46. "Furthermore, is it not a well-known and
undoubted fact that many persons who were born
with certain natural defects have been restored
completely by Nature herself, after she had resumed
her sway, or by surgery or by medicine? For
example, some, who were so tongue-tied that they
could not speak, have had their tongues set free by
a cut from the surgeon's knife. Many more have
corrected a natural defect by intelligent exertion.
Derosthenes is an instance: according to the
account given by Phalereus, he was unable to pronounce the Greek letter rho but by repeated
effort learned to articulate it perfectly. But if such
defects had been engendered and implanted by a
star nothing could have changed them. Do not
unlike places produce unlike men? It would be an
easy matter to sketch rapidly in passing the differences in mind and body which distinguish the
Indians from the Persians and the Ethiopians from
the Syrians—differences so striking and so pronounced as to be incredible.
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