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Measure.C File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Measure.h"
#include "AtomSel.h"
#include "Matrix4.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "fitrms.h"
#include "ResizeArray.h"
#include "SpatialSearch.h"
#include "MoleculeList.h"
#include "Inform.h"
#include "Timestep.h"
#include "VMDApp.h"
#include "WKFThreads.h"
#include "WKFUtils.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  gofrparms_t
struct  sasathreadparms


#define ROTATE(a, i, j, k, l)
#define SWAP(qq, ww)
#define NPTS   500
#define SWAP(qq, ww)


const char * measure_error (int errnum)
int measure_move (const AtomSel *sel, float *framepos, const Matrix4 &mat)
int measure_sumweights (const AtomSel *sel, int numweights, const float *weights, float *weightsum)
int measure_center_perresidue (MoleculeList *mlist, const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *weight, float *com)
int measure_center (const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *weight, float *com)
int measure_minmax (int num, const int *on, const float *framepos, const float *radii, float *min_coord, float *max_coord)
int measure_avpos_perresidue (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int start, int end, int step, float *avpos)
int measure_avpos (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int start, int end, int step, float *avpos)
int measure_dipole (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, float *dipole, int unitsdebye, int usecenter)
int measure_hbonds (Molecule *mol, AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, double cutoff, double maxangle, int *donlist, int *hydlist, int *acclist, int maxsize)
int measure_rmsf_perresidue (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf)
int measure_rmsf (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf)
int measure_rgyr (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *weight, float *rgyr)
 measure the radius of gyration, including the given weights. More...

int measure_rmsd_perresidue (const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, MoleculeList *mlist, int num, float *weight, float *rmsd)
int measure_rmsd (const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, int num, const float *framepos1, const float *framepos2, float *weight, float *rmsd)
 measure the rmsd given a selection and weight term. More...

int jacobi (float a[4][4], float d[3], float v[3][3])
int transvecinv (const double *v, Matrix4 &res)
int transvec (const double *v, Matrix4 &res)
Matrix4 myfit2 (const float *x, const float *y, const float *comx, const float *comy)
Matrix4 myfit3 (const float *x1, const float *x2, const float *y1, const float *y2, const float *comx, const float *comy)
int measure_fit (const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, const float *x, const float *y, const float *weight, const int *order, Matrix4 *mat)
int measure_sasa_perresidue (const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *radius, float srad, float *sasa, ResizeArray< float > *sasapts, const AtomSel *restrictsel, const int *nsamples, int *rescount, MoleculeList *mlist)
int measure_sasa (const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *radius, float srad, float *sasa, ResizeArray< float > *sasapts, const AtomSel *restrictsel, const int *nsamples)
void * measure_sasa_thread (void *voidparms)
int measure_sasalist (MoleculeList *mlist, const AtomSel **sellist, int numsels, float srad, float *sasalist, const int *nsamples)
float fix_pbc_n_sqr (float delta, const float boxby2)
float min_dist_with_pbc (const float *a, const float *b, const float *boxby2)
double spherical_cap (const double &radius, const double &boxby2)
 the volume of a sperical cap. More...

void * measure_gofr_orth (void *voidparms)
int measure_gofr (AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, MoleculeList *mlist, const int count_h, double *gofr, double *numint, double *histog, const float delta, int first, int last, int step, int *framecntr, int usepbc, int selupdate)
int measure_geom (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, ResizeArray< float > *gValues, int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, int geomtype)
int calculate_bond (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value)
int calculate_angle (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value)
int calculate_dihed (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value)
int normal_atom_coord (Molecule *mol, int a, float *pos)
int check_mol (Molecule *mol, int a)
int measure_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, int natoms, ResizeArray< float > *gValues, int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, double *params, int geomtype)
int compute_bond_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, float x0)
int compute_angle_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, float x0, float kub, float s0)
int compute_dihed_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, int n, float delta)
int compute_imprp_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, float x0)
int compute_vdw_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float eps1, float rmin1, float eps2, float rmin2, float cutoff, float switchdist)
int compute_elect_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float q1, float q2, bool flag1, bool flag2, float cutoff)
void center_of_mass (AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, float *rcom)
int measure_inertia (AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *coor, float rcom[3], float priaxes[3][3], float itensor[4][4], float evalue[3])


const char * measure_error_messages []

Define Documentation

#define NPTS   500

Definition at line 1414 of file Measure.C.

