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Later from the North.

We have received New York dates of the 18th instant.

Latest Yankee Accounts from Sherman — his destruction of property in the South.

The New York Herald has two pages filled with its army correspondence from Sherman, dated at Fayetteville on the 12th instant. The letters represent that Sherman has found plenty of provisions in the country along the route, and had left "thousands of bushels of corn on the road for want of transportation." All the farm-houses from Savannah to Columbia from which the inhabitants had fled were burned. This seems to have been peculiarly joyous to the correspondent, who, in a gush of delight, says:

‘ Think of this black swath extending from Barnwell to the coast, and figure upon the value of Southeastern South Carolina at the present day. Even the negroes were weary — afraid, in some instances, to trust themselves among the men who made this fearful work on the country. White table-cloths were suspended from windows, with "Have mercy on me!" for a legend; and the fiery spirit of South Carolina was tamed effectually.

’ The entrance to Columbia is described as a grand ovation to the "old flag," which was handsomely repaid by the burning of the town. The fate of Winnsboro', South Carolina, the next town entered, is thus described:

General Slocum double-quicked the advance of his column into the village of Winnsboro'to save the town from the torch of his foragers. General Pardee's brigade, of Geary's division, was in advance, and every effort was made to beat the stragglers from the grand army into town. They were not successful. The town was pillaged and set on fire before any organized body of troops got in.--All officers turned their attention to the fire, and arrested the progress of the flames. Generals Slocum, Williams, Geary, Pardee, Barnum, and all, worked with their hands, burned their whiskers and scorched their clothes, to prevent the repetition of Columbia scenes.

Occupation of Fayetteville.

Fayetteville is a town of some four thousand inhabitants. The first man to come into the town was Captain Duncan, commanding the scouts and mounted men of the Army of Tennessee. He was repulsed by Hampton's cavalry, and himself taken prisoner. His party was reinforced by the foragers and again attacked the place, taking it. General Giles A. Smith's Fourth division, Seventeenth army corps, came up, also the head of General Slocum's column, and hoisted the flag over the market-house.

The Mayor surrendered the town to Colonel William E. Strong, of General Howard's staff; then to General Slocum, who had just arrived.

As the rebels were retreating over the river, they opened two guns on the town, and then fired the bridge, which was covered with rosin.

Fayetteville is garrisoned by General Slocum. The best of order and regularity reigns there. The streets are patrolled by guards, thus protecting life and property. Nothing has been destroyed, or is likely to be destroyed, except the arsenal and the office of the Fayetteville Observer--a lying, truculent sheet, that well deserves its fate.

Kilpatrick's defeat by Hampton.

The letters could not well pass over the defeat of Kilpatrick by Hampton, but they try to cover it up as well as possible. It appears that Kilpatrick started, on the 9th, to "intercept" Hampton, who was protecting Hardee's rear, and, getting in front of him, waited for him to come up, which he soon did. The letter says:

‘ The attack was made in three columns. Wheeler led the right, Hampton the centre, and Butler the left, and was perfectly irresistible. Kilpatrick's first line, under Lieutenant-Colonel Way, was actually ridden over; headquarters and artillery captured; and at one time the entire camp, including the entire staff, and Colonel Spencer, commanding the Third brigade, were in the enemy's possession. But General Kilpatrick made his escape, joined the brigade of Colonel Spencer, which was falling back on feet, stubbornly disputing every inch of ground. A large portion of the enemy halted in and about the camp for a moment to plunder. This was fatal to him. Little Kil's brave cavalry rallied, under the leadership of their tried commander, retook the hills upon the left, and then, with one wild shout, swept down upon the rebels, who were swarming about the captured artillery and Kilpatrick's former headquarters. In a moment the artillery was in their possession, and turned upon the enemy.

Speech from Lincoln on the Confederate Negro Enlistment.

A Confederate flag, captured by an Indiana regiment, was presented, on Friday, by Governor Morton, in front of the National Hotel, in Washington. The Governor concluded his speech by introducing. Old Abe, who delivered a characteristic address, the closing part of which is subjoined:

They (the "rebels") have concluded at last to take one out of four of the slaves and put them in the army. While I have often said that all men ought to be free, yet I would allow those colored persons to be slaves who want to be; and next to them, those white persons who argue in favor of making other people slaves. [Applause.] I am in favor of giving an opportunity to such, white men to try it on for themselves. [Applause.] I will say one thing in regard to the negro being employed to fight for them. I do know be cannot fight and stay at home and make bread too--[laughter and applause]--and as one is about as important as the other to them, I don't care which they do. [Renewed applause.] I am rather in favor of having them try them as soldiers. [Applause.] They lack one vote of doing that, and I wish I could send my vote over the river, so that I might cast it in favor of allowing the negro to fight. [Applause.] But they cannot fight and work both. We must now see the bottom of the enemy's resources. They will stand out as long as they can; and if the negro will fight for them, they must allow him to fight.--They have drawn upon their last branch of resources. [Applause.] And we can now see the bottom. [Applause.] I am glad to see the end so near at hand. [Applause.]


Gold was weak and excited on the 17th, opening at 167, and closing at 163. The stock market was heavy, and prices declined.

Lincoln has appointed John'bigelow, the present Charge d' Affairs at Paris, Minister to the French Court.

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