From the United States.
The Yankee papers are rather uninteresting just now. Dates as late as the 26th contain nothing of importance.A Washington telegram of the 25th says that Sheridan has pursued Early one hundred miles from Harper's Ferry, and "has advanced so far from his base of operations that communication is hazardous."
An order has been issued expelling from Norfolk all persons over sixteen years of age who do not take the oath by the 15th of October next.
The following are the latest gold quotation:
On Saturday the excitement was intensified, and the market was in a state of panic all day. The opening sales were at 212, from which there was a rapid decline to 201½ then, a momentary dip still lower, and a sale in one instance at 200. An immediate rally took place, and the price at half-past 3 had reached 206½; but shortly before five o'clock it had dropped again to 202½@263. Later in the evening, at the up-town exchange, it sold as low as 199½ and was freely offered at 200.