Referenced by measure_sasa, measure_sasa_perresidue, and measure_sasalist.

#define ROTATE a,



Definition at line 935 of file Measure.C.

Referenced by jacobi.

#define SWAP qq,


{                                           \
    float v; float *v1;                                         \
    v = evalue[qq]; evalue[qq] = evalue[ww]; evalue[ww] = v;    \
    v1 = a[qq]; a[qq] = a[ww]; a[ww] = v1;                      \

#define SWAP qq,


{                                           \
    float v; float *v1;                                         \
    v = evalue[qq]; evalue[qq] = evalue[ww]; evalue[ww] = v;    \
    v1 = a[qq]; a[qq] = a[ww]; a[ww] = v1;                      \

Function Documentation

int calculate_angle MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    value

Definition at line 2583 of file Measure.C.

References angle, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, normal_atom_coord, and vec_sub.

int calculate_bond MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    value

Definition at line 2566 of file Measure.C.

References MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, norm, normal_atom_coord, and vec_sub.

int calculate_dihed MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    value

Definition at line 2603 of file Measure.C.

References dihedral, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, and normal_atom_coord.

void center_of_mass AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
float *    rcom

Definition at line 2875 of file Measure.C.

References AtomSel::coordinates, AtomSel::firstsel, AtomSel::lastsel, BaseMolecule::mass, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, and AtomSel::on.

Referenced by measure_inertia.

int check_mol Molecule   mol,
int    a

Definition at line 2654 of file Measure.C.


int compute_angle_energy MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    energy,
float    k,
float    x0,
float    kub,
float    s0

Definition at line 2757 of file Measure.C.

References calculate_angle, calculate_bond, DEGTORAD, and MEASURE_NOERR.

int compute_bond_energy MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    energy,
float    k,
float    x0

Definition at line 2743 of file Measure.C.

References calculate_bond, and MEASURE_NOERR.

int compute_dihed_energy MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    energy,
float    k,
int    n,
float    delta

Definition at line 2783 of file Measure.C.

References calculate_dihed, DEGTORAD, MEASURE_NOERR, and n.

int compute_elect_energy MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    energy,
float    q1,
float    q2,
bool    flag1,
bool    flag2,
float    cutoff

Definition at line 2845 of file Measure.C.

References calculate_bond, BaseMolecule::charge, MEASURE_NOERR, and MoleculeList::mol_from_id.

int compute_imprp_energy MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    energy,
float    k,
float    x0

Definition at line 2797 of file Measure.C.

References calculate_dihed, DEGTORAD, and MEASURE_NOERR.

int compute_vdw_energy MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
float *    energy,
float    eps1,
float    rmin1,
float    eps2,
float    rmin2,
float    cutoff,
float    switchdist

Definition at line 2815 of file Measure.C.

References calculate_bond, and MEASURE_NOERR.

float fix_pbc_n_sqr float    delta,
const float    boxby2

Definition at line 2042 of file Measure.C.

Referenced by min_dist_with_pbc.

int jacobi float    a[4][4],
float    d[3],
float    v[3][3]

Definition at line 938 of file Measure.C.

References n, ROTATE, and z.

Referenced by measure_fit, and measure_inertia.

int measure_avpos const AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
int    start,
int    end,
int    step,
float *    avpos

Definition at line 419 of file Measure.C.

References AtomSel::firstsel, DrawMolecule::get_frame, AtomSel::lastsel, MEASURE_ERR_BADFRAMERANGE, MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, AtomSel::num_atoms, DrawMolecule::numframes, AtomSel::on, and AtomSel::selected.

int measure_avpos_perresidue const AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
int    start,
int    end,
int    step,
float *    avpos

Definition at line 380 of file Measure.C.

