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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: Measure.h,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.76 $       $Date: 2024/05/16 20:21:10 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************
00018  *   Code to measure atom distances, angles, dihedrals, etc.
00019  ***************************************************************************/
00021 #include "ResizeArray.h"
00022 #include "Molecule.h"
00024 class AtomSel;
00025 class Matrix4;
00026 class MoleculeList;
00028 #define MEASURE_NOERR                0
00029 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL           -1
00030 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS         -2
00031 #define MEASURE_ERR_BADWEIGHTNUM    -3
00032 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT        -4
00033 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOCOM           -4
00035 #define MEASURE_ERR_NORGYR          -4
00036 #define MEASURE_ERR_BADWEIGHTSUM    -5
00037 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOMOLECULE      -6
00041 #define MEASURE_ERR_RGYRMISMATCH    -10
00042 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS      -11
00044 #define MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL         -13
00045 #define MEASURE_ERR_NORADII         -14
00047 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOTSUP          -16
00050 #define MEASURE_ERR_REPEATEDATOM    -19
00051 #define MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES        -20
00052 #define MEASURE_ERR_BADATOMID       -21
00053 #define MEASURE_ERR_BADCUTOFF       -22
00054 #define MEASURE_ERR_ZEROGRIDSIZE    -23
00056 #define MEASURE_BOND  2
00057 #define MEASURE_ANGLE 3
00058 #define MEASURE_DIHED 4
00059 #define MEASURE_IMPRP 5
00060 #define MEASURE_VDW   6
00061 #define MEASURE_ELECT 7
00063 // symbolic flags for cluster analysis
00064 enum {MEASURE_DIST_RMSD=0,
00068       MEASURE_NUM_DIST};
00070 extern const char *measure_error(int errnum);
00072 // apply a matrix transformation to the coordinates of a selection
00073 extern int measure_move(const AtomSel *sel, float *framepos, 
00074                         const Matrix4 &mat);
00076 // Calculate average position of selected atoms over selected frames
00077 extern int measure_avpos(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00078                          int start, int end, int step, float *avpos);
00080 // find the center of the selected atoms in sel, using the coordinates in
00081 // framepos and the weights in weight.  weight has sel->selected elements.
00082 // Place the answer in com.  Return 0 on success, or negative on error.
00083 extern int measure_center(const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, 
00084                           const float *weight, float *com);
00086 // find the center of the selected atoms in sel, using the coordinates in
00087 // framepos and the weights in weight.  weight has sel->selected elements.
00088 // Place the answer in com.  Return number of residues on success, 
00089 // or negative on error.
00090 extern int measure_center_perresidue(MoleculeList *mlist, const AtomSel *sel, 
00091                                      const float *framepos,
00092                                      const float *weight, float *com);
00094 // find the dipole of the selected atoms in sel, using the coordinates in
00095 // framepos, and the atom charges.
00096 // Place the answer in dipole.  Return 0 on success, or negative on error.
00097 // Default units are elementary charges/Angstrom.
00098 // Setting unitsdebye to 1 will scale the results by 4.77350732929 (default 0)
00099 // For charged systems the point of reference for computing the dipole is
00100 // selected with usecenter: 
00101 //   1 = geometrical center (default),
00102 //  -1 = center of mass,
00103 //   0 = origin
00104 extern int measure_dipole(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist,
00105                           float *dipole, int unitsdebye, int usecenter);
00107 extern int measure_hbonds(Molecule *mol, AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, 
00108                           double cut, double maxangle, int *donlist, 
00109                           int *hydlist, int *acclist, int maxsize);
00111 // Find the transformation which aligns the atoms of sel1 and sel2 optimally,
00112 // meaning it minimizes the RMS distance between them, weighted by weight.
00113 // The returned matrix will have positive determinant, even if an optimal
00114 // alignment would produce a matrix with negative determinant; the last 
00115 // row in the matrix is flipped to change the sign of the determinant. 
00116 // sel1->selected == sel2->selected == len(weight).
00117 extern int measure_fit(const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, 
00118                   const float *x, const float *y, const float *weight, 
00119                   const int *order, Matrix4 *mat);
00121 // compute the axis aligned aligned bounding box for the selected atoms
00122 // returns 0 if success
00123 // returns <0 if not
00124 // If the selection contains no atoms, return {0 0 0} for min and max.
