It is to be devoutly hoped that the people at home will consent to adjourn all party discord and strife till the momentous issues of this campaign are decided. Let a veil of oblivion, or, at least, of charity and forgiveness, be cast over the errors of the past, and let us take one more long, strong pull, and a pull altogether, in behalf of the common cause. Let those who delight to indulge in wrangling think of its encouraging effect upon the enemy and its discouraging influence upon our own men. The least we can do is to abstain from a word that will paralyze the arms of our brave defenders, and to animate them by the spectacle of a hopeful and united people at their back. We hear no voice of discord or of croaking from the camp. Those heroes who stand ready to shed their life-blood for us, move forward shoulder to shoulder, and have no quarrel except with the enemies of their country. Surely the least that we, who are exempt from these perils and sufferings, can do, is to make a sacrifice of internal discord upon the altar of patriotism, and to send back words of cheer and harmony to the camp.