Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Pandemic Prepping Guide Now Available

Pandemic Prepping is now available to download to your Kindle, and if you found yourself without food during the height of the panic buying then it is a short, 4000-word e-pamphlet that you cannot be without. I was stunned when people could not buy the basic foodstuffs to cook a meal for that evening as supplies were always available, just not in the places where they were looking.

So grab yourself a copy of Pandemic Prepping and then kick yourself if you were one of the people who had to go to bed hungry because you did not know where to go for your supplies.

At least you won't be hungry the next time that the supplies dry up, which they will.

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Post-Brexit Food Supplies: Why You Should Stop Worrying

I hate the silly season these days, I really do. The dog days when Parliament is in recess so hacks do not get easily digested stories to regurgitate and have to invent stuff used to be fun, but now it has become tiresome. The main reason for this tiresomeness is the nonsense that the EU will blockade the UK and try to starve us into submission. If you think about it, this is not just tiresome, it is wank of the highest order.

A blockade of Britain such as the Federasts fantasise over is one step away from a declaration of war. For that reason alone, the EU is highly unlikely to even consider such a move. Wars have begun over less as one side tries to pressure the other and the end result is a lot of dead people. The USA tried to pressure Japan into withdrawing from Manchuria in 1941 by cutting off Japan's supplies of iron and oil. The Americans wanted Japan to back down but what they got instead was Pearl Harbour. No, the EU may be many things, but it is is not as stupid as to do that.

Another reason why a blockade is pretty much out of the question is that it would hurt an awful lot of peasant-type farmers in places like Spain who would see their major market suddenly drying up. They may very well be peasants but even peasants have votes these days so do you really believe that all those voters would just shrug their shoulders at the thought of seeing their own families go hungry and their farms declared bankrupt, just to please the EU hierarchy? 

So, exports to Britain from the EU will continue, but the problem is that the EU is quite likely to make life difficult for British exports to them. In theory, we could end up with chaos at out ports because exporters' trucks are jamming up the facilities and imports cannot get through. That is not the fault of the EU if it happens, and the blame can be placed on our government.

Given such a crisis, exporters will have to be prohibited from approaching the port unless all their paperwork is in order before they leave home. If that is done then, as the blogger Richard North pointed out, the posts should remain open for imports and supplies will get through speedily. Given that this is the same Richard North whose alarmist posts on the possibility of imports not arriving probably helped encourage the press to start their fearmongering campaign, it is good to read common sense like this from him.

Leading from all this, British farmers who export to the EU will probably dump their produce on the home market, especially if the government pays them a subsidy to encourage them, so many food items can be expected to fall in price and that is even before we start receiving supplies from the wider world. 

The only problem we have is do we trust this government not to cock-it all up? Can they be trusted to ensure that exporters do not panic and block the ports, for instance?

The question was rhetorical because of course, we can't. This government is a shower and there could be a short period when supplies do get disrupted because the shower has reverted to type and failed in its duties. For that reason, as I recomended in A Sensible Prepping Guide, it is the responsibility of all sensible people to keep a small stock of non-perishable food in the pantry to tide a family over if there are short-term disruptions to supplies for any reason.

What that means is do not wait until March next year and then panic-buy. Start now and add a few extra items to your weekly shop and you will have your supplies ready and waiting for whatever problems do occur. If nothing happens, which I still feel is the likeliest outcome, then you can rotate them though as part of your normal family meals, but do continue to keep your larder well stocked.

You never know when we might have another vile winter when you will need that pantry, and weather concerns me more than fearmongering from the press over Brexit.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Get Your Signed Copy of The Brexit Collection Direct From the Author

The Brexit Collection is available from Amazon, your favourite bookshop or directly from the publisher at the low price of £6.99, with or without posting and packing, depending on the seller.

Signed copies are also available from me at the super low price of just a tenner, and that includes postage! Drop me a line and I will give you my details so that you can send a cheque, postal order or make a payment straight into my account. I can also accept PayPal payments, so get in touch if you want to pay by that method. 

Don't forget to let me know about any special dedications as they can be included at no extra cost!