00125 extern int measure_minmax(int num, const int *on, const float *framepos,
00126                           const float *radii, 
00127                           float *min_coord, float *max_coord);
00129 // Calculate the radius of gyration of the given selection, using the
00130 // given weight, placing the result in rgyr.
00131 extern int measure_rgyr(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00132                         const float *weight, float *rgyr);
00134 // Calculate the RMS distance between the atoms in the two selections, 
00135 // weighted by weight.  Same conditions on sel1, sel2, and weight as for
00136 // measure_fit.  
00137 extern int measure_rmsd(const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2,
00138                         int num, const float *f1, const float *f2,
00139                         float *weight, float *rmsd);
00141 // Calculate the RMS distance between the atoms in the two selections,
00142 // weighted by weight.  Same conditions on sel1, sel2, and weight as for
00143 // measure_fit. Now done per residue (so the pointer is expected to be an array)
00144 extern int measure_rmsd_perresidue(const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, 
00145                                    MoleculeList *mlist, int num, 
00146                                    float *weight, float *rmsd);
00148 // Measure RMS distance between two selections as with measure_rmsd(),
00149 // except that it is computed with an implicit best-fit alignment 
00150 // by virtue of the QCP algorithm.
00151 extern int measure_rmsd_qcp(VMDApp *app,
00152                             const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2,
00153                             int num, const float *f1, const float *f2,
00154                             float *weight, float *rmsd);
00156 // Measure matrix of RMS distance between all selected trajectory frames,
00157 // computed with an implicit best-fit alignment by virtue of the QCP algorithm.
00158 extern int measure_rmsdmat_qcp(VMDApp *app,
00159                                const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist,
00160                                int num, float *weight,
00161                                int start, int end, int step,
00162                                float *rmsd);
00164 // Measure matrix of RMS distance between all selected trajectory frames,
00165 // computed with an implicit best-fit alignment by virtue of the QCP algorithm.
00166 // XXX Experimental out-of-core I/O algorithms
00167 extern int measure_rmsdmat_qcp_ooc(VMDApp *app,
00168                                const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist,
00169                                int nfiles, const char **trjfileset,
00170                                int num, float *weight,
00171                                int start, int end, int step,
00172                                int &framecount, float *&rmsd);
00174 // Given the component sums of QCP inner products, uses
00175 // QCP algorithm to solve for best-fit RMSD and rotational alignment
00176 extern int FastCalcRMSDAndRotation(double *rot, double *A, float *rmsd,
00177                                    double E0, int len, double minScore);
00179 // Calculate RMS fluctuation of selected atoms over selected frames
00180 extern int measure_rmsf(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00181                         int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf);
00183 // Calculate RMSF per residue.
00184 extern int measure_rmsf_perresidue(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist,
00185                         int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf);
00187 extern int measure_sumweights(const AtomSel *sel, int numweights, 
00188                               const float *weights, float *weightsum);
00191 // find the solvent-accessible surface area of atoms in the given selection.
00192 // Use the assigned radii for each atom, and extend this radius by the
00193 // parameter srad to find the points on a sphere that are exposed to solvent.
00194 // Optional parameters (pass NULL to ignore) are:
00195 //   pts: fills the given array with the location of the points that make
00196 //        up the surface.
00197 //   restrictsel: Only solvent accessible points near the given selection will 
00198 //        be considered.
00199 //   nsamples: number of points to use around each atom.
