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Shot by a Thief.

--One night last week the premises of Mrs. Fisher, in Henrico county, were invaded by thieves, who stole from their pen several fine hogs. Before carrying them off, the head negro man on the farm was aroused by the squealing of the animals, when, thinking something was wrong, he started out to investigate the matter. Before reaching the pen, he was fired at by one of the robbers, the load striking him in the centre groin, inflicting a wound which it is thought will terminate in death.

Hardly a night passes but the most daring robberies are perpetrated in the county, a few miles from the city, the most of which are believed to have been done by deserters, who skulk about the woods in the day time, and at night, armed with muskets, come from their hiding-places and depredate upon the citizens. So bold have these outlaws become that it is dangerous for persons to travel alone in the day time, and at night to turn out for the protection of property is almost as much as one's life is worth.

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