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Committed to Castle Thunder.

--The following parties were committed to Castle Thunder yesterday:

F. Genini, conscript; F. Jackson, Twenty fourth Virginia cavalry, and R. F. Hitchcock, member of Gilmour's cavalry, charged with being professional garroters. Upon their persons were found slung-shots, lock picks and various other implements usually in the possession of desperadoes.

Samuel W. Bradly, of Henrico county, charged with aiding persons to escape to the Yankees, and James Gillinwater and William Ferris, of company C, Fourth Virginia battalion, and Charles Peycheux, charged with attempting to escape to the Yankees. In the case of Bradly, it is alleged that he agreed to put the three latter across the lines for a stipulated sum, having first received one thousand dollars as a stake. The parties were overhauled by Confederate scouts when within a couple of miles of the enemy's picket lines.

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