References BaseMolecule::atom, AtomSel::firstsel, AtomSel::lastsel, measure_avpos, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, AtomSel::on, and MolAtom::uniq_resid.

Referenced by measure_rmsf_perresidue.

int measure_center const AtomSel   sel,
const float *    framepos,
const float *    weight,
float *    com

Definition at line 196 of file Measure.C.


Referenced by measure_center.

int measure_center_perresidue MoleculeList   mlist,
const AtomSel   sel,
const float *    framepos,
const float *    weight,
float *    com

Definition at line 154 of file Measure.C.

References BaseMolecule::atom, AtomSel::firstsel, AtomSel::lastsel, MEASURE_ERR_NOCOM, MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, AtomSel::on, MolAtom::uniq_resid, and z.

int measure_dipole const AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
float *    dipole,
int    unitsdebye,
int    usecenter

Definition at line 462 of file Measure.C.

References BaseMolecule::charge, AtomSel::coordinates, AtomSel::firstsel, AtomSel::lastsel, BaseMolecule::mass, MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, and AtomSel::selected.

int measure_energy MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
int    natoms,
ResizeArray< float > *    gValues,
int    frame,
int    first,
int    last,
int    defmolid,
double *    params,
int    geomtype

Definition at line 2665 of file Measure.C.

References ResizeArray::append, compute_angle_energy, compute_bond_energy, compute_dihed_energy, compute_elect_energy, compute_imprp_energy, compute_vdw_energy, DrawMolecule::frame, MEASURE_ANGLE, MEASURE_BOND, MEASURE_DIHED, MEASURE_ELECT, MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES, MEASURE_ERR_NOMOLECULE, MEASURE_ERR_REPEATEDATOM, MEASURE_IMPRP, MEASURE_NOERR, MEASURE_VDW, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, DrawMolecule::numframes, and DrawMolecule::override_current_frame.

const char* measure_error int    errnum

Definition at line 65 of file Measure.C.

References measure_error_messages.

int measure_fit const AtomSel   sel1,
const AtomSel   sel2,
const float *    x,
const float *    y,
const float *    weight,
const int *    order,
Matrix4   mat

Definition at line 1128 of file Measure.C.

References AtomSel::firstsel, jacobi, AtomSel::lastsel, Matrix4::mat, mat, MatrixFitRMS, measure_center, MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL, MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDCNT, MEASURE_ERR_NONZEROJACOBI, MEASURE_ERR_NOTSUP, MEASURE_NOERR, Matrix4::multmatrix, Matrix4::multpoint3d, myfit2, myfit3, n, NULL, num, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, result, AtomSel::selected, Matrix4::translate, and vec_normalize.

int measure_geom MoleculeList   mlist,
int *    molid,
int *    atmid,
ResizeArray< float > *    gValues,
int    frame,
int    first,
int    last,
int    defmolid,
int    geomtype

Definition at line 2502 of file Measure.C.

References ResizeArray::append, calculate_angle, calculate_bond, calculate_dihed, DrawMolecule::frame, MEASURE_ANGLE, MEASURE_BOND, MEASURE_DIHED, MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES, MEASURE_ERR_NOMOLECULE, MEASURE_ERR_REPEATEDATOM, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, DrawMolecule::numframes, and DrawMolecule::override_current_frame.

int measure_gofr AtomSel   sel1,
AtomSel   sel2,
MoleculeList   mlist,
const int    count_h,
double *    gofr,
double *    numint,
double *    histog,
const float    delta,
int    first,
int    last,
int    step,
int *    framecntr,
int    usepbc,
int    selupdate

Definition at line 2146 of file Measure.C.