I know that many of you have read The Brexit Collection as a Kindle for just £1.99, but think how marvellous it will be to have a signed copy on your bookshelf just in time for the visit by your sanctimoniously odious relatives who voted Remain and have never let you forget it. As soon as they see that you have a signed copy they will probably walk out of your house and never return, something which has got to be worth a tenner of anyone's money.

Our American friends don't need to feel left out, as I am quite happy to send a signed copy across the Atlantic for just $20.00, including international shipping.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

The Brexit Collection Starts to Collect Reviews

The Brexit Collection has started to pick up reviews, a fact which pleases me no end. Neil Clark over at based his on the fact that the SNP used to oppose Brussels tooth and nail, but now wishes to turn Scotland into a province of the EU. Sputnik is Edinburgh based, and coming on the day that Jim Sillars announced that he will not vote for Scottish pseudo-independence, it looks as if the fightback here in Scotland against the EU is now definitely up and running.

The Amazon reviews have been uniformly positive, so let me give a big thumbs up to the blogger, David Lindsay, who was the first to review The Brexit Collection on the Amazon site.

I must be honest and say that I miss the hate-reviews that Brexit: For a New Country picked up from a few semi-literate Federasts, and I am hoping that this new book will attract a few of its own.

Under normal circumstances my attitude towards the Federasts and their opinions can be summed up with the above graphic, but on the principle that there is no such thing as bad publicity, let's hope that the sexually self-sufficient start leaving more reviews, written one-handedly, of course.

It may cheer them up as they face the totality of their defeat, but we Brexiteers will be on hand to remind them from now until the end of time that we are the winners!

Friday, 24 February 2017

The Brexit Collection: Now at Amazon and All Good Bookshops

The Brexit Collection is now available from Amazon and can be ordered from your favourite bookshop as well. Amazon claim that it is out of stock, but all that means is that there will be a delay of two or three days over their normal delivery time. The more people who order it now, the quicker that irritating notice will disappear.

If you are a Brexiteer then this book deserves a place on your bookshelf, not only so that you can relive the days of glory last year, but to annoy the shit out of any Federast who decides to bless you with his sanctimonious presence. If he sees The Brexit Collection in your house he may very well decide never to visit you again, which means that this paperback is a steal at just £6.99!

Remember: if you want a signed copy, all you have to do is drop me a line, and one will be yours for just a tenner.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

The Brexit Collection Paperback Is Now available: Get a Signed Copy

The Brexit Collection is now available as a paperback at the very reasonable price of £6.99 plus postage. At the moment it is only available from the publisher's website, but Amazon and the other main booksellers will have it by the end of the month.

If you would like a signed copy then drop me a line and one will be yours for just a tenner, including postage. You can pay via cheque or PayPal.

I reckon that a copy of The Brexit Collection would look great on your bookshelf, and would be guaranteed to drive any Federast loser who sees it back into his safe space, where he can howl like a dog about how unfair life is.

Friday, 10 February 2017

The Brexit Collection is now Available on Kindle

The Brexit Collection contains Brexit: For a New Country, Why Scotland Should Leave the EU and One Man's Brexit: three pamphlets that were originally published in 2016 as part of the campaign to free the United Kingdom from the clutches of the European Union. Now available in one volume, with a new introduction and afterword, as a reminder of a glorious victory that will never be forgotten.

The afterword looks at pretty much all the pathetic, whining complaints that the Federasts still come out with as they desperately try to delegitimise the vote, and then provides a caustic answer to all those charges.

At just £1.99 this e-book is a perfect memento of a day that will live in our hearts forever.

The paperback version will be out by the end of this month!

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Brexit: For a New Country is now a best seller

I had a good evening earlier on. The beer in the pub was just right, and it felt like an angel weeping on my tongue as I poured it down my neck. The conversation flowed freely as the good old free and frank exchanges of views took place.

Then I wandered home and discovered that Brexit: For a New Country is now an Amazon best seller. That was when a good evening became pretty bloody perfect.

Not as perfect as Salma Hayek calling me up to offer a quick knee trembler down Leith Docks, should she ever feel in the mood for a bit of Mancunian rough, but pretty close. Yeah, pretty close indeed.

