Code of Conduct for Teaching Staff
- Code of Conduct for teaching is mainly governed by the Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh.
- Every teaching staff will work according to the institutional policies and practices with honesty under the supervision of Head of the Institution (Principal) to satisfy the vision and mission of the institute.
- All faculty members should prepare a teaching plan before commencement of the classes.
- No teaching staff shall engage in any political activity within the college campus.
- Every member of the teaching staff must be punctual for classes and other scheduled activities.
- The duties assigned to teachers are lectures, practical and tutorials in the allocated workload. In addition, they have to carry out responsibilities such as evaluation and invigilation, administrative work, mentoring to students and participating in extra- curricular activities.
- Every teacher must follow the Mentorship System to take proper care of students by monitoring, guiding, motivating, and counselling them.
- The working hours of the faculty members shall be according to the prescribed timetable and any other assigned duties.
- All faculty members shall deal with students irrespective of caste, religion, financial, societal and physical identity.
- Every faculty member shall avoid other commitment and employment such private tuitions.
- All teachers should take leave with prior intimation as per rules, keeping in view their obligation and academic duties.
- All faculty members must ensure continuous professional growth through study and research.
- The teachers shall motivate students for their attainments, personalities and contribution in community welfare.
- Prepare students for scientific attitude and esteem for physical labour and ideals of peace, patriotism and democracy.
- The teachers should motivate students not to involve in mischievous activities against other students, colleagues and other support-staff.
- All teaching staff must avoid any unlawful discrimination in their behaviour towards teaching, non-teaching staff and students.
- All faculty members shall refrain from any kind of misconduct (non-verbal, verbal and physical) of a sexual nature in their interactions with students, other staff member, and visitors in the college.
- The institute has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment.
Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching/Administrative Staff
- All non-teaching staff members should have professional behaviour and should be punctual and disciplined towards their assigned duties.
- Every Staff member shall maintain confidentiality with respect to records of student and staff and other sensitive matters.
- All non-teaching staff members must avoid any form of unlawful discrimination towards their colleagues, teaching staff and students.
- All members of the non-teaching staff shall avoid any kind of misconduct (verbal, nonverbal and physical) of a sexual nature in with students, other college staff, and visitors in the college campus. The college has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment.
Code of Conduct for Students
- Students shall follow the timetable to attend lectures, tutorials, practical and other extracurricular activities.
- As per UGC and University norms, students must attend lectures, tutorials and practical on regular basis, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the University Examination.
- All students must have minimum attendance as per university rules, in case of their involvement in sports activities at any level i.e. state, national or international.
- The participation of students is mandatory in college functions such as Founder’s Day, Annual Cultural Festival, Annual Sports Day, NSS Day for NSS Students and other College events.
- Students must carry their identity card inside the campus.
- Every student shall have a duty to keep the campus neat and clean.
- The students must switch off their mobile phones and maintain silence during the lectures to avoid disturbance in classroom and disciplinary action.
- Students should read notices, circulars displayed on the notice board on regular basis.
- Students are expected to avoid spitting, smoking, and throwing bits of paper in the classroom and campus.
- Students shall not misuse or make unauthorized use of the college premises or property.
- Students must not be included in any kind of ragging or activities leading to harassment of any kind.
Code of Ethics to Check Plagiarism and Malpractices in Academic and research Work.
Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences, Sultanpur (U.P.), is one of the leading educational institutions of Dr. RML Avadh University, Ayodhya (U.P.). The institute provides the highest standards of academic training for students and contributed several leading academicians to the nation. The institute creates awareness and follows a zero-tolerance policy to check plagiarism in academic and research work.