References Timestep::a_length, Timestep::alpha, Timestep::b_length, Timestep::beta, gofrparms_t::boxby2, Timestep::c_length, AtomSel::change, gofrparms_t::count_h, gofrparms_t::count_i, gofrparms_t::count_o_end, gofrparms_t::count_o_start, gofrparms_t::curframe, gofrparms_t::delta, Timestep::gamma, DrawMolecule::get_frame, gofrparms_t::hlist, gofrparms_t::ilist, gofrparms_t::maxframe, MEASURE_ERR_BADFRAMERANGE, MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL, MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDMOLS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, measure_gofr_orth, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, gofrparms_t::msgtp, NULL, AtomSel::num_atoms, DrawMolecule::numframes, gofrparms_t::olist, AtomSel::on, AtomSel::PARSE_SUCCESS, Timestep::pos, AtomSel::selected, spherical_cap, gofrparms_t::threadcount, gofrparms_t::threadid, AtomSel::timestep, VMD_PI, AtomSel::which_frame, wkf_msg_timer_create, wkf_msg_timer_destroy, wkf_thread_create, wkf_thread_join, wkf_thread_numprocessors, and wkf_thread_t.

void* measure_gofr_orth void *    voidparms

Definition at line 2093 of file Measure.C.

References gofrparms_t::boxby2, gofrparms_t::count_h, gofrparms_t::count_i, gofrparms_t::count_o_end, gofrparms_t::count_o_start, gofrparms_t::curframe, gofrparms_t::delta, gofrparms_t::hlist, gofrparms_t::ilist, gofrparms_t::maxframe, MEASURE_NOERR, min_dist_with_pbc, gofrparms_t::msgtp, gofrparms_t::olist, and wkf_msg_timer_timeout.

Referenced by measure_gofr.

int measure_hbonds Molecule   mol,
AtomSel   sel1,
AtomSel   sel2,
double    cutoff,
double    maxangle,
int *    donlist,
int *    hydlist,
int *    acclist,
int    maxsize

Definition at line 557 of file Measure.C.

References angle, DrawMolecule::app, BaseMolecule::atom, ATOMHYDROGEN, MolAtom::atomType, MolAtom::bonded, MolAtom::bonds, MolAtom::bondTo, AtomSel::coordinates, GridSearchPair::ind1, GridSearchPair::ind2, VMDApp::moleculeList, GridSearchPair::next, NULL, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, vec_sub, and vmd_gridsearch2.

int measure_inertia AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
const float *    coor,
float    rcom[3],
float    priaxes[3][3],
float    itensor[4][4],
float    evalue[3]

Definition at line 2916 of file Measure.C.

References center_of_mass, AtomSel::coordinates, AtomSel::firstsel, jacobi, AtomSel::lastsel, BaseMolecule::mass, MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS, MEASURE_ERR_NONZEROJACOBI, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, and z.

int measure_minmax int    num,
const int *    on,
const float *    framepos,
const float *    radii,
float *    min_coord,
float *    max_coord

Definition at line 281 of file Measure.C.

References analyze_selection_aligned_dispatch, MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS, MEASURE_ERR_NOMINMAXCOORDS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, minmax_selected_3fv_aligned, NULL, num, and vec_zero.

int measure_move const AtomSel   sel,
float *    framepos,
const Matrix4   mat

Definition at line 71 of file Measure.C.

References AtomSel::firstsel, AtomSel::lastsel, Matrix4::mat, mat, MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, Matrix4::multpoint3d, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, AtomSel::selected, and z.

int measure_rgyr const AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
const float *    weight,
float *    rgyr

measure the radius of gyration, including the given weights.

Definition at line 737 of file Measure.C.

References AtomSel::coordinates, distance2, AtomSel::firstsel, AtomSel::lastsel, measure_center, MEASURE_ERR_BADWEIGHTSUM, MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL, MEASURE_ERR_NORGYR, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, and AtomSel::on.

int measure_rmsd const AtomSel   sel1,
const AtomSel   sel2,
int    num,
const float *    framepos1,
const float *    framepos2,
float *    weight,
float *    rmsd

measure the rmsd given a selection and weight term.

Definition at line 866 of file Measure.C.