I think you should read my other books as well. Go on, make an old man even happier than he is already.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

One Man's Brexit - now available to download from Amazon

One Man's Brexit is now available to download from Amazon. The price is 99p, unless you are a member of Amazon Unlimited in which case you can always get it free.

On the 23 June 2016 the British people shook the political system to its core by voting to leave the European Union. One Man's Brexit is an account of those momentous events as seen through the eyes of a rank and file volunteer in the Brexit campaign. I helped man a street stall, and the series of essays that make up One Man's Brexit really do give a picture of what life was like for the foot soldiers of the Brexit army. If you want to know why over half a century of British state policy was overturned in just 24 hours, then I reckon that One Man's Brexit is a good place to start.

One Man's Brexit is a collection of  rewritten postings from this blog with a dash of original content, that now joins my other scribblings. If you want to relive the glory days of our referendum triumph and join in the mockery of the Federasts, especially the dickheads who forgot to vote, then this is the one for you.

Monday, 18 July 2016

We need a new voting system for our new political day

When I wrote Brexit: For a New Country I predicted that a vote to leave the European Union would lead to chaos in the political system:

It is funny the way in which the Federasts who want this country to remain under the thumb of Brussels think that they can predict the future. They fill the newspapers and television screens with their lurid fantasies about how terrible life will be, but the simple truth is that they don't really know what will happen once the country is independent anymore than I do.

Certainly the middle class who have taken control of the Labour Party, and who tell us that the Tories will remain in power forever unless we remain under the cold hand of Brussels, are talking utter bollocks of the highest order. The notion that the political class, all of them, right across the board, will just be able to carry on as if nothing has happened after the people have just rejected the cornerstone of over half a century of political and economic policy is just too ludicrous to take seriously.
 I have to be honest and say that it feels nice to be proven right. As I look at the post-referendum chaos in our political system, a chaos that we caused just by rejecting what our betters wanted for us, it is obvious that we are in the morning of a new political day and for a lot of us the future looks a lot brighter than the past ever did.

We have done what the Federasts told us was impossible and got rid of not just a Prime Minister, but pretty much the entire cabinet as well. Just about the only senior Tory figure still standing who played a major part in the referendum campaign is Boris Johnson, with almost everyone else now sitting on the back benches, punch drunk and baffled.

On the other side of the House of Commons, Labour is engaged in yet another bout of internal blood letting, and this time it could be a terminal battle that will leave only the dead on the field as the fighting ends. That would not have happened had we trotted along like obedient little doggies and voted to remain in the European Union

The two main political parties really are like the rotten husks of long dead trees that lean against each other for support. It is quite likely that if one collapses it will take the other with it, which is a good thing when you think about it since neither outfit is fit for purpose.

Labour was established to represent the urban working class, the people who leave school at an early age and who rely on collective action, through their unions or via the Labour Party in parliament, to ameliorate their conditions. Today that party only truly speaks for the polyocracy of local government workers who dominate its membership. In that sense it does not really matter who wins the party's current bout of internal blood-letting, since neither faction really seems to give a tinker's cuss for the people living on the council estates who rely on tax credits to supplement their incomes. Still less does it even try to speak for the skilled, especially the skilled self-employed, who are battling to kept their heads above the deluge of foreign scab labourers that Britain's membership of the European Union has brought to these shores.

The Tories seem to be in somewhat better shape, in that at least they managed to cobble together a new leadership, but the divisions in their ranks between the socially liberal globalists who are employed in the financial sector and the socially conservative shiresmen are there for all the see. The Tories relied on the votes of the people who were told that if they kept their noses clean, got a clutch of decent A-Levels with maybe a degree in something or other afterwards, then a white collar office job as a bank clerk would be theirs for life. Globalisation and new technology are destroying the cushy world that they were led to expect would be theirs just as much as it has already destroyed those in industrial Britain a generation ago.

Neither Labour nor the Tories can fully comprehend that by voting for Brexit we were voting against free market globalisation, just as much as were were voting against social liberalism.

Given this, and given that the two parties are basically dead from the neck up, the need for new parties that represent the real divisions in our country has now become pressing. The giant coalitions that try to cover every interest have failed, and what is needed are at least two new parties, one that would be socially liberal and globalist, the other socially conservative and regulatory. They could keep the old names of Conservative and Labour, as a realignment is possible within parties, which is why the American Democratic Party no longer supports the extension of slavery into the territories, but the realignment has to come about for the new politics to begin.