Facilities in the Institution for the Waste Management
Major solid wastes are disposed of for the recycling through the authorized scrap dealers and gram panchayat. Remaining wastes are dumped appropriately at designated pits and used as manure in botanical garden after decomposition and in vermin-culture pits for decomposition and production of vermin-compost. Different types of wastes are collected in dustbins according to the nature of the wastes and thereafter disposed as mentioned above. Liquid Wastes like preservatives, reagents and chemicals from science laboratories are collected in plastic buckets and dumped carefully in appropriate sites so that it should not cause any harm to the environment. E-waste like power supplies, frequency oscillators, printers, UPS, cartridges, lithium batteries modems, transistors, transformers ICs etc are disposed routinely by calling authorized scrap dealers. Biomedical waste in the institute is mostly generated in department of Zoology and Botany which include mainly harmless plant and animal remains, which are disposed in decomposing pits to be recycled as bio-fertilizer.
Student Grievance Redressal Policy
This Student Grievance Redressal Policy (“this Policy”) aims to reinforce KNIPSS commitment for handling student grievances related to academic and non-academic matter son the part of any member of the academic community. The Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences have fairly large number of students and for their academic purposes they meet large number of persons. In doing so, they may subject to unjust actions or denied rights. In view of this, Grievance Redressal Policy is framed as per the provision of UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012. No. F.
14-4/2012 (CPP-II) dated December, 2012, to ensure transparency in providing fair, impartial and consistent mechanism for redressal of varied issues faced by the students. The alteration or amendment or rescind any of the clauses through new guidelines/orders issued by Government of India regarding the regulations will form part of the policy and the same will be intimated to the employees.
Objective of the Policy
To create and promote a culture of fairness, trust and justice within the Institute through efficient and effective grievance redressal mechanism for already enrolled students, as well as those seeking admission in the institute, and a mechanism thereto.
Defining “Grievance” *
- “grievance “means, and includes, complaint(s) made by an aggrieved student in respect of the following, namely:
- admission contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institution.
- Irregularity in the process under the declared admission policy of the institution.
- refusal to admit in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institution.
- Non-publication of prospectus by the institution, in accordance with the
- provisions of these regulations.
- publication by the institution of any information in the prospectus, which is false or misleading, and not based on facts;
- withholding of, or refusal to return, any document in the form of certificates of degree, diploma or any other award or other document deposited by a student for the purpose of seeking admission in such institution, with a view to induce or compel such student to pay any fee or fees in respect of any course or program of study which such student does not intend to pursue;
- demand of money in excess of that specified to be charged in the declared admission policy of the institution.
- violation, by the institution, of any law for the time being in force regarding reservation of seats in admission to different category of students.
- nonpayment or delay in payment of scholarships or financial aid admissible to any student under the declared admission policy of such institution, or under the conditions, if any, prescribed by the Commission.
- delay by the institution in the conduct of examinations, or declaration of
- results, beyond the schedule specified in the academic calendar of the institution, or in such calendar prescribed by the Commission.
- failure by the institution to provide student amenities as set out in the prospectus or is required to be extended by the institution under any provisions of law for the time being enforce.
- non-transparent or unfair practices adopted by the institution for the evaluation of students.
- delay in, or denial of, the refund of fees due to a student who withdraws admission within the time mentioned in the prospectus, or as may be notified by the Commission.
- complaints of alleged discrimination of students from the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Women, Minority, or persons with disabilities categories.
- denial of quality education as promised at the time of admission or required to be provided; and
- harassment or victimization of a student, other than cases of harassment,
- which are to be proceeded against under the penal provisions of any law for the time being in force.
- Also, any definitions in context to, or connected with Student Grievance
- Redressal will be as per the government notification*.
Responding to Conduct in Violation of Policy
- If a student faces any type of grievance during their stint in the Institute, he/she can raise the grievance in the concerned Redressal Committee in written addressed to the committee or any member of the committee.
- The complainant can raise grievances through the following modes:
- Complaint Box / Suggestion Box installed at various locations in the Institute.
- Phone Call/Email: Call/ Message/ email to contact number/email id specified on institute website to register the complaint
- Letter: The stake holder can write a letter to the authorities or submit grievance in prescribed format available on institute website under grievance redressal portal. Website: Student/Stakeholder may also raise the grievance to the grievance redressal portal (
- The grievance redressal portal is available on the official website of the institute (
- UGC: Complainant may also register the grievance to UGC online grievances redressal system portal (
Complaint Resolution Procedures
Any incidence of sexual harassment is dealt with appropriately, sensitively and expeditiously and the complaints are routed through the Internal Complaints Committee. The resolution of the complaint registered by aggrieved student*is done through the process as elaborated in the notification*. However, while going through the resolution procedure Institute shall ensure that the career interests of the Complainant are not adversely affected.
