagreement about how best to help Israel, J Street’s repetitive claim that they are a pro-Israel organization offering an enlightened and liberal view, in contrast to the “right wing” views of the Israeli government and the mainstream American Jewish organizations, has credibility. The media and most individuals, lacking sufficient knowledge to recognize this deception, have rarely questioned the pro-Israel appellation. In the world of both J Street and Barack Obama, they claim to know better than the Israeli elected leadership what is good for Israel

This Orwellian deception permits Obama to take steps inimical to the security of Israel while incurring minimal criticism from those who are increasingly alarmed about his growing hostility to Israel There is no other Jewish organization so aligned with the positions of this President on the foreign policy and security issues of the Middle East. Like Obama, J Street believes that the settlements are the major obstacle to peace. Like Obama, J Street believes that mainstream American Jewish organizations are less relevant, and future developments and political inroads will come by way of progressive Jews and their organizations. Like Obama, J Street believes that the current government in Israel is right-wing and will not take steps toward peace unless pushed.

J Street’s goal of entering the mainstream and becoming the most powerful “pro-Israel” voice in Washington, has met with some success. At the urging of J Street, some members of Congress, previously friends of Israel, have refused to sign statements circulated by AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups. Former ambassadors and other officials are scheduled to speak at a J Street gathering, providing a level of respectability. And when the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation was looking for a new CEO, they chose a man who had been one of the founders and advisers to J Street.

The J Street Advisory Council is composed largely of individuals who are unambiguous in their defamation of Israel. These include Henry Siegman, a well known Israel basher, and Avram Burg, who repeatedly equates Israelis with Nazis, And there is Robert Malley, an opponent of Zionism and supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, who blames Israel exclusively for the failure of the peace talks brokered by President Clinton at Camp David, Because many (not all) advisors are anti-Israel ideologues or represent other groups with biases against Israel, J Street’s claim that It is pro-Israel and loves the Jewish state is seriously undermined.

The continuing effectiveness of J Street will be dependent on the credibility it can achieve with liberal Jews, and whether it can get away with continuing to insist that it is pro-Israel, when every action it takes is inimical to the Jewish state. Many liberal Jews, including Martin Peretz, editor of the New Republic, and Eric Yoffie, president of the Union of Reform Judaism, have been vociferous critics.

As its motives were becoming suspect, and as critics were becoming increasingly skeptical over its claim to represent a pro-Israel point of view, a major setback undermined J Street’s claim to be a pro-Israel organization. This occurred with the disclosure that J Street had accepted funding from dozens of Arab and Muslim Americans, as well as from individuals connected to organizations unfriendly to Israel.

These include Richard Abdoo, a Lebanese-American businessman and board member of Amideast and of the Arab American Institute, and Genevieve Lynch, a member of the National Iranian American Council board, a group that supports the repressive and anti-Israel regime in Iran. . The group has also received funding from Nancy Dutton, an attorney who at one time represented the Saudi Embassy. Other donors include leaders of Muslim student groups, Saudi- and Iranian-born Americans, and Palestinian and Arab-American businessmen.

In addition, donations came from at least two State Department officials connected to Middle East issues, Nicole Shampaine, director of the State Department's Office for Egypt and the Levant, and Lewis Elbinger, who used to serve in Saudi Arabia. It may fairly be asked why they would want to donate money to a pro-Israel organization.

As before, J Street tried to explain this away by turning this news into a virtue still insisting that they were pro-Israel. As Ed Lasky put it; “J Street is spinning the news regarding its Arab and Muslim donors as a positive sign that J Street has been able to expand the tent of pro-Israel supporters to include Muslims and Arabs” And in a further sign of desperation, supporters of J Street declared that critics of the funding scandal were motivated by racism directed at Arabs or Muslims.

Several weeks ago, the mainstream Jewish organizations requested a meeting with the President. The administration found itself in the position of wanting to ignore or neutralize these groups, and so they were initially put off. After repeated requests, a meeting was scheduled but its existence was kept very quiet; the ground rules ruled out any reporters.. For the meeting, the President took it upon himself to decide who the representatives of the Jewish community should be, eliminating pro-Israel stalwarts such as ZOA, and including J Street. This ensured that one group in the oval office would be in full agreement with the President, and made it awkward for others to dissent.