Standing in the way of that realignment is the voting system, which has to become more representative of the population and the way in which we vote. Back in 1997 the Jenkins Commission reported that the UK should adopt the Additional Member system that is now used in both Scottish and Welsh elections, with considerable success in both countries.

The bulk of the seats would be the single member constituencies that we  have at present, but with a regional set of lists seats that would be elected on a proportionate basis. Jenkins suggested that only twenty percent of the seats should be additional members to avoid getting into the coalition habit, but my feeling is that the weaker a government is the better life is for the ordinary people, so coalitions really do need to be the other of the day. Thus a two-thirds constituency, to one-third AM contingent would meet the requirements under normal circumstances.

Jenkins also suggested that the constituencies should be elected by the Alternative Vote system, where the voter lists his candidate in other of preference. That was rejected for Scotland and Wales, and should probably also be ruled out for Westminster as well, since it makes life complicated. Let the constituency members be elected by the simple plurality, first past the post system as it is more usually called, that we have at present.

The additional members would represent regions of the country. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are all small enough in terms of population that they could be regions in their own right, but England would need to be divided, probably into the nine existing regions. If each of the twelve regions had 16 additional members then that comes to 192, which is almost a third of the 600 member House of Commons that is already planned.

Those members would be elected by party list, with the parties nominating more candidates than there are seats to fill. That way, if someone dies or retires, the next person on the list is able to take over without the need for a by-election. Needless to say, constituency vacancies would continue to be filled via by-elections as they are at present.

The advantage of this would be to remove the need for parties that are giant coalitions that are only held together by inertia.  We could have two core parties, one socially liberal and the other socially conservative, with a myriad of smaller parties to the right and left of the big two. The old Monday Club Tories could have their party as could the people on the council estates who still believe in the 1945 consensus. UKIP, if it still exists following British withdrawal from the EU could represent the smaller towns as it does already, but secure in the knowledge that votes in those towns would lead to MPs in Westminster. Regional parties could exist to push their particular interests, as could parties that seek to represent women, ethnic minorities and the disabled.

Compromises would still be made, of course, but they would be open and above board, unlike today where they are made behind closed doors with the political elite deciding what few concessions they need to make to the rest of us to hold power firmly in their own hands. 

Let's be honest, here. We have just overturned over half a century of British political policy with our votes, and left the political elite and their trendy hangers on with their collective arses hanging out the window. Compared to that, changing the voting system so that it reflects the views and wishes of the people who are still ignored by it on a day to day basis looks to me like a piece of cake.

So what are we waiting for? Let's have 'em!

Thursday, 2 June 2016

The Federasts really hate Brexit: For A New Country

Brexit: For A New Country is proving a rather nice success, with downloads coming into the category of slow but steady. Given that the free period has now ended, it comes as a pleasant surprise to see that an agreeable trickle of people are still downloading copies, mainly through their membership of Amazon Unlimited which allows people to download books for free.

The really great thing about this pamphlet, though, are the hate-reviews that it gets. I have always taken the view that if the people that I despise do not respond to my prose with mindless abuse then all my work has been in vain.

I suspect that "Mary" is a satirist, so probably doesn't really count. Certainly the photo that she uses  on her Amazon page cannot really be of her, because if it was then that really would be too good to be true. However, what tends to give the game away is the end line which reads: "This booklet is extremely rude to a lot of decent, hardworking people and I'm surprised Amazon was willing to sell it." Come on, good satire should leave the reader wondering if it is kosher or not, and that line is just a caricature of suburban scrotery. Monty Python used to mock types like that, but a satirist cannot pretend to be a Monty Python creation and still hope to leave people wondering if she is real.

That said, the other two are genuine, card-carrying members of the polyocacy with a resentment towards my humble prose that shines right through. Muito Beijos is a Federast who devotes himself to attacking Brexit publications, and Amazon Customer is just a tosser. I can sort of imagine them banging our their reviews with spittle flecking their lips as they hammered away at the keyboard. My thanks go to both of them for all their hard wank.

