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Highway robbery.

--About half-past 7 o'clock Thursday night, Mr. Patrick H. Hoy, a well-known citizen of this place, was assaulted by two men, dressed in soldiers' clothes, while on Brook Avenue, near Leigh street, and robbed of a gold watch and chain, valued at three thousand dollars. The first attack upon him was made by Tildsley Graham, formerly of Norfolk, Virginia, who Mushed violently by him, and, when accosted about the meaning of such conduct, feigned drunkenness, staggered around a corner, Mr. Hoy then passed on, but was again met at the next corner by Graham, who struck at him; whereupon Mr. Hoy knocked him down, and was about administering further chastisement, when the fellow cried out "Rally, company B," which induced him to think that other assassins were about, and be therefore left him lying on the ground and continued his journey home at a quickened pace. Mr. Hoy had hardly gone two squares further on before be was again confronted by Graham, and immediately after recognizing him, he again knocked him down; but had hardly done so before he was struck on the side of his head by a blow from another party, which failed him to the earth, when both of them jumped on him and commenced rifling his pockets. Thinking it was the purpose of these fellows to take his life, Mr. Hoy called loudly for help, and a couple of horsemen happening to be coming along at time, the robbers ran off. Shortly afterwards, having procured the assistance of a watchman, Mr. Hoy started back in the direction of the place where he was last assailed, and while on the way, discovered a man standing on the corner of a street. which turned out to be Graham, and he was arrested. While Mr. Hoy was. on the ground his watch and chain was taken from his vest pocket, and the breast pocket of his coat was cut entirely out; but, fortunately, all his money had been left at home a few hours before, and therefore he lost none. The watch and chain were afterwards found under a lamp-post in the neighborhood, wrapped up in a handkerchief, which was in the coat pocket cut out. It was saturated with blood; but how it got there, Mr. Hoy is at a loss to account for.

Graham was brought before Recorder Caskie yesterday (who presided in the absence of the Mayor,) and, after hearing, the testimony, he was remanded for further examination before the Hustings Court. An ineffectual appeal for discharge was made by him upon the plea that he was very drunk at the time, and did not know what he was about.

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