J Street is sitting with a precarious house of cards. Many factors could lead to its demise, including its reputation for dishonesty, the near impossibility of being an umbrella organization for a group as fractious as the American Jewish left, its success in continuing to convince the President that it really does represent the majority of American Jews, and the acceptance of funding from sources that are not friendly to Israel. The major risk to the survival of J Street is the potential recognition by the broader Jewish community that J Street is not what it claims, and in fact is manipulating the community in order to get close to the corridors of power. All of these factors is causing those on the left who really are pro-Israel to undertake a reassessment.

The claim by J Street that they are pro-Israel is one of the largest con jobs ever perpetrated on the American Jewish community. Three parties are colluding in this fiction.

For Obama, J Street permits him to create the illusion that he has the support of the American Jewish community, that he is maintaining his promise to be a friend to Israel, and by doing exactly what a pro-Israel Jewish organization is recommending, he is acting in Israel’s best interests, When challenged he is able to state with some credibility that it is Israel that needs to do some “serious self-reflection”. All Obama needs in order to continue this is for the other two parties to follow their scripts

For J Street to continue to function as Obama’s court Jew, they need to straddle a precarious balance between two clients, the President and the American Jewish community. On the one hand, they need to convince Obama that their positions do in fact have the support of the majority of American Jews, that they represent a broader cross section of the American Jewish community than does AIPAC, and that they can thereby prevent leakage of support for Obama from the Jewish community. On the other hand, they need to continue to have their declaration of being pro-Israel taken at face value by the American Jewish community.

The final party, the organized Jewish community and supporters of Israel, need to buy the entire scenario. As soon as the community sees through J Street’s claim of being pro-Israel, the game will end. At present however, J Street is an unofficial adjunct of the Obama administration. Its allegiance is to Barack Obama, not to the American Jewish community and certainly not to Israel.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Obama, Netanyahu and Linkage

(BlueTruth is once again happy to present a column by our friend Lawrence White)

Obama, Netanyahu, and Linkage

By Lawrence W. White

Volumes have been written about the Arab-Israeli conflict. Books, essays, think tanks; commentators on television and radio;, newspaper articles, columns and letters to the editor; community meetings, task forces public and private; State Department and other government branches; governments all over the world, as well as the United Nations; every US President since Harry Truman. All have weighed in. with their analyses and solutions, their certainty that “if only” such and such were done, this intractable 60 year problem would be solved.

David Harris has dubbed this the “IOI syndrome”. “If only Israel ….” Thus “if only Israel” froze the settlements, removed the separation wall, stopped the “humiliating” checkpoints, recognized the government in Gaza that says it will never accept Israel, and ignored the verbal threats of annihilation from Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah as propaganda for domestic consumption. “If only Israel” had not elected a hard line new government that is unwisely keeping Israel from taking actions that will guarantee peace for all eternity.

And yet the real cause of this long conflict, for anyone who has studied it closely, can be stated in two words “Arab rejectionism”. Until this problem is resolved, there can be no peace. Israel has taken risks for peace repeatedly; while the Palestinians have not accepted the presence of Israel in the neighborhood. Contrary to the media interpretations, it is the Palestinians who do not accept a two-state solution. Hamas in Gaza has repeatedly stated it will never accept the “Zionist entity”. Fatah in the West Bank, for its part, states it cannot accept the presence of a Jewish state.

For this reason, President Obama and Secretary Clinton are certain to fail in their quest for a peace agreement. They have fallen into the trap of conventional wisdom, progressive nonsense, and New York Times editorializing, namely that Israel must make concessions for a solution to be forthcoming. History has proven this wrong. All the prior steps that Israel has taken, including the offer made by Barak and Clinton at Camp David, the Oslo agreements, unilateral withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza, and countless others, have been followed by failure and accelerated bloodshed.

For the US, the ability to change the minds of the Arab street or their rulers is minimal to absent. Therefore, for those who believe they must make a deal, the only way to have a meeting of the minds is to lean on Israel to make “concessions”. According to the US view, nothing can be done about Arab rejectionism, so it needs to be largely accepted and ignored. Oh, words and promises will be made, as they have countless times before, only to be ignored by the Arab states, by the Palestinians, and most importantly by world powers including the US.

For their part, the Palestinians are wise to this game, and know they will not be required to really accept the presence of a Jewish state, so they go through the motions. (Prime Minister Abbas has already stated that he will never accept a Jewish state). Israel, for its part, knowing the process will certainly fail, also goes through the motions, but for different reasons; it must not offend the US.