For the rest of you out there, the normal people of Britain who have really had enough of people like that telling you what to do and how to think, then why not read Brexit: For A New Country for yourselves?

It was written for you, in the hope that it will inspire you on the 23 June 2016 to go along to the polling station and vote Leave. It ends with these three paragraphs, which I reproduce here to end this post:
So it will fall to you to free your country. Brush aside the cowards and the crawlers: all they want to do is give the country more of the same, and more of the same for you means that your children will live in the same shit as you. It's time to end it now.

The road ahead will be long, and there is no guarantee that we will emerge as the victors from the political chaos that will occur as soon as we vote Leave. What we can be sure about is that there will be political chaos, and out of that chaos there will be the opportunity for people like us to make major changes in the way in which our country is run and our society operates.

If any nasty piece of work asks you why you voted Leave on the 23 June 2016, tell them you did it to create that chaos, that opportunity, and as an act of revenge against them for the misery they have caused you.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Why Scotland Should Leave The EU - now available to download

Why Scotland Should Leave The EU is now available to download from Amazon. It is permanently free to subscribers of Amazon Unlimited, and starting tomorrow, Tuesday, from just after 9.00am it will be free for everyone until Sunday morning.

The 6,000 word e-pamphlet looks at the issue of independence from Brussels through a Scottish eye, so if you don't live in Scotland, please tell your family and friends up here who do as they might want to read it.

Far too much of this debate seems to only concern England, but there are lots of good reasons why Scotland should vote Leave, reasons which are only applicable to Scotland. 

For instance, the fisheries, including fishery protection, are wholly devolved matters, but Scotland has to take orders from Brussels over how the bounty of the sea is harvested. Form the moment that the UK is free of those tentacles, all the fishing waters then become the sole responsibility of the Scottish Government.

Just think of the jobs that would be created if the bulk of those waters were reserved for Scottish boats, crewed by Scottish fishermen. 

All this and more is covered in Why Scotland Should Leave The EU - so grab it now!

Monday, 16 May 2016

Download Brexit: For A New Country free at Amazon

Brexit: For A New Country is now available as a free download from Amazon until about 8.00am on the morning of Saturday, the 21st May.

Remember that the file is not DRM encoded so you can read it on any device, make a copy to your mates, do what you like with it just so long as people get to read the bloody thing.

It has been a long, cold, near-forty years of shit with just about all the political parties ignoring us. On the 23rd June we have the chance to bring them face to face with the reality that we are still here and that payback is due.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Brexit: For A New Country is now available to download

Brexit: For A New Country is now available to download from Amazon.  My plan was to offer it as a permanently free download, but Amazon will not allow that, so I had to price it at 99p, which is the minimum price allowed. The good news is that it is a freebie for anyone who is signed up to Amazon Unlimited.

I have signed the pamphlet up for a promotion with Amazon, which starts tomorrow and lasts for five days. During that period you can download the pamphlet free, so keep your eyes peeled and nip in smartish when the promotion starts.

Right, that's my contribution to the Glorious Cause done and dusted.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Coming soon - Brexit the pamphlet

This week's posts have been collected into one file, topped with an introduction and sent off to a friend to be proofread. Hopefully tomorrow that file will be uploaded to Amazon where it will become a Kindle e-book. It will be free to download, and will not have any Digital Rights' Management encoding, so you can read it on any Kindle enabled device.

Also tomorrow I hope to also convert the text to ePub and PDF formats. If you want either then please drop me a line and I will send you the files. The PDF would make a nice pamphlet to hand out from your Brexit stall.

Just my small contribution to the Good Old Cause.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

The Secrets of the Santa Muerte paperback is now available

The Secrets of the Santa Muerte has arrived as a paperback with all the main distributors rather sooner than expected. Amazon UK started selling it over the weekend, admittedly with a shipping delay as the printers get their act together. Over in the USA the book is available with only a slight delay of one or two days. I suppose the Americans are just more on the ball when it comes to these things than we are.

The bookshops will have it as soon as the wholesalers' catalogues are updated, but why wait for the bricks and mortar brigade? Slap your order in with Amazon and let them sort the distribution and delivery out for you.

