Showing posts with label Travelogues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travelogues. Show all posts


Travelogue 2025. Trip ke Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan! (Part 4)

 Assalamualaikum and hi :)

I love DIY-ing my holiday trip for the excitement (walaupun penat research), minimized budget and most importantly flexibility. Tapi untuk lokasi menarik yang jarak dia agak jauh dari accommodation dan ada beberapa tempat nak visit, kami ambil package 1 day trip from Klook...

..and yes bila ikut travel group ni, pagi-pagi kitorang dah rushing takut terlambat dan melambatkan orang lain hahahaha. Biasa pagi-pagi rileks je take our own sweet time 😂 Tapi takpelah, antara reason utama yang buat i tertarik nak pergi Hokkaido ni ialah Penguin walk show dekat Asahiyama Zoo! Nak drive sendiri, tak berapa confident sebab tak pernah ada pengalaman drive in winter road. So, i search Klook dorang got few package available for certrain attractions. Kami pilih package ke Asahiyama Zoo, Shikisai No Oka, Christmas tree Biei and Ningle Terrace, total 3 orang RM 762.80 termasuk transport, admission fees dengan tour guide. Makanan excluded, so bawak siap-siap dari rumah.

Macam biasa, full tentative/travelogue boleh klik dekat video ni!

Travelogue 2025. Trip ke Sapporo, Hokkaido Day 4!

Untuk Day 4, perjalanan kami bermula seawal around 7am dari hotel. Kami ambil subway ke JR Sapporo Station. Sampai-sampai terus menuju ke Sapporo Station North Exit which is almost sesat jugak lah mencari padahal sebelum tu dah survey kat mana hahaha. Keluar je North exit tu jalan sikit ada macam kawasan parkir bas, tapi dia macam the opposite side sikit so kena jalan cepat-cepat dan nasib baik ada orang tolong bantu mungkin sebab nampak kami kalut huhu. Dah sampai dekat stesen bas tu pun nak kena cari bas kita pun satu hal jugak sebab banyak sangat bas tourist lain huhu. Tapi Alhamdulillah sampai jugak. Meeting point at least 10 mins early and kami sampai Alhamdulillah almost on time.

Rough tentative Day 4, dinner kami bertukar tempat tak sama dalam planning sebab kedai ni dah makan the day before, hehe

Perjalanan kami bermula ke Asahiyama Zoo. Dari Sapporo station ke Asahiyama Zoo memakan masa almost 2hrs+. Boleh lah si kicik dan bapaknya ambil short nap sempena bangun awal hehe. Uminya? I duduk window seat, so really enjoyed the views. Ada satu kawasan tu, dahan pokok dia dilititupi ais tau. Macam kristal! Pemandangan tenang luar bandar dengan dilitupi white canvas (snow) sangat cantik. Ditambah pula memang style i suka clean, aesthetic view (macam kat rumah kami pun memang interior banyak white theme).

Sampai-sampai je kami kena beratur nak masuk sebab pagar belum bukak, awal sangat datang nya ek. Tapi member tu no hal, tepi jalan pun boleh enjoy berbaring atas snow! Dah dapat masuk apatah lagi 😂 Tapi zoo ni sangat cantik dijaga rapi. Haiwan pun not bad banyak jugakkk, but since kami ada limited time, selain penguin walk, kami lebih focus kepada haiwan-haiwan winter/cold climate yang jarang jumpa dekat zoo di Malaysia macam Polar Bear.

Lunch kami makan di Asahiyama Zoo, bawak Kembara Pack siap-siap. Next, kami short stop di Christmas Tree, Biei. Walaupun Muadz macam krik krik tanya apa dia punya significant, but I okay jeee sebab so instragammable! Although the tree is standing alone there, but I hope she knows that she is loved by many and provide happiness to a lot of people from all over the world 💓

Our next stop was Shikisai No Oka, and I have a feeling this was Muadz and Muhammad’s favorite part of the day! During the blooming season, the fields are said to be covered in vibrant, colorful flowers (I looked it up, and yes absolutely gorgeous!).

In winter, the landscape transforms into a playground for snow activities. There was an ATV tour available, but since there was a height limit (I cant quite remember the exact name of the activity oops!), we decided to go for something more kid-friendly: sledding! Renting a sled cost around 200 yen, and honestly, it was the best decision.

Muhammad had an absolute blast, and seeing him that happy was more than enough for both Muadz and me ❤️.

....and the place is sooooo beautiful! 

After about 1 hour, kitorang ke Ningle Terrace pula. Tempat ni macam kedai-kedai kabin, tapi hmmm macam biasaaa, sangat cantik dan aesthetic. Dekat dengan Ningle Terrace ni ada macam resort, Muadz cari a corner to perform Jama' prayer there (wudhuk ambil di toilet ningle terrace, bersih k toilet diaaaaa, mcm biasaaa. Impressed betul i dengan cleanliness and technology toilet dekat Hokkaido ni). Oh lupa, sepanjang perjalanan musafir ke lokasi2 ni kan, I selalu berdoa semoga dapat rasa snow shower walaupun sekejap je sebab in forecast tak expect pun untuk ada snow shower during our stays there. 

After about 30-40 mins in Ningle Terrace, kami pun pulang ke Sapporo semula. Sampai-sampai terus cari makan. Mula-mula kami nak makan dekat kedai Ramen somewhere nearby Susukino Stn., tapi macam biasa.... line panjang..... so after penat berjalan, kami pergi semula ke kedai makan Okonomiyaki 1st day kami makan.. tu naik taxi huhu tapi takpe about 5 mins je and enjoy jugak ek city view from car!

