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[93] But if this stellar force affects the heavens now in one way and now in another, how is it possible for this force to operate alike on all persons who are born at the same time, in view of the fact that they are born under vastly different skies? In those places in which we live the Dogstar rises after the solstice,1 in fact, several days later. But among the Troglodytes, we read, it sets before the solstice. Hence if we should now admit [p. 477] that some stellar influence affects persons who are born upon the earth, then it must be conceded that all persons born at the same time may have different natures owing to the differences in their horoscopes. This is a conclusion by no means agreeable to the astrologers; for they insist that all persons born at the same time, regardless of the place of birth, are born to the same fate.

1 The summer solstice, on June 22nd.

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