The Coordinators of concern grievance committee will maintain all records pertaining to the grievance i.e. complaint received and details of resolution or rejection of the complaint with reasons. The complainant can appeal to the head of the Institution if he/she is not satisfied with the resolution provided. Also, aggrieved students can appeal to Ombudspersons against the decisions of the University Student Grievance Redressal Committees. Major grievances are referred to the management of the Institution and as per the management guidelines appropriate action are taken. However, if the grievances involve external agencies it is referred to appropriate authorities for further action. In resolution process, emphasis on procedural fairness has been given with a view to "the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias".
Establishment of a Grievance Redressal Committee
To comply with the UGC Regulation for addressing Student’s grievance in the Institute, “Grievance Redressal Committee” of Institute has been constituted to enquire the nature and extent of grievance. Additionally, for the grievances related with ragging, sexual harassment of women and caste discrimination Institute has constituted Anti-ragging Committee, Internal Compliant Committee and SC/ST committee. All the committees can suggest the final action to be initiated at the institutional level for the redressal.
For more information visit the link: *UGC regulations-(Grievance Redressal) https:/
Internal Complaint Policy
According to the University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students)Act of 2013, the KNIPSS Institute is committed to maintain and create a healthy, safe and conducive work environment free of sexual harassment, exploitation and intimidation for its women employees and students. At KNIPSS, we have zero-tolerance for sexual harassment. Any form of sexual harassment, particularly against women (employees and students) is not acceptable within the organization, beyond the confines of its offices, and at other locations travelled/visited for KNIPSS’s work. To ensure the above-mentioned, KNIPSS follows the 'Act' and ‘Rules’ (Policy) framed under the UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students) Act of 2013 through ICC. The Institute has constituted Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) which comprise of members as per the sub regulation (1) of regulation (4) of the Notification (New Delhi, the 02 May, 2016, University Grants Commission (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women)*. The policy is applicable to all the Stakeholders (explicitly or by inference) of KNIPSS, who visit KNIPSS’s and or live in its premises. All are mandated to follow this Policy and work collaboratively to prevent sexual harassment of women at KNIPSS’s. The alteration or amendment or rescind any of the clauses through new guidelines/orders issued by Government of India regarding the Act will form part of the policy and the same will be intimated to the employees.
Objective of the Policy The prime objective is to implement the Act, and thereby the Policy in its true spirit, to deal with harassment of Women Employees and Students if any in the workplace and ensure healthy work environment.
Defining Sexual Harassment -
“Sexual harassment” * means-
(i) “An unwanted conduct with sexual undertones if it occurs or which is persistent and which demeans, humanities or creates a hostile and intimidating environment or is calculated to induce submission by actual or threatened adverse consequences and includes any one or more or all of the following unwelcomes acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication), namely:-
(a) any unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct of sexual nature.
(b) demand or request for sexual favours;
(c) making sexually coloured remarks
(d) physical contact and advances; or
(e) showing pornography”
(ii) any one (or more than one or all) of the following circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation or connected with any behaviour that has explicit or implicit sexual undertones-
(a) implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment as quid pro quo for sexual favours;
(b) implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in the conduct of work.
(c) Implied or explicit threat about the present or future status of the person concerned;
(d) creating an intimidating offensive or hostile learning environment.
(e) humiliating treatment likely to affect the health, safety dignity or physical integrity of the person concerned;
Also, any definitions in context to, or connected with Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students will be as per the government notification*.
Responding to Conduct in Violation of Policy
If a women employee feels that she is being subjected to sexual harassment she may immediately inform it to any one of the ICC members and if not to the nearest available official person so that the compliant can be forwarded to the ICC. The ICC must conduct an immediate and impartial investigation and take appropriate action to remediate or prevent the prohibited conduct from being repeated.
