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The Montgomery (Alabama) Advertiser mentions the death of a citizen of Tallapoosa county in that State, who, it says, was the original of the portrait, familiar to thousands of readers in the United States under the name of "Simon Suggs," whose "Adventures," written by the Southern humorist, Hooper, make a cherished book in the library of every lover of genuine American fun.

The original of this capital piece of humor lived to be nearly seventy years of age. He is said to have been a man of generous nature and many weaknesses. He was most respectably connected, and at one time possessed of great wealth, which he recklessly wasted. It is not mentioned whether he ever held any office in the quartermaster or commissary way, but such talents could not have been lost to his country.

And so Suggs is dead; and we shall never look upon his like again. Would that poor Hooper could have lived to preach his "funeral!" But he, too, has gone; and with him has perished one of the truest humorists in the South--one of the most promising of its young writers--one of the most genial of its noble natures. In the death of Hooper, and of J. G. Baldwin, author of the "Flush Times," Alabama mourns two as gifted and generous spirits as the South could boast.

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