Showing posts with label My Bridal Shower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Bridal Shower. Show all posts


Bridal Shower Idea! -xoxo-


Been awhile since I've wanted to post this! But you know the idea... the mood.... is yet not knock knock. But no more, the mood duspppp come suddenly. So here it is! (Disclaimer note : Post maybe in English and please pardon for my grammar and vocabs!)

I didn't expect this amazing bridal shower to come, but sure seriously, this really really really (emphasize enough) lighten my mood up. And actually this should be posted by my friend (who planned for all this for months!) but hahaha I'm excited to post this up :P

So... here's some ideas for throw a not so simple but gorgeous for your bride-to-be friend!

1. First of all , concept.
Find a concept that you like or maybe your bride-to-be friend like. As for me, this is bonus because it happened that me and my friends have the same favourite concept! (Sweety Picnic on a green grass!)

Ooh... isn't this lovely!

2. Secondly , venue.
Once the concept has been decided, find a venue that suit your concept!


3. Thirdly, decide the theme colour.
Choose a team colour that really suit the concept and all the guest, include yourself! And.. don't forget to match well with venues. For this concept, i think the not so contrast but harmony theme colour really match well.

Pastel kind of colours theme :D

4. Next, date and time.
How long the event will be. When? Weekend? Will the bride-to-be free on that day? --- Make sure the bride-to-be has no prior planned schedule or else, you are the one the will be surprised! Hahaha

5. The next step will be invitation card!
Decide how much the guests will be, prior to the budget and venue. Regarding the invitation card, my friend design it really well and there even a space for wishes on the back of the invitation card!

The design.... are so beautiful! And all the wishes, really make me touched.

6. What else. Oh, how can i missed this! FOOOOOOOD.
Regarding the food, they've ordered my favouriteeeeeeee cake which is Red Velvet with creamcheese! Oh how can I jumped straightly to dessert. LOL see how excited I am!
- For appetizers, they have actually give me chewing gum (as a punishment for wrong answered questions. To be discussed later!)
- Main dish is fried chicken! Nyummmyy, i dont know why but I love to pronounce is as chickieyn chickieyn chickieyn when I'm excited. (Unpaid uninteresting advertisement Kbye)
- As for the desert I've told before, RED VELVET CAKE.
- A cold carbonated drink (which have been freezed night before).

You can see how happy I am especially when there is that full round of cake in front of me!

No I'm not sad. But where is the cake?

And the motherly cakey smile is back

No, not when can I eat this cake kindof pose. Okay enough evidence.

7. Do not missed this important checklist, deco!
What else can I say about the deco as you can see from those pictures (Clap clap to my friends)

Personally I think balloons are important points in the party decorations.

The setting. Chocolates, buckets, boxes, party appl. , the bride-to-be veil and crown , the guest's flowercrowns etc.

Cold Carbonated drinks and beautiful bucket and flowers and mineral water etc.

Flowercrown xoxo

Cute crown and veil!

8. You may skipped this point , photographer. But actually it is pretty much important for me.
Photographer is among us, changeable, not a fixed hired photographer hehe. Or can asked peoples nearby to help capture the moment!
But if you have extra budget or choices, you may hired talented photographer to click click captured the moments. If the event is all-girls event, i highly suggest and prefer to hire woman photographer. Hehe, plus more comfortable and free to do the games. But that's my personal preference hihi.

Guess who's the photographer for this photo!

And this photo!

9. The activity!
This is important to increase the happening vibe of the event.
As for my bridal shower they have prepared a "Do you know some things about him" quiz. Question like example what is his favourite movie genre or his shoe size etc. What more surprizing is the answer is a recorded video by the groom-to-be itself! And the punishment is.... chewing gum! (I thought it would be sooo mint but actually it's pretty yummy!)

Some of the questions

And another question

Answer by the groom-to-be

Another activity was wear that blindfold and catch me if you can! Within few minutes. Must find those 7 girls who did not give me chance by not making noise huwaaa~

 Because I missed one person... so the punishment is sing (?). I'm just too happy I guess. And my friend is soooo helping, by taking selcas with happy face. Thank you for not weirdly staring at me! Hahaha

Highlight of the event is.... A video message from my family!

Touched.... as they involved my family in this memorable event too.....

10. Guestbook.
No there's no guestbook as they've leave their wish on back of the invitation card. Instead :

 The new way of I'm attending this event!

11. Ding Dong! Extra point on ideas for photos :D

With the balloons!

Selca by the bride-to-be

Selca lead by pro kekeke :P

Group not so candid not so formal photo

Bride-to-be try to selca's caught in action LOL

Bridetobe'smaid group photo

And some more like formal group photos and lots of candid photos!

All and all, I really enjoy my day and my bridal shower. Thank you girls, blessed that I've met and know you all. For all the efforts, energy, money, ideas and lots more unscripted things that you've all done, thank you so much!

Again, with the red velvet cake. Ehehe.

I hope this may give you some ideas on steps or checklist to plan your friend's bridal shower. Few events to make she feel like a princess as a single. And for practice smileee for the big event hihihi. But most importantly, pray for your friend's journey to be smooth sailing and until jannah amiin. Pray for me too! May this journey drive us until jannah amiin. All the best and take care all! Assalamualaikum :D



Surprise Bridal Shower and my thoughts.