Complaint Resolution Procedures
Any incidence of sexual harassment is dealt with appropriately, sensitively and expeditiously and the complaints are routed through the Internal Complaints Committee. The process for complaint by aggrieved women* and inquiry by the ICC is done through the process as elaborated in the above-mentioned notification*. However, while going through the resolution procedure Institute shall ensure that the career interests of the Complainant are not adversely affected.
The Internal Complaints Committee strictly ensures that the confidentiality of all the information related with complaint/case, if any is maintained. The violation of confidentiality leads to disciplinary action. Moreover, Individuals engaging in retaliatory conduct against any Complainant or person involved therein will be subject to disciplinary action by the KNIPSS’S.
Duties of the Employer
Provide a safe working environment at the workplace, display at conspicuous places in the workplace the order constituting the ICC and declare names and contact details of all members of the ICC. To sensitize employees students with the provisions of the Act through Organize workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals and to conduct orientation programmes for members of the ICC.For more information visit the link:*UGC regulations-(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women)https:/
/ Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
%20at%20Workplace.pdf# Saksham https:/
Sustainability of Life
There is no creature in this world who is free from stress, everybody facing stress, true nature of stress may be different. As an Institute we look forward & not limited to just up to institution for welfare of mankind. Policies have been designed to cover.
04 dimensions to achieve sustainability of life. Dimensions are given below:
(A) Human
(B) Social
(C) Economic
(D) Environmental
Various programs & initiatives aimed for preservation of particular resources.
•Human: Keeping in mind healthy man healthy nation, we offer our services in community through various initiatives.
1. Fit India Movement Freedom Run
2. Rehabilitation exercise to old, aged people
3. Awareness in terms of Health, Nutrition, Balance Diet
4. To organize workshop
5. Yogic session & Meditation
•Social: Society & environment are mutually dependent so strategic plan is formulated that focuses on creating more inclusive societies, enhancing the empowerment of citizen & fostering peaceful communities.Students-Future generation are acknowledging that our act, behaviour, gesture etc. have impact upon other & community or nation. Various initiatives are taken into account to aware future generation about cohesion, relationship, honesty, discipline, women’ respect etc. Social improvement protect environment in which we breath.
1. Social support & positive feedback program
2. Counselling Session
3. Group Discussion & Talk
4. To organize programs focusing values-based education.
5. Socio economic survey and assistance to weaker section of community.
• Economic: Health, Social, Economic, & environment all have depending upon each other. These are on pillars of sustainability, no one should be weak Economic focusing & creating livable future.
1. Organic farming leads to agricultural growth
2. Bee Keeping and production of honey
3. To organise workshop cum training programme
4. Career oriented diploma courses
5. Vocational Training Programme
•Environment: The purpose of the environmental sustainability is to aware community peoples about the biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues and to create a clean and green consciousness through various innovative activities. It will also sensitize students towards environmental concern and to tackle environmental problems. It will increase student’s critical ecological awareness of both local and global environments. The members of the clubs take an active role to protect environment and biodiversity conservation in college campus and beyond the campus through community participation.
1. Formulation of eco-club and bio-diversity club.
2. Campaign to conservation of natural resources such as soil, water and air.
3. Seminar and campaign for biodiversity conservation inside campus and beyond the campus.
4. Celebration of important days such as world environment day, science day, ozone day, wetland day, to aware students.
5. Rally to sensitize students and community for polythene and plastic ban.
6. Assessment and conservation of plants and animal biodiversity in institute.
7. Plantation inside campus and beyond the campus.
8. To aware students about the preservation and propagation of engendered species.
9. Maintenance of biodiversity rich places like parks, gardens both within and beyond the Collage campus.
10. To organise quiz competition, painting competition, webinars, seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on biodiversity conservation and environmental protection in the schools, colleges, society to motivate the students/ peoples/ farmers to keep their surroundings green and Clean and to protect biodiversity and environment.

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