About Us
The Department of Home Science was established in 2002, it is functioning as a section offering undergraduate course in K.N.I.P.S.S. Home Science was taught as a subsidiary subject in collage which became a main subject and attained a larger perspective. After sustained efforts, composite Postgraduate program was started in 2005. In general, Home Science is concerned with the attainment of the well-being of Individuals and families, improvement of homes and preservation of values, significant in home life. Being a Multi-disciplinary subject a varied spectrum of courses are included in the curriculum of Home Science. The core subjects taught are Food and Nutrition, Resource Management, Extension and Communication, Textiles and Clothing, Human Development with minor subject like English Grammar and Composition, Computer Application and Research Methodology. Also, Home Science department conducts orientation program every year keeping in view the overall development of students. Home Science society encourages students for various co-curricular activities. The students who have passed from Home Science department have been working at different academic and non- academic positions in various organizations and Institutions. We look forward to many more years of being an agent of positive change for society in general and for our students in particular.
Faculty Members |
Head of the Department & Faculty In-charge
Dt. Sarita Iraj (Assistant Professor)
Contact : 9956141011
Email: saritairaj2424@gmail.com
Dr. Mamta Jaiswal (Assistant Professor)
Contact : 7376572508
Email: jaiswalmamtakni@yahoo.com |
Mrs. Seema Dubey (Assistant Professor)
Contact : 9451455714
Email: seema.dubey1985@gmail.com |
Dr. Pushpa Maurya (Assistant Professor)
Contact : 9452788553
Email: pushpamaurya21@gmail.com
Specializations : Food and Nutrition and dietetics,
Certified: Dietician and Nutritionist,
Diabetes Management, fundamental of Renal Nutrition in CKD, Food Safety Authority In India  |
Research Interest:
Product Development & Nutrition Status  |
Gender Differences  |
Research Interest:
Computer Designing & Natural Dye  |
Dt. Anvita Singh (Assistant Professor)
Contact : 7753909195
Email: anvitasingh134@gmail.com |
Specializations: Food and Nutrition
Certified: Dietician 