It's been awhile since I last update. I dont know how many persons will read this, but I hope anything that I wrote will give at least 0.1% benefit to the readers. While of course, the higher the percentage, the better :D

As I'm typing this, I've showered with a lot of thankful thoughts. For every air that we breath for free of charge, for every contractions of our heart to make the circulations goes on and on to help other parts of our body function well, for every chances that Allah swt continuously give me even after fruitful of sins but still, Allah grant me chances and chances and chances to repent, there's a lot of things that I'm thankful of. Alhamdulillah.

10th July 2015. I've learnt something new. Be kind to others. Well of course, this quote are not new to most of us. But I've learnt this quotes the other way around. I'm not saying I'm kind or something (but I hope I'll always trying to be a better person). Thing is, there's urge in me saying BE KIND , after received kindness from others.

A day before, I've been informed that our class (girl students) will have ifthar and class party on Friday (10th July 2015). So, my friend said the colour code is Mustard (And then I request to change to purple as Mustard is not my wardrobe colour code. LOL). But the weird thing is, they just informed me a day before and the 'organizer' (lol i dont know what the title supposed to be. let's just assume that haha!) assigned me to group with Karipap(Curry Puff)-task without my concern as I dont have much interest in making Karipap other than eating them!

Karipap-task , apple crumble-task , agar-agar santan-task , fruit-task and a lot of other foods task!

Things happen, the Karipap-leader-task (Hahaha i think this title is funny. LOL whatever) whatsapp me said that i didn't have to come, enough workforce. And of course I'm Yeay-ing inside while feel guilty as i didn't contribute. In the evening, I've got whatsapp from Ayam-Masak-Merah-Task to bring Oyster Sauce and benang to markaz (place) , so untuk tak rasa bersalah tak buat pape kerja, I uninomously okay untuk pergi markas bring the chores. ( I think I misinterpret the message as it's actually not asking me to come, but just prepared it somebody will pick them up LOL )

So,  as I'm entering the markaz, I could detect weird expression on my friends' face. Awkward. But I'm being positive. Either they are too tired or I'm not welcomed there, menyibuk je Hahaha yes I am. But I try to break the ice while offering to do anything, cut the pineapples, tied the balloons, guestboard and broke some conversations. For a few seconds I have this thought of Bridal Shower but i dont know why, I've come to conclusion TAK KOOOOT.

Around 5 something, I've sensed they are like trying hard to push me out of the markas AKA halau hahaha, SEDIH (But i'm being stubborn to stay for awhile). Even my housemates said that we will go separately as they will prepared at markaz, waiting for foods and whatever. And i was like why I feel like being on a separated island! #Dramaqueen

But whatever, I put on a yeah-whatever-cool-face and just being positive. Around 6.50 I went back to markaz with the so-called-colour-code. I've so surprised as I am the only one wearing purple! I've even asked them "KORANG TAK DAPAT UPDATE KE COLOUR THEME DAH TUKAR PURPLE" lol *Cryyyy malu je* Confident pulak tu tanya!

Until I've found a handmade decorated banner "MUJA's BRIDAL SHOWER". I was like what is thisssssssssssssssssssssss. I'm so surprised. Mixed feelings. I've even near to have this sad feelings with my closed friends sebab rasa macam dipinggirkan. Rupanyaaaaaa......

The handmade banner. Touched!

I'm so touched knowing that these peoples had planned these for almost a month, even packed with other schedules, exams, personal life etc. While I always almost disturb the surprise busy-body-nak-join-jugak-conversations. My friend even said "Susah k nak plan. Muja ni ada dekat mana-mana jeeee". Nevertheless, I'm so touched. Really really.

Put aside my closed friends (while of course I'm always thankful with whatever they did help me in) , my other friends, who willing to spend their times to prepare and take part in these event. Cook. Laugh. Colour code (I love combinations of mint & peach). Clean. Everything that hard for me to verbalized it for.

Thanks girls! Including the photographer!

Their kindness to me tho I know I'm not a really good friends to everybody everytime, make me wanna be kind to them. They teach me to be kind to everybody without measuring how closed the relationships are. Kind is universal. And I hope it is sporadic.

My #Dramaprincess

Oh btw, I think this bridal shower thingy is really good for practice smile for a longgg duration! Thanks for this rehearsel girls! :D

 Out of sudden, I think like I'm being a Pengarah or something............

Sebab tetibe kena present tukar-tukar hadiah.............

Tp alang-alang tu, layan jelaaaaaa.

Boleh practice senyum!

Dan practice senyum lagi.

Dan lagi.

Oh i think I'm enjoying it right now! Hahaha



This is called mimic sleep smile LOL idontcare as long as i smile

I think they are having a hard time keeping the surprise from me. As I'm so stubborn and nak tahu jugak and garang. Eh hahahaa. Almost 24 hours always there beside me here in Egypt, my housemates who is my classmates too.

And not to forget, the girl who photographed this. I think she also having hard time to keep them surprised! Hahahaha the innocent *name*

 I'm so into this guestboard idea. Sebab memang dah ada dekat markaz! I just need to bring my marker pen.

But the wishes are so hilarious hahaha! Especially yg sign and put her university  ID number. Mentang-mentang the title is sign your attendance. Hahaha

There are 2 cakes actually.

Another one is for July babies!


I hope by writing this post, it will always remind me to be kind to others regardless the level of relationships, whenever I have hard time to control my feelings to do it for. Memories may be lost one day, but the real things aren't. So this is one of my way to keep the real things are.

Sometime, I may not good in arranging my words (and tears LOL) to express how grateful and touched and happy I am. But deep inside, I really am. Really really. Thanks for teach me something new. And thank you for the memories girls. Zagazig, Egypt, 10th July 2015.

-xoxo, Mujahidah-