References distance2, AtomSel::firstsel, MEASURE_ERR_BADWEIGHTSUM, MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDCNT, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT, MEASURE_NOERR, num, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, and AtomSel::selected.

int measure_rmsd_perresidue const AtomSel   sel1,
const AtomSel   sel2,
MoleculeList   mlist,
int    num,
float *    weight,
float *    rmsd

Definition at line 780 of file Measure.C.

References BaseMolecule::atom, AtomSel::coordinates, distance2, AtomSel::firstsel, MEASURE_ERR_BADWEIGHTSUM, MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDCNT, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, num, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, AtomSel::selected, and MolAtom::uniq_resid.

int measure_rmsf const AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
int    start,
int    end,
int    step,
float *    rmsf

Definition at line 682 of file Measure.C.

References distance2, AtomSel::firstsel, DrawMolecule::get_frame, AtomSel::lastsel, measure_avpos, MEASURE_ERR_BADFRAMERANGE, MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, AtomSel::num_atoms, DrawMolecule::numframes, AtomSel::on, and AtomSel::selected.

int measure_rmsf_perresidue const AtomSel   sel,
MoleculeList   mlist,
int    start,
int    end,
int    step,
float *    rmsf

Definition at line 626 of file Measure.C.

References distance2, DrawMolecule::get_frame, measure_avpos_perresidue, measure_center_perresidue, MEASURE_ERR_BADFRAMERANGE, MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, AtomSel::num_atoms, DrawMolecule::numframes, and AtomSel::selected.

int measure_sasa const AtomSel   sel,
const float *    framepos,
const float *    radius,
float    srad,
float *    sasa,
ResizeArray< float > *    sasapts,
const AtomSel   restrictsel,
const int *    nsamples

Definition at line 1556 of file Measure.C.

References ResizeArray::append, ResizeArray::append3, AtomSel::firstsel, BaseMolecule::get_radii_minmax, GridSearchPair::ind1, GridSearchPair::ind2, AtomSel::lastsel, MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDCNT, MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS, MEASURE_ERR_NORADII, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, GridSearchPair::next, NPTS, NULL, ResizeArray::num, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, AtomSel::selected, vmd_gridsearch1, VMD_PI, VMD_RAND_MAX, vmd_random, vmd_srandom, and z.

int measure_sasa_perresidue const AtomSel   sel,
const float *    framepos,
const float *    radius,
float    srad,
float *    sasa,
ResizeArray< float > *    sasapts,
const AtomSel   restrictsel,
const int *    nsamples,
int *    rescount,
MoleculeList   mlist

Definition at line 1416 of file Measure.C.

References ResizeArray::append, ResizeArray::append3, BaseMolecule::atom, AtomSel::firstsel, BaseMolecule::get_radii_minmax, GridSearchPair::ind1, GridSearchPair::ind2, AtomSel::lastsel, MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDCNT, MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS, MEASURE_ERR_NORADII, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_NOERR, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, GridSearchPair::next, NPTS, NULL, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, AtomSel::selected, MolAtom::uniq_resid, vmd_gridsearch1, VMD_PI, VMD_RAND_MAX, vmd_random, vmd_srandom, and z.

void* measure_sasa_thread void *    voidparms [static]

Definition at line 1695 of file Measure.C.

References ResizeArray::append, AtomSel::coordinates, NameList< float * >::data, wkf_tasktile_struct::end, BaseMolecule::extraflt, AtomSel::firstsel, BaseMolecule::get_radii_minmax, GridSearchPair::ind1, GridSearchPair::ind2, AtomSel::lastsel, sasathreadparms::mlist, MoleculeList::mol_from_id, AtomSel::molid, GridSearchPair::next, sasathreadparms::nsamples, NULL, ResizeArray::num, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, sasathreadparms::sasalist, AtomSel::selected, sasathreadparms::sellist, sasathreadparms::spherepts, sasathreadparms::srad, wkf_tasktile_struct::start, vmd_gridsearch1, VMD_PI, WKF_SCHED_DONE, wkf_threadlaunch_getdata, wkf_threadlaunch_getid, and wkf_threadlaunch_next_tile.