Kami turun je taxi, wehhhhh surprise! Ingatkan hujan, rupanya snow shower!! Alhamdulillah i am sooo happyyyy, this humble musafir's prayer was answered with such a pleasent view and supriseeee. Keletihan berjalan ke kedai Ramen untuk hari ke-2 and still tak dapat untuk hari ke-2 sebab line panjang tak terasa dah huhuhu.

Enjoying the night view. Biasa malam-malam balik kerja dah keletihan kan takmo keluar hahah

After dinner, we strolled around the city then get back to the hotel to pack up for tomorrow's journey. Macam biasa, Muhammad's next most favorite part after main snow adalah choo choo train! Dia dah hafal and familiar proses nak naik train (from beli tiket, masukkan tiket, tunggu tiket keluar, beratur, masuk choo choo, keluar choo choo, bye bye choo choo, masukkan tiket balik) huhuhu. My maternal instinct is so 😭😭😭 we made a great choice by taking a small break from hectic-repetiitve-normal life routine and spend our 24/7 time together, refreshing back.... 

Oh and before arrive at our hotel, we took a small detour to Nakajima Park to enjoy the view before preparation farewell Sapporo for real :(

Okay that's all for Day 4 travelogue! Untuk tengok list itineraries boleh click gambar itineraries dekat atas, untuk details perjalanan boleh view our travelogues okay! My final conclusion untuk 1 day travel group tour: I think it's okay untuk visit multiple famous attractions, tapi kalau macam nak betul2 menghayati tempat tu like spend long hours, I tak lah recommend sangat sebab yang ini berjadual dan kena menghormati masa tourists group yang lain. For me, it's okay. Plus in between places, kami boleh berehat. Muhammad pun boleh take short nap, sampai je tempat2 tu, energy dia dah recharge balik instead of continuously berjalan huhu. I pun terkejut on how he really enjoyed each and every places... and I am so happy. 

As usual,

Thanks for reading! Hope this will help you planning as well, especially with toddler on board! 💓

Take care!

Previous post:

1. Travelogue 2025. Trip ke Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan! (Part 1)

2. Travelogue 2025. Trip ke Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan! (Part 2)


Travelogue 2025. Trip ke Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan! (Part 3)

 Assalamualaikum Hi!

Untuk day 3, kami plan nak ke Otaru tapi mula-mula macam onz tak onz je nak pergi sebab dia perlukan travel by train for quite sometime juga lah. Tapi bila dah sampai Alhamdulillah kami onz je sebab the day before waktu hari sampai ke Sapporo tu kami buat aktiviti mimima je, balik hotel pun awal, so cukup rehat and ready for new journey!

Itinerary for Day 3!

Sebabkan trip ni trip DIY dan tak terikat dengan timetable sangat, kami memulakan aktiviti mengikut our own sweet time (considering Muhammad's punya timing jugak sebab dia big boss hahah!). Dari hotel kami ke Otaru, kami naik 2 jenis public transport. Satu, subway dari Nakajima Koen Stn. to Sapporo Stn., lepastu kami tukar ambil JR train ke Otaru Stn.

Macam biasa, kita akan letak some of the photos here, but full vlog and tentative, i suggest untuk click our travelogue video!  💓💓💓

Travelogue Day 3! 

Starting the day with some caffein~

In front of our hotel

In front of our hotel/Nakajima Park. Belum start journey member dah enjoy snow!

In front of our hotel/Nakajima Park and inside the train station

In front of our hotel/Nakajima Park. 

A mixed photo of Nakajima Park's view, cubaan memujuk perjalanan baru nak start tapi emmber nak enjoy snow and view from the train! Train sangat ramai orang huhu nasib baik dapat seat jugak hehe

Among our scenery in Otaru. Lurve!

Menunggu member enjoy snow at the side walk

Otaru's scenery

Happy that you are enjoying this! I mean both of you hehe


Scenery at Otaru

Our official first stop: Masjid Otaru! Details dekat vlog!

Scenery at Otaru

Our winter OOTD

Dating sat

Member tidur dalam stroller macam kat rumah huhu

Photographer Muadz is back! 

Otaru Canal

We are busy setting up our tripod when a tourist kindly volunteer to take our photo.... and muhammad still sleeping haha

Daddy, Mommy and Baby bear~

Went to a restaurant but sadly muslim frienly menu dia tak available. Last2 beli steam goguma dekat depan restaurant tu and sangat sedapppp and tunaikan permintaan ice cream (after showing the shop muslim dietary card for menu clearance)


Otaru and Otaru Station. Time to head back to Sapporo!

Went to Susukino for muslim friendly ramen, but the queue is so longggg.

Went to another muslim friendly resutant nearby our hotel

Took train to go to Odori Park but the park is closed for winter festival. Satu gambar kenangan pun jadi lah hehe

Okay that's all for Day 3 travelogue! Untuk tengok list itineraries boleh click gambar itineraries dekat atas, untuk details perjalanan boleh view our travelogues okay!

As usual,

Thanks for reading! Hope this will help you planning as well, especially with toddler on board! 💓

Take care!

Previous post:

1. Travelogue 2025. Trip ke Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan! (Part 1)

2. Travelogue 2025. Trip ke Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan! (Part 2)