And now, again, the President of the US and the Prime Minister of Israel met on May 18. . Now, there is a new dimension; the problem of Iran, and the phenomenon of linkage, with each side having a different idea of what this means (the difference being one of 180 degrees).
For Israel, linkage means solve the Iran problem first, then turn attention to an Israeli-Arab peace. The prospect of a nuclear Iran is an existential and immediate threat for Israel. It also contains within it dangers for the entire Middle East, for the US, and for Europe. And contrary to the belief by some that Iran is “pragmatic” Alan Dershowitz has pointed out that Hashemi Rifsanjani told an American journalist “[that an Iranian [nuclear] attack would kill as many as five million Jews. Rafsanjani estimated that even if Israel retaliated by dropping its own nuclear bombs, Iran would probably lose only fifteen million people, which he said would be a small 'sacrifice' from among the billion Muslims in the world.” In other words, they really mean it and need to be believed. And then there is also the strong probability that nuclear material would end up in the hands of Hezbollah, or Hamas, whose track record indicates that they would have no hesitation in using it.
For the US, linkage is the opposite. According to the Jerusalem Post, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told AIPAC recently that "the task of stopping Iran would be made easier if progress were made in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.” In other words, Emanuel linked the two matters in a way opposite to that of Israel, saying that the efforts to stop Iran depended on peace talks with the Palestinians. Other administration figures have made similar statements, along with much of the media.
Alan Dershowitz points out that
“Israel has the right, indeed the obligation, to take this threat seriously and to consider it as a first priority. It will be far easier for Israel to make peace with the Palestinians if it did not have to worry about the threat of a nuclear attack or a dirty bomb. It will also be easier for Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank if Iran were not arming and inciting Hamas, Hezbollah and other enemies of Israel to terrorize Israel with rockets and suicide bombers. In this respect, Emanuel has it exactly backwards: if there is any linkage, it goes the other way - defanging Iran will promote the end of the occupation and the two-state solution. Threatening not to help Israel in relation to Iran unless it moves toward a two-state solution first is likely to backfire.”
This is not the first time in history that a national leader has threatened Jews with destruction, and proved that they meant it. (When someone threatens to murder you, it is prudent to believe them.) The threat from Iran is immediate, and must be dealt with immediately. The problem of Arab rejectionism, on the other hand, will take much longer to resolve. Prime Minister Netanyahu is on the right track when he indicates that the problem needs to be approached along economic lines; most productive individuals do not want to murder their customers.

Not surprisingly, the meeting between Obama and Netanyahu was not conflictual, despite pressure from left wing activist Democrats, from European leaders, and from many of Obama’s own aides. Neither party wishes to fight with the other. President Obama simply has too many other critical problems at present, both domestic and foreign.. Further, Congress remains highly supportive of Israel, and Obama does not want to alienate his Jewish supporters, 80% of whom voted for him. On the other side, Israel wants and needs a strong US-Israel relationship, and Netanyahu is determined not to alienate the US President.

Israel will accept a two-state solution if they believe that it will truly be a solution, that it will truly result in peace. And make no mistake, Israeli leaders and Israeli citizens have historically been willing to take major risks for peace; that has not changed. But first, for peace to be achieved, the immediate existential threat emanating from Iran, and the long-standing presence of Arab rejectionism, must be eliminated.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Let Barack Obama Hear Your Pro-Israel Voice

As part of the transition to the Obama Administration next week, a website has been set up to seek citizen input on a variety of issues. As the website states, "Share your ideas on any issue facing the new administration, then rate or comment on other ideas. The best rated ideas will rise to the top -- and be gathered into a Citizen's Briefing Book to be delivered to President Obama after he is sworn in. "

Not surprisingly, the anti-Israel crowd is trying to stuff the figurative ballot box with their hysterical screeds. Here's a small sample from what's on there tonight:
" I agree, we had enough baby sitting of Israel. Israel should get out of our lap and should face the world for it's evil acts." (punctuation was never a strong point in the anti-Zionist movement)
"Israel has killed over 100 times as many people in the last couple weeks than all of those home made bottle rockets combined. They'd still be able to do that kind of damage without our F-17s, reactive armor, bombs, etc now that we've already given them access to our technology to reverse engineer." (a homemade bottle rocket that travels 25 miles and can explode a kindergarten? that's one hell of a bottle)
"So, the point that I am trying to make here is first of all, existance of Israel is illegal. We can give back the land to Palestinians and problem solved. No more killing, no more complaining. And, I bet you that if that happens, they will be living in peace, baby sitting for each other's kids as they were used to." (on his planet, do cows fly?)

If you are a US resident: go to and set up an account. Then search for "Israel". Vote proposals up or down as appropriate; that's more important than making comments, since the "vote" totals are apparently what they will pay attention to. Apparently the page refreshes every day, so go back daily.