If you want the e-version then Amazon is the only game in town as I have given them exclusive rights to the download. The good news for you is that the Kindle version is not DRM encoded so, yeah, you can make a copy if you want. I would rather you didn't, but it's what I would do, and breaking an encoded file usually means I have to give up five minutes of my life that I will never get back, so why should you have to do that? Don't thank me, I'm just cuddly that way.

Al that aside, I still think that The Secrets of the Santa Muerte is one for the bookshelf and not the Kindle, so get you orders in with Amazon ASAP which is to say PDQ.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Secrets of the Santa Muerte is now available as an e-book

The Secrets of the Santa Muerte is now available as an e-book at all the Amazon sites. If you live in the UK, then click this link to go straight to the download page.

The e-book costs a very reasonable £2.99, or you can get it free if you are signed up to Kindle Unlimited.

The paperback version is still only available from the publisher's site, but I still hope to have it on Amazon by the end of May at the latest. To be honest, I think that this book really does belong on your bookshelf, with the e-version acting as a backup when you are on your travels.

So what do you get for less than a fiver? In short, the most comprehensive account of the Santa Muerte folk religion that is available in English. To research it I not only read as many original Mexican sources as possible, I also spoke to over a dozen adherents of the Santa Muerte in that country.

It is not a dry, academic text, rather it is a how-to guide, which gives the low-down on as many of the rituals as possible, with full translations of everything into English, so that the rituals are practicable in the United Kingdom.

If you are interested in the British Wicca, or just have an interest in exotic, syncretic beliefs, then this is certainly a slim volume that you will want to consider.

So mote it be!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Dare you learn The Secrets of the Santa Muerte?

The Secrets of the Santa Muerte is now available to buy from the publisher's website for the very reasonable price of just £4.99 plus postage. It will be available from Amazon and all other good booksellers by the end of May, I hope, but for now this is the only place where you can get it.

If you are one of the first twenty-five people to buy the book at the publisher's site, then I will give you a Santa Muerte card, with the image of the Dark Goddess on one side and a conjuration, in Spanish, naturally, on the other. Just drop me a line, let me have a scanned copy of your receipt, and I will post one to you free, gratis and for nothing: just don't forget your address!

The Santa Muerte is probably the fastest growing folk religion in the world today.  From its humble origins in the slums of Mexico City, the Santa Muerte now has millions of worshippers throughout Mexico, Central-America and across the United States. This book gives a brief history of the Dark Goddess, before telling the readers everything they need to know about the spells and incantations that are used by her adherents. This is a must-have book for anyone who wishes to enter into the service of the Dark Lady of the Shadows, and receive the benefits that she bestows upon her followers.

It's also going to be a great read for anyone who is interested in the British Wicca tradition, as they will recognise variants of many of the spells and practices from their  own craft, be it the Alexandrian or Gardnerian schools. I suppose that folk religions and magic all have their roots in a similar set of beliefs, so the similarities are understandable.

If you are still not sure, then click on the top link anyway and from there you can download a full chapter to read as a PDF on your own computer. 

The e-book version of The Secrets of the Santa Muerte will be available by the end of this month, but believe me, this book is one for your bookshelf, not your Kindle.

Friday, 26 February 2016

The Secrets of the Santa Muerte

In case you are wondering what I was up to during my blogging hiatus, one of the answers is that I was was writing a book! The Secrets of the Santa Muerte is an 18,000 word introduction to this fascinating Mexican folk religion, and will be published in both paperback and e-book versions next month.

Don't worry, as this is not a dry text that will send the average reader to sleep. In fact, it turned out to be a how-to guide for anyone who wants to become a follower of the Dark Lady in the United Kingdom. Maybe she was looking over my shoulder as I wrote, who knows?

I did the research some time ago in Mexico, by talking to the people who worship this strange, frightening deity. I wrote down all the spells, prayers and incantations that they would tell me about, and then I translated them all into English for the benefit of the British reader.

The paperback will be available from my publishers, Feedaread,  from about mid-March, with Amazon and bookseller distribution coming on-stream  about a month later. The e-book should be in the Amazon store towards the end of March.

Rest assured, I'll keep you up to date with all developments.
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