Showing posts with label Hatem Bazian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hatem Bazian. Show all posts

Monday, January 31, 2011

Rutgers: Never Again for Anyone Tour: Blatant Discrimination Against Jews

Some 400 pro-Israel Jewish students and their supporters gathered Saturday night to attend "Never Again for Anyone" program at Rutgers University which had been advertised through Facebook and Craiglist as "free and open for all".

The talk was hosted by BAKA - Students United for Middle Eastern Justice, and sponsored by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Americans Muslims for Palestine and the Middle East Children's Alliance. The "Never Again for Anyone" tour was founded by Dr. Hatem Bazian, a UC Berkeley lecturer and chairman of the American Muslims for Palestine. Bazian is well known for his call for "intifada" in America. His organization, American Muslims for Palestine recently circulated an article accusing Israel of creating unusually fierce and aggressive dogs that terrorize the West bank. Auschwitz survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer was also on the panel . When the Jewish students and their supporters arrived, they were shocked at what transpired.

According to Rutgers student Aaron Marcus, it looked like "those in anti-Israel apparel, keffiyahs and hijabs were taken aside, given green wristbands, labeled as 'staff' and given free entrance." Other sources reported that students wearing kippas were banned from the event.

Sara Kershnar of the the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network who has been arrested in the past for interrupting Jewish community events , claimed: "The accusation that anyone was excluded from this event due to his or her ethnicity or political views is a complete fabrication.". She claimed the fees were made mandatory after they learned there would be protests at the event

But student protesters witnessed that the sign reading free admission was taken down as they approached the venue.

Stand With us, a grassroots Israel advocacy group immediately released a statement condemning the discriminatory practice
“We deplore the blatant anti-Jewish discrimination that occurred at Rutgers University’s anti-Zionist event ‘Never Again for Anyone’ on Saturday night, January 30,” said StandWithUs CEO Roz Rothstein. “Apparently the organizers are afraid of anyone who might expose their lies and prejudice. We hope Rutgers University will investigate and take proper measures to ensure that such essentially anti-Semitic events don’t recur. But we applaud the pro-Israel students and community members who came out in droves, who chanted and sang Jewish songs in the lobby when they were barred entry into the event itself.”

The event was well documented. Watch the videos of the event at Challah Hu Akbar

This anti-Semitic exploitation of the holocaust is coming to a city near you. Please take a lesson from the students of Rutgers. Its time to fight back, and to document your efforts. When we fight back, we win.

The Never Again for Anyone" schedule follows:
Toronto, Canada: Feb 1, 2011
Milwaukee: Feb 3, 2011
Chicago: Feb 4, 2011
Chicago: Feb 5, 2011
Detroit: Feb 6, 2011
Twin Cities: Feb 8, 2011
Atlanta: Feb 10, 2011
New Orleans: Feb 13, 2011
Sacramento: Feb 16, 2011
SF Bay Area: Feb 17, 2011
Los Angeles: Feb 19, 2011