00200 extern int measure_sasa(const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos,
00201     const float *radius, float srad, float *sasa, ResizeArray<float> *pts,
00202     const AtomSel *restrictsel, const int *nsamples);
00204 // XXX experimental version that processes a list of selections at a time
00205 extern int measure_sasalist(MoleculeList *mlist,
00206                             const AtomSel **sellist, int numsels,
00207                             float srad, float *sasalist, const int *nsamples);
00209 // compute per-residue SASA
00210 extern int measure_sasa_perresidue(const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos,
00211     const float *radius, float srad, float *sasa,
00212     ResizeArray<float> *sasapts, const AtomSel *restrictsel,
00213     const int *nsamples, int *rescount,MoleculeList *mlist);
00216 // perform cluster analysis
00217 extern int measure_cluster(AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00218                            const int numcluster, const int algorithm,
00219                            const int likeness, const double cutoff,
00220                            int *clustersize, int **clusterlist,
00221                            int first, int last, int step, int selupdate,
00222                            float *weights);
00224 // perform cluster size analysis
00225 extern int measure_clustsize(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist,
00226                              const double cutoff, int *clustersize,
00227                              int *clusternum, int *clusteridx, 
00228                              int minsize, int numshared, int usepbc);
00230 // calculate g(r) for two selections
00231 extern int measure_gofr(AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2,
00232                         MoleculeList *mlist, 
00233                         const int count_h, double *gofr, double *numint, 
00234                         double *histog, const float delta, 
00235                         int first, int last, int step, int *framecntr,
00236                         int usepbc, int selupdate);
00238 // calculate g(r) for two selections
00239 extern int  measure_rdf(VMDApp *app, 
00240                         AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2,
00241                         MoleculeList *mlist, 
00242                         const int count_h, double *gofr, double *numint, 
00243                         double *histog, const float delta, 
00244                         int first, int last, int step, int *framecntr,
00245                         int usepbc, int selupdate);
00247 int measure_geom(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, ResizeArray<float> *gValues,
00248                  int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, int geomtype);
00250 // calculate the value of this geometry, and return it
00251 int calculate_bond(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value);
00253 // calculate the value of this geometry, and return it
00254 int calculate_angle(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value);
00256 // calculate the value of this geometry, and return it
00257 int calculate_dihed(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value);
00259 // check whether the given molecule & atom index is OK
00260 // if OK, return Molecule pointer; otherwise, return NULL
00261 int check_mol(Molecule *mol, int a);
00263 // for the given Molecule, find the UNTRANSFORMED coords for the given atom
00264 // return Molecule pointer if successful, NULL otherwise.
00265 int normal_atom_coord(Molecule *m, int a, float *pos);
00267 int measure_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, int natoms, ResizeArray<float> *gValues,
00268                    int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, double *params, int geomtype);
00269 int compute_bond_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
00270                         float k, float x0);
00271 int compute_angle_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
00272                          float k, float x0, float kub, float s0);
00273 int compute_dihed_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
00274                          float k, int n, float delta);
00275 int compute_imprp_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
00276                          float k, float x0);
00277 int compute_vdw_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
00278                        float rmin1, float eps1, float rmin2, float eps2, float cutoff, float switchdist);
00279 int compute_elect_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
00280                          float q1, float q2, bool flag1, bool flag2, float cutoff);
00282 // compute matrix that transforms coordinates from an arbitrary PBC cell 
00283 // into an orthonormal unitcell.
00284 int measure_pbc2onc(MoleculeList *mlist, int molid, int frame, const float *center, Matrix4 &transform);
00286 // does the low level work for the above
00287 void get_transform_to_orthonormal_cell(const float *cell, const float center[3], Matrix4 &transform);
00289 // get atoms in PBC neighbor cells
00290 int measure_pbc_neighbors(MoleculeList *mlist, AtomSel *sel, int molid,
00291                           int frame, const Matrix4 *alignment,
00292                           const float *center, const float *cutoff, const float *box,
00293                           ResizeArray<float> *extcoord_array,
00294                           ResizeArray<int> *indexmap_array);
00296 // compute the orthogonalized bounding box for the PBC cell.
00297 int compute_pbcminmax(MoleculeList *mlist, int molid, int frame, 
00298                const float *center, const Matrix4 *transform,
00299                float *min, float *max);
00302 // Return the list of atoms within the specified distance of the surface
00303 // where the surface depth is specified by sel_dist, the grid resolution is
00304 // approximately gridsz, and atoms are assume to have size  radius
00305 // If any of a, b, c, alpha, or gamma are zero, assume non-periodic,
00306 // otherwise assume periodic
00307 // returns 0 if success
00308 // returns <0 if not
00309 extern int measure_surface(AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist,
00310                            const float *framepos, 
00311                            const double gridsz,
00312                            const double radius,
00313                            const double sel_dist,
00314                            int **surface, int *n_surf);
00317 // Calculate center of mass, principle axes and moments of inertia for
00318 // selected atoms. The corresponding eigenvalues are also returned, 
00319 // and might tell you if two axes are equivalent.
00320 extern int measure_inertia(AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *coor, float rcom[3],
00321                            float priaxes[3][3], float itensor[4][4], float evalue[3]);

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:42:25 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002