Referenced by measure_sasalist.

int measure_sasalist MoleculeList   mlist,
const AtomSel **    sellist,
int    numsels,
float    srad,
float *    sasalist,
const int *    nsamples

Definition at line 1828 of file Measure.C.

References wkf_tasktile_struct::end, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, measure_sasa_thread, sasathreadparms::mlist, NPTS, sasathreadparms::nsamples, sasathreadparms::numsels, sasathreadparms::sasalist, sasathreadparms::sellist, sasathreadparms::spherepts, sasathreadparms::srad, wkf_tasktile_struct::start, VMD_PI, VMD_RAND_MAX, vmd_random, vmd_srandom, wkf_thread_numprocessors, wkf_threadlaunch, and z.

int measure_sumweights const AtomSel   sel,
int    numweights,
const float *    weights,
float *    weightsum

Definition at line 123 of file Measure.C.

References AtomSel::firstsel, AtomSel::lastsel, MEASURE_ERR_BADWEIGHTPARM, MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL, MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL, MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT, MEASURE_NOERR, AtomSel::num_atoms, AtomSel::on, and AtomSel::selected.

float min_dist_with_pbc const float *    a,
const float *    b,
const float *    boxby2

Definition at line 2050 of file Measure.C.

References fix_pbc_n_sqr.

Referenced by measure_gofr_orth.

Matrix4 myfit2 const float *    x,
const float *    y,
const float *    comx,
const float *    comy

Definition at line 1066 of file Measure.C.

References Matrix4::translate, transvec, and transvecinv.

Referenced by measure_fit.

Matrix4 myfit3 const float *    x1,
const float *    x2,
const float *    y1,
const float *    y2,
const float *    comx,
const float *    comy

Definition at line 1085 of file Measure.C.

References Matrix4::inverse, Matrix4::multmatrix, Matrix4::multpoint3d, RADTODEG, Matrix4::rot, Matrix4::translate, and transvecinv.

Referenced by measure_fit.

int normal_atom_coord Molecule   mol,
int    a,
float *    pos

Definition at line 2625 of file Measure.C.

References check_mol, DrawMolecule::current, Timestep::get_transform_from_cell, mat, MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES, MEASURE_NOERR, Matrix4::multpoint3d, and Timestep::pos.

double spherical_cap const double &    radius,
const double &    boxby2
[inline, static]

the volume of a sperical cap.

the volume of a spherical cap is defined as:

 pi / 9 * h^2 * (3 * r  - h) 
with h = height of cap = radius - boxby2.

Definition at line 2063 of file Measure.C.

References VMD_PI.

int transvec const double *    v,
Matrix4   res

Definition at line 1043 of file Measure.C.

References length, RADTODEG, Matrix4::rot, and z.

Referenced by myfit2.

int transvecinv const double *    v,
Matrix4   res

Definition at line 1020 of file Measure.C.

References length, RADTODEG, Matrix4::rot, and z.

Referenced by myfit2, and myfit3.

Variable Documentation

const char* measure_error_messages[] [static]

Initial value:

  "no atom selection",                                  
  "no atoms in selection",                              
  "incorrect number of weights for selection",          
  "internal error: NULL pointer given",                 
  "bad weight sum, would cause divide by zero",         
  "molecule was deleted(?)",                            
  "cannot understand weight parameter",                 
  "non-number given as parameter",                      
  "two selections don't have the same number of atoms", 
  "internal error: out of range",                       
  "no coordinates in selection",                        
  "couldn't compute eigenvalue/vectors",                
  "unknown Tcl problem",                                
  "no atom radii",                                      
  "order parameter contains out-of-range atom index",   
  "order parameter not supported in old RMS fit mode",  
  "specified frames are out of range",                  
  "both selections must reference the same molecule",   
  "one atom appears twice in list",                     
  "molecule contains no frames",                        
  "invalid atom id",                                    
  "cutoff must be smaller than cell dimension",         
  "Zero volmap gridsize"                                

Definition at line 39 of file Measure.C.

Referenced by measure_error.

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:43:41 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002